Page 31 of Leo (Vigilance 3)

“You’d think by now I would have learned to plan for that.”

“You’re supposed to be getting less cynical now that you’re a civilian, not more so.”

I looked down at Ezra, thinking that if I could be what he needed, if I could stay with him, that might be possible. I might actually be as happy as I pretended to be, but I wouldn’t risk his life for that opportunity.

“So you’ve got Emilio on this? Is it safe for him?”

I barely heard X’s intake of breath, but it was enough to let me know he was worried. “He told me it wasn’t easy, that Swain had some of the best working for him, but that wasn’t going to stop him. I’ll keep you informed. I expect another call as soon as you’ve heard from Devil.”

“Yes, sir.” X’s tone made it clear he wasn’t going to discuss Emilio anymore. He was a damn fine hacker, one of the best I’d worked with, but he was young, and I was worried he was taking more chances than he should.

When I ended the call, Ezra asked, “Is that the same man you called before?”

“Yes. You really are listening closely, aren’t you?”

He glanced away. “Yes. I know you said—”

“It’s okay. We call him X, and he’s the head of our organization.”

“Is that why he rarely comes by the shop?”

I hesitated. There were some things I could share with him, but X’s identity wasn’t one of them. I had to choose my words carefully. “He doesn’t come by the shop often because people might recognize him.”

Ezra sat up, looking even more curious than he had before. “Is he, like, somebody famous?”

“Yes.” I wasn’t going to say more.

“You’re making it worse.”

“I can’t give away his identity. It would put his safety and that of his family in jeopardy.”

“Can you tell me how you know him?”

“He wasn’t in the CIA if that’s what you’re wondering. I met him on a joint mission with another agency.”

“Is that how all of you know each other? Giorgio? Niall?”

I nodded.

“Was Niall in the FBI?”

I grinned. “It’s the suits, isn’t it?”

“Yes.” He laughed, and seeing him happy again made my pulse speed up.

“What about Giorgio?”

“He and X were in the same unit.”

“Special forces?”

I should have known he’d guess the right answers. He was much smarter than his shy demeanor led people to believe. “Yes, but no more details about them.”

“What about Six and Muffin? Who are they?”

“They work for the Marchesis, but we’re borrowing them for security.”

“They work for…”

“You can trust them. They’re here to protect you.”

He didn’t look convinced, but he changed the subject. “Tell me more about what you do and the man you’re after.”

I sighed. “He’s also someone you would recognize.”


“Yes.” The pizza arrived then, keeping me from having to say more.

I hoped Ezra would focus on eating, but as soon as we put slices on our plates and I offered him a beer, he took a bite, then met my gaze.

“If I’m in danger, I deserve to know why.”

He was right, and he needed to know who to look out for.

“You have to keep this secret. You cannot talk about it to anyone, not even to Cathy. It would put you and anyone you talk to in even more danger.”

He looked scared, but all he said was, “Okay.”

“The man we’re after is Bernard Swain.”

He nearly choked on his bite of pizza. “The conservative asshole who doesn’t think ‘the gays’ should have legal protections?”

“The very one.”

“Fuck. I assumed he was doing something he wouldn’t want his constituents to know about, but human trafficking?”

“Ironic, isn’t it? Since he’s accused his opponent of being involved in the same.”

The fear in Ezra’s eyes was replaced by anger. “I want you to get him.”

I smiled, liking the vicious streak in him. “I will. Don’t worry.”

“How are you so damn confident?”

I finished my first piece of pizza before answering. “I’ve had a lot of experience, and I know what I’m capable of.”

Ezra got a dreamy expression on his face.

“Thinking about how capable I was earlier?”

He huffed. “Your arrogance should annoy me.”

“Nah. You like it.”

“Do you have evidence against Swain?”

“We’re not mistaken. He’s in on this.”

“I didn’t mean I doubted you. I was hoping you had evidence that could be used in court, concrete proof you could turn over to the police.”

“We do, but Swain has connections within the law enforcement and judicial systems. He’d never be prosecuted. If he’s dead, he can’t hurt anyone else.”

“Is it that easy for you to kill?”

His question hurt, even though it shouldn’t have. I’d chosen my path, and I was proud of the things I’d done to keep others safe. “It’s easy when I know it’s the best way to make someone—or a whole nation—safe. I don’t take it lightly, but I will kill without hesitation.” If someone tried to harm Ezra, they’d be dead in less than a second.