'Then we will do everything to ruin their stupid plans,' I say, as a smile crosses my face. My initial rage is slowly wearing off, being replaced by will power.

As we walk down the empty corridor, we see Forba coming towards us.

'Good afternoon, girls, how are you?' She asks kindly with her croaky voice, as she stops beside us.

‘We are well,' I reply. 'Enjoying the wonderful day. And how are you?'

'I am also well,' she says, nodding. 'I appreciate that you ask me how I am. Mostly, no one cares how old Forba is…'

'Oh, well, we do care,' Elsie says cheerfully. 'By the way, Forba, count on us if you think we can help with something.

Forba's smiling face turns even brighter with joy. ‘Oh, my wonderful girls; thank you for being the sunshine of this castle,’ the old maid says happily. ‘Not much to do, but if you really want to do something, and if you insist, I can suggest that you can calculate the packs of flour in the pantry - I have not had time to them up nicely and I don't know if we're going to need more, 'she adds, looking at Elsie.

‘That is exactly what I will do,’ Elsie replies and heads towards the pantry, while I go towards the main room to see how can I be of help.

Chapter 9


I wipe my sweating forehead as I walk towards the stables. I need to ride Bracelet, my white horse, away from everything, away from everyone, to feel the fresh breeze slapping my face. I have not ridden my favorite horse for quite some time. I look at the sky - the day will end soon – the sun is nearing the horizon. This is my favorite time of the day, when the sunshine is still present, but not piercing the eyes, and the evening breeze is slowly starting to show up, bringing some fresh and cool air to your nose.

As I enter the stable, my beautiful horse recognizes me and gets excited. I smile at Bracelet.

‘Missed me, huh?’ I say, approaching it and patting on the head very lightly. ‘I know, I know, I missed you, too, my beautiful Bracelet. The only creature that I want to see right now. What would I do if I did not have you?’ I think Bracelet understands me. I remember when Bracelet was born, I was just a child. We have grown up together. I am sure that Bracelet understands me, and knows what I am saying when I am talking to it.

‘Ah, I have been looking for you, Sloan,’ a female voice is heard from the entrance of the stables. I turn back and see Kaithria entering. She looks beautiful and charming, but something in her voice makes me hesitate smiling.

‘Yes? Kaithria?’ I ask, raising my eyebrows. 'Is there anything you wanted to tell me? Why were you looking for me?'

This is the second incident that she goes looking for me in the castle. I do not like the pressure – I am used to living freely, being wherever I want to be, and not having to give answers as to where I have been and why. But I think that this is just the beginning, and everything will be all right with time.

‘Well, first of all, I am having a hard time trying to find my future husband in the castle, and this is almost every day,’ she says, chuckling, as she approaches me.

‘So?’ I feel the pressure more now. I do not like where this conversation is going.

‘No, it does not mean you cannot go wherever you want to, my dear,’ she says, slowly coming forward, as if realizing her mistake. ‘It is just that I am getting nervous when I cannot find you. I miss you during the day.’

‘All right, Kaithria, straight to the point, please,’ I say. ‘Why were you looking for me? Was there something you wanted to tell me?’

‘Ah, yes,’ I see disappointment on her face.

‘Then do it quickly, please, Kaithria, I am going to ride my horse in a few minutes,’ I say. I do not know why I am annoyed with her – probably because in the depths of my mind I wanted Megan to come looking for me. I try to shake off those thoughts – Megan is not my future wife, Kaithria is. And the sooner I stop fantasizing about Megan, the better.

‘Yes, I will not take you long,’ Kaithria says. ‘There is an important thing that I want to speak with you about. It is about the MacLeold sisters.’

I straighten up upon hearing Megan’s surname. I try to hide the wave of worry that covers me upon hearing the surname. I do not want Kaithria to realize that I am not indifferent towards Megan.

‘What has happened to them?’ I ask, trying to keep the anxiety out of my voice.