“I was.”

“That’s adorable, like something from a book or one of those sweet fifties TV shows.”

Thorne narrowed his eyes. “You do know I wasn’t born in the ’50s, right?”

Riley snickered. “Really?”

“Shut up. Now it’s your turn.”

Riley blushed, making Thorne even more eager to hear what he had to say. Maybe this sharing thing wasn’t so bad after all.

“You’ll like this one,” Riley assured him.

“I’m sure I will.”

“I was sixteen—”

“I do not want to think about how recent that was.”

Riley scowled. “I’m all grown up now.”

Thorne looked him up and down. “Yes, you are.”

“I was staying at my friend Sandy’s house. We’d been out at a party, and we were really drunk when we got home. I didn’t actually drink that much in high school, but I’d gotten a terrible grade on a math test, and the boy I liked had caught me staring at him and told me if I so much as looked at him again, he’d beat the shit out of me. So I was depressed as fuck and I let Sandy talk me into this party and then into drinking something really fucking strong. After the party, a friend dropped us off at her house.”

“Wait. Sandy’s a girl?” Thorne hadn’t expected that.

“Yeah, we were just friends. Her parents knew I was gay, and they didn’t care.”

“Open-minded parents. Wouldn’t that be nice?” Thorne said.

“We let ourselves in, and Sandy stumbled into her room and collapsed on the bed. I had to piss, and when I got back Sandy was snoring so loud I’d have sworn the room was shaking—maybe that was just the punch. I decided I would sleep in the guest room, except I mixed up which door was which. I opened the door, and there was her mom, stark naked, legs splayed, with another woman between them. The woman must have been damn good at what she was doing because Sandy’s mom grabbed her head when she tried to sit up and said, ‘Don’t you dare stop.’ Then she looked at me and told me to get out and not say a fucking word about it.”

Riley paused, and Thorne couldn’t take it. “And?”

“I did as I was told.”

“So you didn’t tell Sandy?”

Riley shook his head. “I didn’t tell anybody until one night when Marc and I were telling good drinking stories.”

Thorne tried to imagine walking in on such a thing as a teenager. “Wow. That had to have been a shock. Where was Sandy’s dad?”

Riley shrugged. “I don’t know. Out of town or something. The next morning I tried to convince myself I’d dreamed it or hallucinated it or something since other parts of the night were definitely blurry. But the woman was still there the next morning. Sandy’s mom acted like she’d just stopped by for breakfast, but I knew better.”

“Yeah, I guess you did. Wow!”

RILEY SHUDDERED AT the memory. “Yeah, it’s funny, but I think I was just stunned back then. Okay, it’s your turn again. Tell me something you’ve never told anyone because you didn’t think you could; something heavier.”

Thorne pulled back, not physically, but Riley could see it in his eyes.

Was he pushing too hard? “Too much?”

Thorne sighed. “It shouldn’t be.”

What would make him less nervous? “What about something you want me to do to you? Something you’ve never admitted to me.”

“Doesn’t that mean we’re using sex as an escape again?”

“Maybe, but since we do sex better than…well, just about anything else, we can start there and then up the challenge level.”

“That might work. I’m sorry; I’d gotten used to not sharing anything until I met you. I didn’t even talk to Kathryn like I do now.”

Riley smiled. “I love you.”

“I love you too, and I know it’s absurd to be nervous with you.”

“No, it’s not. It’s simply what you feel.”

Thorne took a deep breath. “I want you to put a plug in me when we get up one morning and make me wear it all day.” The words rushed out of Thorne, shocking Riley who hadn’t expected such a sudden confession.

Rather than say anything, Riley pulled Thorne to him and kissed him gently. Fortunately they were both sated enough that the kiss could be just a kiss.

“I like that,” Riley said as he pulled back. He stroked Thorne’s neck with his thumb, and he could feel Thorne’s pulse racing. “You’re hard, aren’t you?” He slid his hand down Thorne’s chest to check for himself.

Thorne groaned. “Don’t. I can’t stay still, and it hurts too much to move.”

Riley chuckled against his ear. He loved how turned on Thorne was even after what Riley had done to him. “Tell me more.”

“I want you to call me at work and order me to fuck myself with the plug. I want to feel like you’re in control of my ass all day, right up until you take the plug out and fuck me that night.”