I smile. Not because he asked me to, but because his words made me happy. I smile and continue staying in his room. The conversation seems to be over now, and it is time for me to go back. But I do not want to. It feels so good to be in his bedroom. I did not want the conversation to end so soon, yet it did. I had not planned it that way, but it happened that way. Now, all is left to do is to leave his bedroom, bidding him good night.

As I get up, he walks towards the window and draws away the curtains, revealing the starlit sky with the full moon in the middle.

'The sky is so beautiful tonight,' he says. 'The moon is big. It looks magical. Do you want to have a look at it?'

I do not wait for the second offer. Immediately I walk to the window and look up at the sky. This is the most beautiful sky that I have ever seen, or maybe it seems to me like that now because I am standing next to Sloan.

'This is magnificent,' I whisper. 'The stars are scattered in the black sky like white flowers in the field. Today I went up to the tower to look at the sky, and it was almost like this.'

'Looks magical,' he says in a low whisper. I have a feeling that he is looking at me instead of the sky. I turn my head – I am right. He is looking at me with a handsome gaze. His brown eyes are warm and inviting, and I return the gaze. We stand there, staring into each other's eyes for some time – I have no idea for how long, because I have lost the feeling of time. All I feel is the flickering of butterflies inside my stomach and the waves of happiness that I receive through his gaze.

Sloan has no intention of turning away his eyes. Not that I want him to turn away his eyes. I feel more and more attached to him by each passing second. Part of me tells me that this is insane, that I must not allow this to happen. The other part tells me to enjoy it as much as possible, because this may be temporary.

I do not look away. Sloan slowly walks closer to me and gently takes my hand. I feel a tornado pass through my hand and spread over my entire body. I press my fingers around his hand, feeling the warmth and pleasure it radiates. He gently picks my other hand, too, and now we are holding hands and looking into each other's eyes, standing really close to each other. I can feel him moving closer, and the distance between us gets shortened by each second, until he is standing right in front of me, his face very close to mine.

I gasp barely audibly. He draws even closer, until I can feel his breath on my face. It is hypnotizing. I look into his eyes, sweet, brown, warm. I cannot look away. I cannot force myself to break the attachment, because it is stronger than me. His warm breath on my face pins me on spot, making me want more. My eyes slowly close as he dives in for a kiss. His lips meet mine, and for a second we stop, clinging to each other, just to feel the touch and warmth of our lips.

Sloan starts kissing me softly, holding my body with his arms. I feel like I will melt right here and now. He presses me against his body, deepening the kiss, as if he wants to swallow me. I feel his tongue inside my mouth and caress it with mine. My breath comes in intervals, and I feel weak in his embrace. I throw my arms around his neck and bring his head even closer to mine, as if I am getting absorbed into him.

The kiss seems to go on forever. Sloan is sweet, his warm breath feeling fresh and charming. I want him to kiss me forever. I do not want it to end. I do not want to go back to my bedroom. I keep kissing him back, wanting it to last forever. I am afraid for the kiss to end. I know that after this finishes, I will have a magical memory to remember forever.

'Megan,' Sloan whispers through the kisses, as he gently grabs my waist, and presses me even harder against his body. I am too weak to respond.

I wish he keeps on kissing and holding me. He does. I gently caress his neck with one hand, as I return his hot kisses, which are becoming more and more passionate. I do not remember who I am, where I am, why I am here, and what is happening. I only know that I am in bliss. This is paradise. I enjoy each and every second of the kiss, breathing in Sloan's breath.