“I never kiss and tell.”

Riley remained silent.

“You there?”

“Yeah, I’m just patiently waiting for lightning to strike.”

“Ha! Fine, I always kiss and tell, but this is…”

“Do not say complicated.”

Marc huffed. “But it is.”

What was up with Marc? He’d never acted like this about a man before. “You’re being rather cagey.”

“So is Darius.”

“You mean you haven’t fucked yet?”

“Um…can I just tell you about the actual work?”

Okay, Marc’s behavior had moved past odd into fucking strange. “Sure. How’s it going? Do you think you’ll like it?”

“Darius can be an ass to work for, but actually, yeah. I think I’ll like it. I’ve already learned a fuckload of techniques.” Marc described the alterations he’d helped Darius with.

“Is it tiring?” Riley asked. The job sure sounded like it took a lot of concentration.

“Yeah, but part of the time I’m just standing there holding pins. Watching Darius measure someone for a suit is fucking mesmerizing. His hands are so… And the way he moves… I had to hold some fabric in front of my crotch this afternoon, and of course Darius knew why.”

Shit, Marc was so far gone on this man. Riley hoped it didn’t end in disaster. “He was probably working you up on purpose.”

“Yeah, he would.” Marc’s dreamy tone was a bad sign. “So when are you going to call Thorne?”

Ah, time for the rapid subject change. “I don’t know. He told me to call if I wanted him to join me here, but—”

“Fuck, he said if?”

Riley still couldn’t believe Thorne thought he might want to break up. “Yeah, he did.”

Marc whistled. “Damn.”

“There is no if.”

“I know that, but apparently Thorne doesn’t.”

“Should I call him now?” Riley asked.

“No. Not until you figure out how to make him understand that you have no intention of leaving.”

Riley frowned at the phone. “You’re judging me.”

“Because you’re close to fucking this up, and Thorne is too good a man to lose.”

“Then what do I do?”

“Accept him just like he is.”

“I…” Riley had no comeback. Marc was right. “Thank you.”

“For bitching at you?”

Riley cut himself a piece of tart. Burnt or not, he needed the sugar. “For being such a good friend even when I’m not.”

“I bitched at Thorne, too, in case that makes you feel better.”


“He needed it. I imagine he’s getting it from Kathryn too.”

“Fuck,” Riley mumbled around a bite of tart.

“You’re not the only one being stupid, you know?”

“But I—”

“Riley, get your head on straight, and then call your man, fuck him within an inch of his life, and take his money. Let him give you gifts, and don’t be afraid to give him what you’re longing to give.”

What happened to Marc not giving him advice? “Afraid? What would I be afraid to give him?”


Riley almost choked. “Oh my God.”

“Riley? Don’t faint on me.”

“I… I’m not. How did you know exactly what to say to me? Is this one of those fucked-up-people-make-the-best-counselors things?”

Marc laughed. “Maybe. I can see what other people need to be happy, but when it comes to myself my perception goes to shit.”

“I’m here if you want to talk about Darius,” Riley said.

“I know. Thanks. I gotta go. I’m on my lunch hour, and I need to get back.”

“Okay, I’ll call you soon.”

Riley was dying to know what was up with Marc and Darius. Had they fucked or not? Did Thorne know he was working there? Why hadn’t he mentioned it? Hopefully Marc would give him more details soon.

The tart wasn’t bad at all. The crust edges were crap, but the rest of it had great flavor. He cut another thin slice so he could concentrate on the taste rather than downing it while dealing with Marc. Not bad. It needed more raspberries in the filling and more sugar in the dough, but it was a good start. Maybe he wouldn’t make another one now after all.

So what next?

He studied the other two pies cooling on the counter. Maybe something other than baking.

He cleaned up the kitchen, started the dishwasher, and cut more pie for himself, a piece each from the apple-date-walnut and the chocolate. Those could be dinner, right? Maybe he’d watch a movie. The coffee he’d made earlier was cold, but he didn’t care. He added cream and ice.

He settled on the couch, picked up the remote, and started scrolling through options. He couldn’t settle on anything. He wanted Thorne there with him so they could curl up and watch together. Of course, they often had trouble actually making it all the way through a movie. They’d either end up fucking, or one of them would fall asleep. Sadly, a lot more of the latter had been happening lately. They’d both been pushing themselves too hard, Thorne with a new client at work and Riley with school and now the business.

Riley looked at his phone where it lay on the coffee table. He could call Thorne. The drive from the city wasn’t long, and it wasn’t late yet. No, he’d promised to take at least a few days to think.