Page 53 of Leo (Vigilance 3)

“And if he acts like he knows, if he implies anything about you—”

“I’ll play the woolly-headed philanthropist like I always do.”

“How does anyone believe that bullshit?” Giorgio asked.

X smiled and rubbed his chin. “It’s amazing what a smooth face and a pair of glasses can do.”

I’d played a lot of roles in the CIA, but no one would have assigned me to be an academic with no common sense. I’d seen X pull off the role flawlessly many times, though.

Niall frowned. “What if Swain has proof of your role in Vigilance? What if he brings it?”

“It’s not his style,” X said. “Swain doesn’t want to be directly connected to scandals. He has his minions release info to the media. I’ve had Emilio keeping close tabs on anyone checking into me. If Swain knows, I doubt it’s more than a suspicion.”

“Do you think he intends to threaten you?” I asked.


Giorgio scowled. “No matter how sure you are of what he might or might not do, I want you in body armor. Swain’s appearance at the bookstore yesterday proves he’s getting desperate and willing to take more risks.”

X grimaced. “It will ruin the line of my tux.”

“Bullshit, you’ve got the thinnest, highest quality armor on the market.”

“He’s not going to kill me in a crowd at my own home.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “A week ago, I would have agreed with you, but after the stunt he pulled with Ezra, I’m not sure. All the lies and running he’s done may have pushed him over the edge.”

“Then he’ll be caught, and maybe even his connections won’t be able to get him out of it.” Giorgio grinned at that prospect.

“I wouldn’t count on that.” X sounded more cynical than usual. I didn’t like how this was affecting him.

“Force him to approach you in a crowded area,” Niall said.

X huffed. “I have done this before.”

“I know, but these are the highest stakes we’ve faced as a team.”

I jumped in, knowing things might not wrap up neatly. “If it comes to it, I’ll take the blame for whatever goes down.”

Niall glared at me. “Fuck no. You will not. We’re all getting through this.”

“What the fuck has gotten into you?” Giorgio asked. “No one is sacrificing themselves for this bastard.”

“We can’t guarantee that. I’m just saying that if we get caught and need a scapegoat, it should be me. You have Lane, Niall has Marco, and X has Meghan and all the resources.” X had been casually dating a lovely artist at least ten years younger than him for several months.

“Not all of them. Every person on this team matters. And I told you things with Meghan weren’t serious. We’ve actually decided we’re better off as friends—without benefits. And did you forget about Ezra?”

My pulse sped up. “What about him?”

X gave me a pointed look.

“I’m not keeping him with me after this is over.”

Giorgio grinned. “Does he want to be kept?”

Niall laughed. “We all know the answer to that.”

“It doesn’t matter. I’m not right for him. He needs someone younger and… less dangerous.”

X raised his brows. “Is that what he wants, or are you making that decision for him?”

“He’s twenty-two. He doesn’t know what he wants.”

“Did you know what you wanted at that age?” X asked.

I glared at him. “I was different.”

“Were you?” Niall asked. “Ezra knows what he wants enough to have left a really good school to take an unglamorous job while he considers his options, right?”

“How the fuck do you even know that?”

“You told me.”

Had I? I didn’t think I told anyone much about Ezra. “I did?”

“Yes, when I told you to hire him.”

“So that was you?” Giorgio asked.

Niall grinned and Giorgio high-fived him.


“Whatever you want to pretend is or isn’t going on, Ezra doesn’t need you being reckless,” X said. “You told me you promised to keep him safe. You can’t do that if you end up in jail.”

“Once Swain is dead, he will be safe.”

“Until the next person comes after us,” Giorgio said.

“Not if Ezra doesn’t stay with me.” I looked at X. I had a suspicion, and I wanted him to admit it. “Why did you really end things with Meghan? I thought you really liked her.”

“I do, but she’s safer if she’s not dating me.”

“Right. But you think Ezra should stay with me?”

He scowled. “Your situation is not like mine. You’re not hiding your identity.”

“Aren’t I? Aren’t we all?”

Giorgio shrugged. “Not me.”

I glared at him. He might not actively try to appear less dangerous than he was, but he didn’t like for anyone to know the details of his past or the number of men he’d killed.

“Fine,” he snarled. “I don’t reveal everything.”

Niall snorted. “You don’t reveal shit.”

“Boys.” X banged his hand on the table. “It’s time to nail down our plan.”

Thank fuck he was taking charge. I was more than tired of being the center of attention.