Page 54 of Leo (Vigilance 3)



The next few days were a wonderful fantasy. Leo and I made breakfast together each morning, and I practiced my baking skills with several holiday cookie recipes. Leo ordered even more lights to decorate the house, and I had a blast helping him string them up, then being pulled from the ladder and laid out in front of the fire for him to feast on.

Each night we spent hours exploring each other. Leo seemed as desperate for that connection as I was. He was rough and demanding, but I sensed a neediness in him that ran deeper than just sex. Neither of us talked about what would happen when Swain was no longer a threat.

Leo hadn’t tied me up again, but he promised he would soon, and I knew he was a man who kept his word.

When the night of X’s fundraiser arrived, Leo hated the idea of leaving me but knew he didn’t have any choice.

“I can’t bring you with me. I’m pretending to be on the security detail, so I wouldn’t have a date with me. I needed someone here that I knew would personally watch over you, so I asked Angelo Marchesi to take care of you until I get back.”

My mouth fell open, and I stared at him. “You did what?”

“Angelo is… Good isn’t the right word, but he has a strong sense of justice and an even stronger sense of family. He understands the importance of protecting people, and he will do anything necessary to keep you safe.” Leo pulled me to him.

“He’ll be here soon, but I need to leave now. Six and some others are watching the building. If anything happens or anything makes you worry, call me or call this number.” He handed me a card. It was black with ten digits written in white. “That’s X’s secure cell phone. Tell them who you are, and he’ll get you the help you need. When Angelo comes, he’ll use the code word Sabrina. That’s his aunt’s name.”

This was starting to feel like a dream. Had I fallen into an action movie or something? “Leo, are you sure you should…”

“I’ll take care of myself. Don’t worry.” He gave me a quick kiss, then he was gone.

I slumped down on the couch and wondered how I was going to get through the evening without losing my mind.

A few moments later, someone knocked on the door. When I looked through the peephole, I had no doubt it was Angelo Marchesi, but there was another man with him. He was smaller, a lot more innocent looking, and he was holding what appeared to be a bakery box.

“Hello?” I said, feeling ridiculous asking for a code word.

Angelo called out “Sabrina,” and I unlocked the door.

“You must be Ezra.” His smile made him look less menacing.

“I am, and you’re Angelo.”

“That’s right.” He gestured to the man beside him. “This is my boyfriend, Cameron.”

Cameron held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you. I hope it’s not an imposition. Angelo thought you might like some company while he stalks around doing his scary guard thing.”

Angelo glared at Cameron, but the smaller man didn’t seem to care.

“I’ll leave you two to get acquainted and go walk the perimeter.”

Cameron rolled his eyes. “Ezra, is that all right with you?”

“Oh. Yes. I do need a distraction.”

“Good.” Cameron headed into the kitchen and set the box he was carrying on the counter. We had some cannoli left at the end of the day.”

“You better not eat them all,” Angelo called before he closed the door behind him.

When Cameron opened the box, I gawked at the gorgeous pastries inside. “Those look amazing. Do you work in a bakery?”

“Sorry, I forgot you wouldn’t know. I own Art’s Bakery.”

“That’s amazing. I’ll have to come by. I’ve been teaching myself to bake. I’m not great, but I’m getting better.”

Cameron smiled. “Any time you want to come by after hours, I’d be happy to give you some lessons.”


“Sure. I love what I do.”

“Thank you.” That was exactly what I wanted. A job I could feel passionate about. “Would you like some coffee? I’m sorry. I should’ve offered before.”

“I would, and don’t worry. You’ve got a lot on your mind, and this is all new for you.”

“How long have you and Angelo been together?” I asked as I got the coffee started.

“Not quite six months, but some days I’m still not sure I’m used to all this.”

“Having a mafia boyfriend?” I dropped my voice to a whisper on the word mafia.

Cameron grinned. “You don’t have to say it like that. He doesn’t take it as an insult or anything. He’s actually damn proud of what he does.”

“And you’re okay with it?”

“Mostly. There are things I’d rather he wasn’t involved in, but he’s a good man, and his family… They’re so amazing. I’ve never seen a group of people who genuinely care for each other the way they do.