Page 62 of Niall (Vigilance 2)

“We’ve got this,” Marco said.

I smiled at him, then pulled the boat out into open water.

The trip to the island seemed endless, even longer than it had the night Marco lay bleeding in the bottom of the boat.

When we had the island in sight, Giorgio let us know he and Joe had made it ashore. I glanced at Marco. “Contact Walsh.”

We didn’t get a response from Walsh, but we hadn’t counted on that. It might be too risky for him to reply in front of the others. I did not like going in blind, but we had no choice. We weren’t turning back now. Even if something went wrong, we would take them all out and deal with the aftermath later.

We docked and waited for Giorgio and Joe to report. A few moments later, the radio crackled. “Staff is out. No sign of anyone unexpected.”

“Let’s go.” Marco and I each grabbed a pack filled with things we might need. Then, weapons out and ready, we began to make our way toward the house.

Neither of us spoke. The tension was so thick I felt it surrounding us like a wool blanket. Marco had taken off his sling to give him better mobility. He said he was fine, but I knew he was in pain, no matter how hard he tried to hide it.

We moved slowly after reaching the top of the stone steps.

I listened carefully, but all I heard were insects buzzing and the wind in the trees.

“Walsh just messaged,” Marco said, keeping his voice low. “Meeting is on.”

The radio came to life. “Approach to the house is clear.” That was Leo. He and Devil must have dispatched the security guards.

Marco and I picked up our pace. When we were all in position, Giorgio used infrared goggles to determine there were six people in the sunroom at the back of the house. Walsh had said the meeting was a go so we could assume the four partners were there. Malachi was supposedly resting in his room after an injury, but no one had seen him, so it was possible Compton was trying to cover up his death. Since that left eight people, either Walsh and Dalton had retreated but were unable to communicate with us or two of the other companions were missing.

I debated waiting for a signal from Walsh, but my thoughts were cut short by a gunshot from the house.

“Move!” I yelled. We rushed the house from our various positions.

Marco’s focus was checking on Walsh and Dalton and getting them out if they hadn’t already escaped. I’d hoped protecting the two of them would take him away from the primary fight, but when we reached the sunroom, Dalton was clutching his side as blood spread across his shirt. Walsh had an arm around him, and Compton was pointing a gun at the two of them.

“The next shot goes right through his heart,” Compton said. “Tell me what the hell you’ve done.”

“I’ve not done anything. I told you. Someone leaked our information. Maybe it was Swain. I’ve never trusted him.”

Dalton was as white as a sheet. I glanced at Giorgio and signaled.

“Down,” I yelled. Dalton tugged Walsh to the ground as Giorgio’s shot hit Compton in the center of the forehead, dropping him instantly.

The others stood frozen, but as soon as Compton hit the floor, all hell broke loose.

I saw Walsh lift Dalton as Marco hustled them from the room, covering them, then followed. I turned away as the rest of the security guards rushed in.



Dalton tried to insist the bullet had only grazed him and he could walk, but Walsh refused to set him down until we reached the boat. When we were finally able to examine him, I saw he was right. The bullet had only grazed his side.

“You’re really fucking lucky,” I said.

“Compton is a terrible shot.”

“Is that why he brought a companion who actually knows his way around a gun.”

“What?” Walsh said.

We’d warned Walsh and Dalton to watch their backs around Malachi, but in trying to limit communication we hadn’t told them the whole story. “The night we escaped, Malachi came with him and Orly. That’s who shot me. Niall got him back, though.”

“So that’s how he got injured?”


“We all thought Compton beat him because he was in a pissy mood.”

I could see that. “Take the boat. Get the first aid you need. It might not be life threatening, but you don’t want the wound getting infected, and I think it could use a few stitches.”

“We’re not going to leave you,” Dalton said.

“We have two other boats. Go. We’ll be fine.”

I turned to head back to the house.

“Let me know when everything’s secure,” Walsh said.

“I will.”

Walsh started the boat motor, and I picked up my pace. I had to know Niall was all right. As I neared the house, I attempted to check in.