Page 60 of Leo (Vigilance 3)

“Then let’s do this.”

We moved silently toward the house. Once it came into view, Giorgio used a scope to scan the area. “Nothing. Any word from X?”

I checked my phone and shook my head. We were supposed to wait for X’s word that Emilio had hacked the security system. I called him but got no response. “Something’s off.”

Giorgio nodded. “We need to go in. We can’t back down now.”

I agreed. “Let’s break in through the sliding door.” I pointed toward the back deck. “I’ll head straight for the master suite. You search the downstairs.”

We started across the lawn toward the house, moving quickly, then something hit my shoulder, knocking me back.

Giorgio turned, then he fell too. I saw a dart sticking out of his back. Fuck.

I reach for my shoulder, but I was already losing coordination. I grabbed the dart and yanked it out, but it was too late. The world went dark around the edges. I told my legs to move, but I wasn’t getting off the ground. A second later, the world went black.



“What happened?” I asked after Niall turned onto the road.

“Emilio showed up at X’s house.”

“Emilio is…”

“Our computer guy.”

“Wait. He knows who X is?”

“Apparently, but that’s not important. What matters is that his identity is compromised, and he’s been sent misinformation. X can’t get ahold of Leo or Giorgio. Swain knew they were coming.”

I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to remember how to breathe. Was Leo alive? Would I see him again? “What are we going to do?”

“X and some others are on the way to help. We’re going to find Leo and Giorgio, and we’re going to kill Swain.” Niall’s voice remained calm and steady, but I could tell he was shaken.

“Do you think they…”

“They’re alive, and they’re going to be fine.”

I knew he was trying to convince himself. “What can I do to help?”

“You can stay behind me and make sure you don’t get hurt. If you do, Leo will kill me.”

“Could he?” Niall was smaller, but I had no doubt he was more dangerous than he appeared.

“He would sure as hell try.”

I massaged my forehead, trying to make a worsening headache recede. “I hate this.”

“You and me both.”

“How do you handle the stress of operations like this?” I couldn’t imagine doing what Niall did all the time.

“You focus on what you have to do and put one foot in front of the other until it’s done. Afterwards, you can fall apart.”

“So you aren’t stoic all the time?”

“Hell no. If Leo told you that, he was bullshitting you.”

“No. I’ve seen him… I mean, I knew that.”

“If he let you see that he’s not always strong and in charge, then he cares about you a lot.”

“But he said—” I covered my mouth quickly. “Never mind.”

Niall frowned. “What do you think he said?”

“I shouldn’t have been listening.”

“You might as well tell me. It’s going to take us at least five more minutes to get there. We need something to distract us.”

“Earlier today I went to the office to ask him a question, and I heard all of you talking. He said he didn’t want to be involved with me after you took down Swain.”

Niall’s forehead scrunched like he was thinking hard. “He didn’t. He said he couldn’t walk away from you.”


“Oh shit.” Niall glanced over at me. “You misheard him. He was talking about Vigilance. He didn’t want you involved in Vigilance anymore because he doesn’t want you in danger.”

My vision went fuzzy at the edges. We had a chance. He might want to stay with me. He might actually want me to be his, but now… “I won’t let Swain have him.”

“Let me handle this. I should be the one to take any risks that need to be taken.”

“Do you have an extra gun?”

“Do you know how to shoot?”

“My parents made me go to summer camp. I did target shooting.”

“Were you any good?”

I smiled. “I won the competition every summer.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Eight years.” And no, I hadn’t shot a gun since.

Niall didn’t look convinced, but when he stopped the car, he opened a compartment between the seats, pulled out a gun, and handed it to me. “Only use it as a last resort.”

I would do whatever it took to get Leo back.



Using the smallest of movements, I worked the knife Swain had failed to take from me back and forth over the ropes that bound my arms. I was tied to a chair in the middle of an empty second-floor room in Swain’s house. Giorgio was bound as well, but he hadn’t regained consciousness yet. I was starting to worry. I hoped to God his tranquilizer dose hadn’t been too high.

We’d been alone in the room since I’d woken, but before I could get myself free, Swain sauntered in. I held my hands still and glared at him.