‘Does she know that we are leaving tonight?’ I ask her.
‘No, she does not, but she is guessing that something is going on. She did not ask, though,’ Elsie says. ‘When I told her to keep it a secret that I am preparing a basket of food, she nodded and said that nobody will know about it. I love her so much – she is really helpful and does not ask unnecessary questions.’
‘That is really good, just great,’ I smile. ‘And I spoke with the coachman. Amhuinn said he will be ready with the carriage at midnight, and we will leave immediately. He also said that no one will ever find out about it. He is really loyal.'
‘Excellent!’ Elsie claps her hands.
I am so glad that we have such helpful people in our house,' I say happily. 'If we did not have them, we would probably not be able to run away. No one would help us, and we would be lost.’
‘Yes, but we have them, and everything will be different,' Elsie replies, her voice full with determination. 'We will get out of here and solve the problems. You will get married with that Laird of yours, and everything will be just great. Uncle Murgan will not threaten or make horrible plans for us anymore.’
I hope so. I will get married to Laird Sloan MacKinnon soon, and all our problems will be solved. That is the best plan that we could ever have.
We both are anxious, nervous, and worried, although excited about our upcoming happiness. While pacing back and forth in Elsie’s bedroom and overthinking our actions, midnight draws closer.
We are ready – we are wearing our beautiful tartan earasaids, our hair is done, and we have shawls in case it gets colder during the nighttime ride.
Elsie opens the door of her bedroom, I take the small suitcase with our essentials in it, and we tiptoe out. The house is silent – everyone is asleep. I have a fear that Uncle Murgan will notice us leaving, so when we walk past his bedroom door, we are extra careful. I have no idea what I will tell him if he gets out now and sees us leaving with a suitcase. Perhaps, he will lock us inside the house for the rest of the time until the wedding. A chill goes down my spine when I think about it. Thankfully he does not show up, and we reach the front door without any troubles.
Amhuinn is waiting for us at the stables, with the carriage and the horses ready. Thankfully, the horses are silent and do not wake our uncle up. I nod at the coachman, and he nods back. Amhuinn silently takes the suitcase from my hand, helps me and Elsie climb into the carriage, puts the carriage by my side and climbs into his seat in the front. We are ready to go away from home and escape all of our problems.
The carriage starts moving away from the stables, towards the gates. And with each second my heart and mind get more and more peaceful, freeing me from the invisible ropes that have been straining me for the past two years. Once we are out of the gates and into the cozy wilderness, where the insects dwell in the grass freely, and the cool air feels cooler, I gaze out of the window into the black sky, scattered with tiny sparkling stars, resembling fairy dust.
My mind wanders around, unable to take a rest, as I think about what lays ahead of us in the end of this long journey to Domnhall Castle. What is Laird Sloan MacKinnon is not there? What if he does not want to have any business with us? What if he is handsome and kind; and we can stay at his castle? I know that not everything may go right, but I have big hopes. Whatever happens, it will be better than if we stay at home. Staying at home will mean getting married with Uncle Murgan. And it is the worst thing that can ever happen.
Thoughts of different nature roam my mind, until I doze off, reclining in the back seat, while Elsie looks out of the window, absorbed in her own thoughts.
Chapter 3
The first rays of the sun penetrate through the gap between the wall and the curtain in my bedroom, and fall right onto my face, interrupting my dreams. I open my eyes to see a beautiful morning promising a wonderful day. I take a deep breath and stretch, remembering that I have a training to do with my men and deciding to get up at once.
I get up, wash and get dressed. When I open the door of my bedroom, I see Forba standing in the hallway, in front of it. That old lovely woman has been in the castle ever since I was a small child, and she is still the best maid that I have.