'You uncle? Marrying his own niece?' I can't believe my ears. I narrow my eyes, trying to understand. She nods sadly.

'That is why we are here,' she shrugs. 'As my father has promised, I am ready to marry you, Laird MacKinnon.'

'You can call me Sloan, Megan,' I say, as a lump forms in my throat, forcing my voice to croak.

She is really beautiful. I wish she or her father would show up earlier and make it clear that she is my future wife. Too bad that they did not. The initial promise does not have any force if no action is taken afterwards. From her words I understand that she does not know that the engagement was not sealed. A detail that for the moment I prefer to keep quiet so as not to worry her.

'You can stay in my castle, under my protection,' I say to her, and she nods, with hope in her eyes. 'I will help you. Your uncle cannot hurt you while you are here. Come in, I will tell the maids to show you your rooms,' I add.

'Thank you,' lady Megan and lady Elsie say in unison. 'Can I tell my coachman to go home?' Megan asks.

'Yes, tell him.'

I wait by the main doors while she goes towards the coachman and speaks to him. The coachman nods and gets onto the carriage. The light sound of the horses' footsteps fills the yard, and soon the carriage is out of sight.

I look at the girls – they are both beautiful, but Megan is more attractive to me. She has a special sparkle in her eyes that make me smile. I watch the two sisters as they walk.

Forba is waiting for us in the hallway, ready, as always.

'Forba, please show lady Megan and lady Elsie McLeolds their bedrooms. You can give them the guest bedrooms on the second floor,' I tell her. Forba nods and smiles at the girls.

'Forba will show you your rooms, and then you can come to the dining-room to have breakfast. Forba will show you around. Feel free,' I tell Megan, looking into her beautiful brown eyes. She nods happily.

'Thank you very much, Sloan,' she says in a pleasant voice. 'I really appreciate your kindness.'

'You are always welcome,' I nod, smiling back. She looks at me one extra moment and then turns to go.

When they leave, I take a deep breath and go out to train with my men. My thoughts are with Megan, as I walk. She is beautiful, powerful, and very attractive. I would gladly marry her, if only…

She has big hopes to become my wife. In vain. But how can I tell her that? It will break her hopes, especially when she is so scared of her uncle and cannot go back home because of the fear of him marrying her.

I reach the back of the castle where my men are waiting for me to start the training. My thoughts are still with Megan. I wish they would let me know of the promise being in force a bit earlier. I and her father did not eventually agree on my marriage with Megan, which now I regret. If only I knew that she is so wonderful. Then I would not get engaged with Kaithria.

But I cannot tell Megan about my real fiancée who is about to arrive. It has to be a secret for now, until I see what can be done, otherwise it will change everything. I do not want to hurt Megan like that. I cannot tell her that eventually I and her father did not agree on the marriage, so I searched for another fiancée. But time will come, and she will find out everything. If only I could change everything and turn the other way. I would be happy by her side…

Chapter 4


Forba leads the way to the guest bedrooms, which are on the second floor. We go along stone hallways that are lit by beautiful lanterns on the walls. The castle is very big, with many hallways and staircases. We go up a swirling staircase in silence. Our footsteps echo as we walk. Forba is an old maid and looks kind. She does not ask unnecessary questions and does not put her nose in others' own businesses.

'Here is your bedroom,' she says kindly to me, stopping by a wooden door. 'And this is yours,' she adds, looking at Elsie.

'Thank you very much, Forba,' we say smiling, as she smiles back at us.

'You are welcome,' she says. 'Feel yourselves at home and comfortable,' she adds. 'If you need something, I will be in the kitchen; you can come and find me.'

'Thank you,' we say again. She nods and leaves.

Elsie's bedroom is right next to mine. I enter mine, while she enters hers. My bedroom is very beautiful, even though it is small. The moment I enter, I feel warmth. There is a wooden small bed on one corner, a mirror hanging on the wall, a closet, and a chair. The window is decorated with dark green curtains, which are open now, and bright sunlight gets into the room. There are lanterns on the walls that must be lit in the evenings to light the room.