'What did he say?' Elsie is interested.

'He was surprised to hear that because he thought Kaithria was an angel, and her mother a nice creature,' I shrug. 'But in the end, he started considering what I told him. He did not tell me what he was going to do, of course. But he started thinking about it, at least.'

'I see,' Elsie nods, 'it is also a good thing that he started thinking about it. And what happened next? How did it happen that you started making love? Tell me everything, Meg,' she adds, sounding more excited.

'We watched the stars together, then he kissed me, and we ended up spending the night together in his bed,' I say, smiling. 'Elsie, it was magical. I am sure that he is the man that I love.'

Elsie smiles, then comes and hugs me. 'Meg, I think everything will be all right.'

'I also hope so. But while I was coming back from his room, Kaithria and Lorna appeared in front of me out of nowhere and started insulting me,' I say, shaking my head. 'They were so rude, as always.'

'Oh, can it be that they were spying on you and knew where you are returning from?' Elsie became worried.

'I do not think so, but they started talking about why I am wandering through the castle so early in the morning. They said that maybe I was in one of the workers' bedroom and spent the night with the workers of the barn,' I shrug. 'They are so rude. I barely contained myself and ran away from them.'

'Meg, they are really rude. But do not pay attention to what they said. They just wanted to make you feel bad, and now you are feeling bad,' Elsie says, hugging me. 'Forget about them.'

'I would, but they said that they would make sure that everyone in the castle knew that I was spending my nights with the barn workers,' I say angrily. 'What if they spread the word and everyone starts believing that lie?'

'No one will believe them, Meg,' Elsie tries to convince me. 'No one in the castle loves or respects them, so no one will believe their word. Do not worry about it.'

'Maybe,' I shrug. 'I hope so. Otherwise I will feel really bad.'

'I am sure about it,' Elsie says again. 'And now, let's get ready and go to the dining-room for breakfast.'

'Let's go,' I say happily, eager to see Sloan again, as my heart starts beating faster from the upcoming excitement.

Chapter 14


I cannot get Megan out of my mind. Her body, her hypnotizing smell, her sweet taste, her eyes, and her everything makes me go crazy.

I stay in my bed some extra minutes after she is gone, just to smell the pillows and quilts that still smell like her. I know that the smell will wear off soon, so I try to sniff it as much as possible. I wish I could have Megan in my bed every single night. It would be perfection. It would be my dream that will have come true. I regret that I am engaged to Kaithria, especially now that Megan told me how rude she and her mother are. I wish I could end my engagement and get engaged to Megan instead.

I take a deep breath and get up. I need to get ready and go to the dining-room to have some breakfast. Also, I cannot wait seeing Megan again. A short time has passed since she was here, but I miss her already.

I get ready and leave my room. On my way to the dining-room I meet Kaithria and Lorna who are also heading there for breakfast. They are talking together in low voices before they see me, and when they see me they burst into big and nice smiles.

'Oh, good morning, my love,' Kaithria says, making me feel uncomfortable. I feel uncomfortable that she called me my love, especially in front of her mother, who will do everything to make me set a wedding date. Even though I know that she is not the nice girl I thought she was, I feel bad because Kaithria does not know that her future husband has spent the night with another girl.

While I am lost in my thoughts, we reach the dining-room. I search the room with my eyes for Megan, and only when I see her, I can breathe freely again. She looks at me from across the room, her eyes gleaming with a special glitter, the one when a girl has when she is in love. I return her gaze. I am sure Kaithria and her mother noticed it, but I do not care anymore. As I sit down at the table, I make sure that I sit across from Megan, so that I can see her whenever I want to. And I want to see her all the time. We look at each other the entire time during the breakfast, and every time our eyes meet, I feel my heart warming up. Something has changed in me after last night, and I feel more warmth towards this girl that I felt before. I miss her whenever I am not lookin at her, and I am sure that what I am feeling is love.