“I get the sense Darius is at least as bad, if not worse.”

Thorne laughed. “He’s arrogant and self-absorbed. I don’t think he’s ever been with the same man for more than a few weeks, not that I know him all that well.”

“I just hope Marc doesn’t fall hard for him and get his heart trampled,” Riley said.

“I have a feeling Darius is the kind of man who makes his intentions very clear. But it’s odd.”

“What is?”

“Marc isn’t his type.”

Riley raised a brow. “He certainly seemed to be when we were in the shop.”

“We’ve only talked a little about preferences, but I had the impression he liked his men obedient.”

“Then Marc’s in trouble.”

Thorne shrugged. “We’ll see. I’ve learned not to make assumptions.”

Riley gave him an incredulous look. “You have not.”

Thorne bristled. “I’ve learned a little. And I sure as hell know better than to guess who’ll end up together.”

Riley laughed. “I guess you have.”


By the time they got back to the cabin, Thorne was exhausted. “I forgot how tiring sailing can be,” he said as he flopped onto the sofa.

“Awww! Do you need a nice little nap?”

“Bastard.” Thorne flipped him off. “I might have gotten two hours’ sleep last night.”

“I’m sorry. I got a bit more than that, but it was restless sleep.”

“I stayed up working on my project. Once I got in the groove, I couldn’t stop. And then when I actually did get in bed I couldn’t fall asleep.”

“Are you going to tell me about this project?” Riley asked.

Thorne evaded his gaze. “Eventually.”

“Thorne.” Riley’s tone said he’d better start talking.

“Fine, but I don’t want you to get pissed off.”

“Oh, hell, did you buy me something else? Some top-of-the-line equipment for the bakery or a Mercedes to match yours?”

Thorne fought to draw in air as his chest tightened and his head swam. He’d thought Riley had let go of that kind of bitterness, that he’d actually want to see the plans Thorne had made for him.

“Shit,” Riley sat beside him and reached for his hand. “I was joking. I… I’m sorry.”

“Joking? Fucking joking? I thought—”

“That was stupid. I just…thought it might lighten things up, but it’s too soon.”

Thorne took a deep breath, and Riley squeezed his hand. “Forgive me.”

He looked into Riley’s eyes, saw how sorry he was, and felt like a fool. “Wow, talk about overreacting. I’m an idiot.”

“Thorne, you had every reason to think I was serious. I intended to exaggerate my reaction, but I’ve probably acted just that bitchy to you.”

He had, and it had hurt. “I should never have gone behind your back about the building.”

“There’s a difference between surprising someone and going behind their back on something. I would’ve been able to see that line more clearly if I hadn’t been so scared of losing myself, of giving in and letting you take over.”

What the hell was Riley talking about? “I don’t want to take over your life. Sometimes I like to take over your body in bed, but…”

Riley raised a brow.

“Just trying to lighten things up,” Thorne said.

“You saw how well it worked when I tried that.”

“In all seriousness, I only want to control you when I play the dominant role in bed. The rest of the time, I just want to make you happy. The difference between us is that I don’t see any reason why I can’t use my money to do that. I have plenty, and I want to spend it on you. I’ll do that any way you’ll let me.”

Riley’s eyes teared up. “Stop. Please, stop.”

“Riley, goddammit, just let me—”

“No, you don’t understand. I’ve been such a selfish brat, and here you are begging me to let you help me. I’m so sorry, Thorne. Thank you for sticking by me, for not just giving up on me.”

“Giving up? Why the hell would I give up? After the bullshit you’ve put up with from me? I asked you to fucking work for me when I wanted to tell you I loved you.”

“I understand why you—”

“Then believe that I also understand why you reacted like you did. Give me that much credit.”

Riley nodded. “Are we okay?”

Thorne took Riley’s face in his hands. To be sure, he needed to touch him, to feel Riley’s love. He leaned forward and kissed him. A soft touch of lips but it was enough to send electricity zinging through him. He held Riley still while he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue along the seam of Riley’s lips. Riley opened to him, and Thorne teased the roof of his mouth and licked his lips before kissing him hard, letting him see how much he wanted him.

When he pulled back, they were both panting. “We’re okay,” he said.

Riley smiled. “Fuck, yes we are.”

Thorne kissed Riley again. He didn’t think he’d ever want to stop, but Riley pulled away after a few seconds. “You know what my favorite thing about Swallows and Amazons was?”