We start saying the words in prayer at the same time that we join our hands with a small cloth with the colors of the clan:

'The Mighty Three, my protection be, encircle me. You are around my life, my love, my home. Encircle me. O sacred three, the Mighty Thee.'

After saying the wedding vows, it is time to enter the kirk for the Nuptial Communion and the blessing of the food.

I am so happy through the entire ceremony. Everything is as it should be – beautiful, traditional. When everything is over and we are back at the castle for the celebration, I cannot believe that I am the Lady of Domnhall and Sloan's wife.

"Everything has been wonderful." I smile at Sloan who leads me by the hand to our carriage.

He smiles back and squeezes my hand gently. We have a whole life ahead of us full of joy and love.

Everything is going to be perfect and nobody and nothing will be able to spoil it.