He opened the fridge and frowned. Riley had promised him cooking lessons, but even with Riley supervising he’d be lucky not to burn the building down. However, he had some really good roasted-red-pepper hummus, and he’d gotten bagels the day before. Surely he could toast bagels without a disaster.

By the time Riley emerged from the bathroom, he had a coffee and a hummus bagel on the table for him.

Riley’s mouth dropped open, and it was several seconds before he spoke. “You made me breakfast?”

“I did.”

He glanced at his phone. “Fuck, I don’t even have time for it. If I don’t leave now, I’ll never make the train.”

“A car will be here to pick you up in five minutes. The driver will wait as long as you need him to, and the ride will be much faster than the bus.”

Riley scowled at him. “I can’t afford a car service. You know that.”

“I have an account with them. It will go on my tab.”

“Thorne, we’ve talked about—”

“It’s your first day living here. We’ve both got to adjust to spending weekday mornings together. Just accept the ride.”

Riley looked like he’d protest again, but finally he gave in. “Okay, but this is a one-time thing.”

Thorne nodded. He hoped it wouldn’t be, but he wasn’t going to argue that point when Riley was already upset.

The toaster dinged. Thorne had to reach in to get his bagel out. It barely peeked above the top of the toaster, and he felt like he was playing Operation, dodging the hot sides so he didn’t burn his fingers.

“You’re eating too?” Riley asked.

“Yes, you’ve spoiled me. My stomach now expects food before noon.”

“As well it should.”

“I have to work out even more with all these breakfast calories you’ve foisted on me.”

Riley smiled for the first time that morning. “We had a nice workout last night.”

“We did. I’d much rather work out like that than use the treadmill.”

“I’d much rather stay here and give you a workout than go to class.”

Thorne frowned. “I’m sorry school’s not like you thought it would be.”

“I’m still hoping it will get better.”

“Maybe it will, but if—”

Riley shook his head. “No.”

“You didn’t even let me finish.”

“Thorne, I’ve agreed to living here without paying rent. I’m letting your car service take me to school—this once. I am not taking your money to start a business.”

“You’d take a loan from the bank.”

Riley sighed. “It’s not the same.”

“You could pay me back.”

Riley glanced at the clock on the stove. “I’ve got to go. Can we have this argument later?”

Thorne wasn’t about to let it go for good. “Sure.”

Riley started out the door, but Thorne came around the kitchen bar and grabbed his arm. “You forgot something.”

Thorne handed him the lunch he’d packed the night before. “This.”

Riley took the bag.

“And more importantly…” Thorne pulled Riley in for a kiss. Not just a gentle peck, but a full-on passionate kiss with tongue and the promise of much more. “This.”

Riley smiled. “Thank you. I—”

Thorne shook his head. “Go.”


A little over a week later, Thorne was running late once again. He did three miles on the treadmill instead of the five he’d wanted to. Then he quickly showered, dressed, and headed out the door. As he got in the car, his phone rang. It was his sister, Kathryn.

He connected, using bluetooth to send the call through the speakers of his car.

“So how’s it going?” she asked.

“How’s what going?” he returned, just to annoy her.

“Thorne.” Ugh. The big-sister-knows-all tone.

“We’ve still got a bit to unpack”—actually most of it— “but we’re getting there. We’ll be all set in a few days.”

“That’s a nice report on the state of your apartment, but how are you feeling about it?”

“Good. Why wouldn’t I be?” Did he sound as defensive to her as he did to himself?

“Bradford Thornwell Shipton, you know you’ve been terrified about this.”

“Slightly nervous, yes. I wouldn’t call it terrified.”

She cleared her throat in a meaningful way.

“Riley and I are going to be fine.”

“In other words, he’s as apprehensive as you are.”

How did she do that?

“Can I come over tonight?” Kathryn asked. “There are some issues we need to work through about the Spring Gala. And it will give me a chance to see things now that Riley is living there.”

His heart hammered. Tonight? “Um…I’m not sure that will work.”

“This really can’t wait.”

Fuck. What was wrong now? There had been one issue after another with the art museum’s spring fundraiser. Why the hell had he agreed to organize it? And with Kathryn.

“My apartment hasn’t changed all that much. There’s really nothing to see.”

Kathryn sighed. “Surely you and Riley can keep your hands off each other long enough for us to talk about the gala.”

“That is not why I… Didn’t I tell you before that talking with you about my sex life is not going to happen?”