Kaithria is sitting next to me, and looks intently at me whenever I look at Megan. She does it on purpose, to show that she can see it. I do not really care. Deep inside my mind, I am willing to stop my engagement with her, even though I will have to pay for the consequences. I will do everything to get married with Megan. By each minute, that thought solidifies inside my head, slowly turning into a decision that I start to obsess over. I will break my engagement with Kaithria, pay the consequences, whatever they are, make Kaithria and Lorna leave the castle, and get married with Megan.

This is it. I will have to speak with Megan about my decision soon. We will talk about it, and then I will tell Kaithria about my decision about breaking up with her. I know it is going to be noisy on her part, and there is going to be a lot of fuss. But it is worth it. I want to live the rest of my life with Megan.

'Sloan?' I hear Kaithria's voice and turn around. Nearly everyone has left the dining-room, while I was staring at Megan and thinking about my plans. Kaithria touches my arm, as she says my name. 'Is everything all right? You seemed to be dozing off.'

'Yes, yes, it is fine,' I say and get up. I need to think over everything, to make my plans more realistic, while trying not to hurt Kaithria too much when I tell her the truth. I get out of the dining-room and go out to the stables. Maybe if I ride Bracelet a little in the fresh morning air, my mind will be clear and I will know better what to do. As I leave the dining-room, I know that both Kaithria and Megan are looking at me. I hope they do not start a fight about who is watching me walking away.

Bracelet is waiting for me and gets happy when sees me. I mount my favorite horse and leave the stables, as my horse is galloping out of the gates and across the green grass, happy to feel the nature again.


Kaithria is looking at me like she wants to kill me. I hurriedly get up from the table, followed by Elsie, and leave the dining-room.

'I hope they do not come after us,' Elsie whispers as we appear in the hallway.

I look back – thankfully nobody is walking behind us.

'Do you think she knows that you have spent the night with Sloan?' Elsie asks again in a whisper.

'No, I am sure she does not know. How would she know? But she saw how Sloan and I were looking at each other,' I say. 'Sloan was looking at me the entire time of the breakfast, and I was returning his glances. We just could not keep our eyes away from each other,' I add in a dreamy voice. I feel so happy that I got to see him for so long in the dining-room, and even though he was sitting beside Kaithria, he was looking at me.

'Yes, I know, and she was not happy about it,' Elsie adds.

We reach her bedroom and enter. I lock the door from the inside – who knows what Kaithria and Lorna will do after the breakfast full with my and Sloan's romantic glances towards each other?

'What do you think, Meg?' Elsie asks me, 'what will Laird decide?'

'I have no idea, Elsie, but I hope he will think about what I told him,' I shrug. 'Yesterday he seemed to be interested in what I was saying. Maybe he will think more.'

'Today he sat beside Kaithria but kept looking at you,' Elsie points out. 'It definitely means something.'

My heart fills with thrill at the memory of him looking at me throughout the breakfast.

'Elsie, I hope he will decide something and let me know,' I say, full of hope. At that moment, there comes a knock on the door.

I and Elsie look at each other for a second, without moving.

'Who can it be?' Elsie asks, narrowing her eyes.

'Sloan?' I ask, hoping that it is him.

'Maybe Kaithria?' Elsie asks again and tiptoes to the door.

'Open the door, Elsie,' I tell her, 'we are not cowards, and we are not hiding from anyone. If they want to fight, we shall fight, too.'

Elsie opens the door. One of the maids is standing behind it.

'Hello,' she says. 'Is Lady Megan here?'

'Yes,' I say, approaching the door. 'Why?'

'I was told that the Laird is waiting for you at the stables and wants to talk with you, Lady Megan,' the maid says. 'Also, I was told that you must go alone. The Laird wants to see only you.'

My heart almost jumps out from my chest. 'Oh… yes, thank you,' I say, too surprised and excited at her words. The maid nods and goes away.