'I am very sorry, Laird, for frolicking with this woman,' says the man who was trying to rape me. 'But she offered herself to me, while I was on my break, and I could not resist it. Please forgive me.'

Sloan throws himself onto that man, trying to hit him, but several other men hold him back.

'Sloan, no need,' I hear them say.

Tears well up in my eyes. Elsie comes running to me and hugs me.

'Megan would never do that. It is impossible,' she says. 'Everyone who knows Megan, knows that it is a lie!'

'Neither of the sisters is any good,' Lorna steps in. 'Both of them are good for nothing. Neither of them can be trusted. I knew it from the beginning. We better be off without them.'

I look at Sloan with teary eyes. He just stands there, looking back at me. He does not come to me, does not come to comfort me. Can it be that he believes them? After all that happened between us, after all that I told him about Kaithria and Lorna, can it be that he believes them?

'Everybody, leave,' Sloan orders everyone, his voice shaking with anger.

I cannot feel my feet, and I feel sick. Instead of coming to my rescue like Elsie, he probably blames me. Elsie grabs my earasaid from the ground, and we leave with the other people that were there. Kaithria is still sobbing, hugging Sloan tightly and looking unhappy. Sloan just stands there, looking lost.

Chapter 15


My room makes me feel more pressured, giving me memories of the past night spent with Megan. I walk up and down my room, take deep breaths. What happened today, does not give me peace. On the one hand, I do not think that Megan could have done that. She seems to be a good girl, especially that I took her virginity last night. She would not go and fall into the arms of another man. On the other hand, she looked like she had been making love to that man. Her hair was untidy, there was straw in her hair, she was undressed. There was no trace of being raped. She could have done it, knowing that I was not in the castle and would not find out. And she beat Kaithria because she does not like her and knew that Kaithria would tell me what she saw.

These thoughts do not give me peace. I cannot breathe freely – it seems like something is stuck inside my throat.

I do not know how much time has passed since I am in my room. It is time to go to the dining-room to have dinner. I was so overwhelmed with thoughts that I forgot to eat something after riding Bracelet.

I leave my bedroom and head towards the dining-room. Deep inside my mind, I want to see Megan again. I want to look into her eyes and see the truth there. I do not want to believe that Kaithria is right. She cannot be right. I will talk to Megan today in the dining-room. Or maybe after dinner. I want to tell her that I do not believe Kaithria. She will forgive my hesitation.

I open the dining-room door and enter. People are having dinner there, but Megan is not there. Kaithria and her mother are not there, either. I go and sit down, away from everyone, in the far end of the table, not wanting to talk to anyone. I will speak with Megan after dinner. I pour some ale and have a drink. I feel like having some alcohol to put my nerves at ease.

By each minute, I get surer and surer that Megan is not guilty. She could not be like that. She is innocent. I am sure of it now. I do not know what happened, but


'Elsie, can you believe it?' I still cannot get calm. I look out of the window in Elsie's bedroom, remembering what happened a couple of hours ago. I feel hungry, but there is no way I will go to the dining-room. I do not want to see anyone at all – not Kaithria and Lorna, not Sloan, and not anybody from his clan. Not even the maids. I know that everyone believes Kaithria now.


'Elsie, everyone believes Kaithria now,' I say angrily. 'She got her way. She got what she wanted. Did you see the look on Sloan's face when he was looking at me? He believed her – it is obvious.'

'I know, Meg, but you must stay strong,' Elsie says. 'Sooner or later everyone will know the truth. We will just have to wait a little. We must be patient.'

'Yes, we are patient, and we are strong,' I say, shaking my head. 'But we are not clever enough. Kaithria and Lorna made the whole thing up, made me look like a bad girl, and got away with it. And now, while we are here, probably they are in the dining-room, speaking with Sloan and making friends with everyone.'