Megan's slow and even breathing tells me that she has already fallen asleep. I cover us up with the light blanket and cuddle with her. I am so happy right now. I am so happy in Megan's embrace. I want this to repeat every night. I want her by my side all the time. I wish I could marry Megan instread.

I do not know when, my eyes close in this pleasant state of relaxation.


'Listen, my girl,' my mother says, as she brushes my hair. 'It is almost time for you to go to Sloan's bedroom. I hope you have taken a bath.'

'Of course, mother,' I reply, as I straighten my most expensive nightdress. 'I am ready to sleep with the Laird of Domnhall,' I add proudly, already imagining the look on Megan's face when she finds it out tomorrow.

'Good,' my mother nods, with a small smile on her face. She is content, at last. 'Have fun. Enjoy it, but at the same time do not forget to make the Laird fall in love with you. You know what to do. Just make sure no one sees you on your way to his bedroom. Be careful.'

'Yes, mother,' I say and open the door of my bedroom. Sticking out my head, I look left and right – the flickering lights coming from the dim lanterns on the walls show that the hallway is empty. 'I will return in the morning, mother.'

'All right, now it is past midnight, I will go to sleep. Take your time,' my mother says and goes towards her bed.

I close the door after me and start walking along the empty hallway towards the Laird's bedroom. There is a long way to reach there, including the staircases. I smile as I walk, impatient to see the Laird's face when he sees my charms. He will not be able to resist me. According to my mother's plans, I will sneak into his bed and start kissing his neck, but I think I will behave more innocent, so that he will melt. I rehearse in my mind my part of the talk that I am going to say to him. 'My dear future husband, I was so sad and lonely in my room, and I could not sleep. I started thinking about monsters, I got scared, and decided to come to you. I feel safe when I am with you. Maybe we can sleep together?'

Of course, Sloan will think that I only want to fall asleep in his room, and nothing more, as he knows that I am an innocent virgin. And he will agree to let me sleep in his room. Of course, it will turn into a better experience than just sleeping, I think to myself and smile, as I walk along the semi-dark corridors.

But what if he is already asleep? Well, I will sneak into his bed, all the same, and wake him up, telling him the same thing. He will surely want to protect the innocent girl from the monsters, as he is strong and brave. I smile under my nose at the idea. My mother will be proud of me when I tell her about it in the morning.

At last, I am in front of his bedroom door. I slightly push it – it is not locked.

I push the door open noiselessly, and tiptoe into the Laird's bedroom. I have never been here before. It is a big room, decorated with beautiful paintings on the walls, and there is expensive furniture here. Numerous small lanterns are on the wall, lighting the bedroom dimly.

It seems like the Laird is asleep in his bed. Maybe he sleeps with the lights on. I wonder if this is going to be my bedroom when we get married. Most probably, yes, as I will become the wife of the Laird, and this will be our bedroom. I smile at the idea, and already start to feel myself at home in this bedroom. Megan will be so jealous tomorrow morning when she finds out that I spent the night with Sloan. Maybe then she will fully understand that he is mine, and will abandon all the hopes that she has regarding my future husband. Whatever happens tonight will put an end to her hopes, and I will live in peace.

The big bed is in the middle, under the widest wall, and Sloan is asleep in it. I slowly walk towards the bed, trying not to make noise. I do not want him to wake up until I am lying down by his side. He is covered under covers, and his face is not visible, as there are no lanterns above his bed. But I can tell that there is someone sleeping in the bed, and it must be him.

I make sure that my underwear is still beautiful, sweeping my hands down the soft fabric. Then I make sure my hair is soft and lovable. Then I lie down on the edge of the bed and turn to look at him, but it is not him. I cover my mouth with my hand, so that I will not shriek – sleeping in Sloan's embrace is Megan, naked, under the covers. I cannot believe what I am seeing. Both of them are sleeping peacefully together. I gasp and jump out of the bed. Initially, I want to slap Megan for getting into my fiancé’s bed, but then I think Sloan will not forgive me the slap, after all, he thinks that I am a sweet nice innocent girl.