Page 42 of Leo (Vigilance 3)

She laughed. “I’m sure they enjoyed that.”

We both smiled, then my phone buzzed again. “What’s up, Six?”

“Two men tailing us.”

“I’m on my way.”

Phoebe laid a hand on my arm. “Be careful.”

I nodded and took off, glad I kept a gun on me all the time these days. I ran toward the bookstore, weaving around other pedestrians. As I reached the right block, I slowed, knowing I needed to approach the situation carefully. I hadn’t received any further messages from Six.

When I got to the bookstore, what I saw through the window made my blood go cold.



Agatha was busy with a customer when I entered the shop, so I decided to peruse the shelves while I waited. That meant I’d probably be buying several more books, but I was okay with that. They’d likely be ones I would have gotten later anyway.

I was looking through a stack of Agatha Christie paperbacks, wondering if there were any there that I didn’t already own, when I felt the presence of someone else. I hadn’t heard the bell over the door jingle, but maybe someone had already been in the store, and I simply hadn’t noticed them.

The person moved closer, and when I turned, my pulse sped up and a sick feeling settled in my stomach.

The man standing much too close to me was Bernard Swain. He looked as overly tanned and plastic as he did on TV, and there was so much product in his hair I could probably snap it off in my hand.

He smiled the same smarmy smile I’d seen in his campaign advertisements. “I see you recognize me. I assure you anything the spy you’re working for has told you about me is a distortion of the truth.”

“I doubt that.” The words were out before my brain could censor them. I didn’t need to piss Swain off. Leo said he wouldn’t hesitate to kill me.

Could he really get away with that in public? I was thankful we were right by a window. I could hear Agatha talking to a customer, so I knew she was okay for now. “Why are you here?”

He gave me a disappointed look. “So defensive. I wish there was more time for us to get to know each other. I’d love to tell you about some of the more interesting things your employer—or is he more than that now that he’s taken you home—has done. He doesn’t do seconds, you know, so I hope you weren’t expecting more.”

I wanted to tell him Leo was a good man, better than he’d ever dream of being, but I kept my mouth shut.

“He’ll discover us soon, your Leo. I have no doubt he’s having you followed. In fact, my men are probably working on that issue now.”

“Shouldn’t you leave, then?”

“I have a message for your boss, and I want you to give it to him.”

When silence stretched between us, I couldn’t take it. “The message is…”

He studied me for a moment. “You’re braver than I expected.”

“That’s an interesting message coming from you.”

He laughed, and the sound made me shiver. “No wonder he likes you. Your sense of humor is the same.”

What he didn’t know was that I was channeling Leo, pretending to be as casual as he was when confronted with danger.

“Tell him that if he wants to keep you alive, he’ll stay out of my business. If anything comes from his accusations, I will find you, bring you home with me, and make you suffer before I kill you.”

The room spun around me. My heart was beating so hard I wondered if I might pass out. I couldn’t do that. I needed to stay conscious. I needed to get away from this man. He was insane, evil, and…

“Will you tell him that for me?”

I didn’t say anything. I didn’t trust my voice.

“I’m waiting for your answer.”

Leo rounded the corner of the closest shelf. Swain jumped aside as Leo nearly grabbed him.

“You don’t want to do that,” he said. “How would it look assaulting a congressman in broad daylight in a bookshop? Think of the sympathy I would get.”

Leo grabbed me and pulled me behind him. “This is between you and me. Ezra has nothing to do with it.”

“Oh, you’re wrong there. He has everything to do with it. Everyone and everything you care about, your employees, your team, your precious shop. I won’t hesitate to end it all. Back off while you still can.”

I heard a scream and then a thump.

Swain grinned. “Better go see what that was.” He slipped behind another bookcase.

“Are you all right?” Leo asked.

I nodded. “Yes. Fine. Go after him.”

“No, this isn’t the right time.” He took my hand and we rushed toward the front of the store.

A man lay on the ground, blood pooled around his head. Agatha was slumped on the floor behind the counter, and the man who’d been watching me from the front of the tattoo shop knelt beside her.