I do not want to believe what I have just heard. It is too cruel. I do not think that I can handle this. I certainly do not want to burst out crying, so I just try to blink back the tears by staying silent.

‘Lady Megan, you and your sister can still stay in my castle,’ Sloan says, with a note of determination in his voice. ‘The fact that I have a fiancée does not change anything. Also, I will not let you stay alone in the future. I will look for a suitable husband for you, one from a good family, and whom I can trust. And until then, you are under my protection. I will support you in any situation. I want you to be sure about that.’

‘Another husband? But …’ I blurt out and stop. I do not want to tell him that I wanted him as a husband, even though it is clear from my tone and speech. I do not want another husband. I will not settle for any man, for the sake of not staying alone in the future. Then I have an idea. My voice is fierce again, and I look at him proudly: ‘Laird, I am not going to settle for just any man. I will make the final decision to accept the offer or not. And if I am not satisfied, I will leave with my sister.’

'I understand, Megan, of course, you are going to have the final say,' Sloan says, nodding. 'I will do everythnig to find you the one who will deserve you. And then it is up to you to accept or to refuse the offer. I just want you to know that I will not find just anyone. I will do everything to find a suitable person. Please note that.'

I look at him. I do believe that he will not find just anyone to get done with it and get rid of me and Elsie. I am almost sure of it, although I do not know him well yet. I nod, not having anything else to say.

'Please, until then, stay in my castle and feel yourselves at home,' he tells me. 'I want to see you safe and happy here. You and your sister are under my responsibility.'

'Why?' I ask. I want to hear from him that he cares for me, even though he is not going to marry me. But instead, he says:

'I have known your father. I have respected him. And I feel responsible to take care of you and your sister until you have someone better to take care of you.'

'Thank you,' I say, nodding. I do not want to continue this conversation, as everything is already clear. There is one thing that I want to ask him, but I do not think that I will ask him that question, because it is too personal. I want to ask him if he loves his fiancée. It will remain an unanswered question for me forever.

He just looks at me, saying nothing, so I turn around and leave.

Chapter 5


She is a fire. She is a splendid girl. I can even say that she is the girl of my dreams. Her fighting spirit is just the thing that I have always looked for in girls and women and have never found it in anyone. Oh, how I regret that I have a fiancée now. How I regret that Megan will not be my wife. I wish I could change everything and marry Megan instead. She would be the perfect wife for me. I would be the happiest by her side.

The way she cornered me. The way she shot angry sparks from her enchanting eyes. I was haunted for a moment. I take a deep breath. I hope I am not in the process of falling in love right now. Better not be, as my fiancée is on her way here.

My men are waiting for me, but I have no interest in continuing training now. I am sitting on a rectangular stone in front of the barn, looking towards the horizon.

'You go, train without me,' I tell Frasier, my cousin. He nods and goes to tell the other men. I am in no mood, and I will certainly not concentrate on training even if I join the men.

I look away, towards the horizon, where everything seems so peaceful, unlike the state inside my heart. Kaithria is probably somewhere there, on her way, coming to my castle. I do not want to think about what will happen on the day she arrives. I do not even want to imagine what will happen when Kaithria arrives, and the two girls get to know each other. Megan will be heartbroken, and Kaithria will not want the sisters inside the castle, that is for sure. I have no idea how I am going to settle the problems. I only know one thing – that I cannot change anything now. It is too late. Everything is already arranged.