“Talk to him.”

“I’ll think about that.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I hope you mean that.”

He did. Sort of.


Thorne glanced over the contract again and then walked to the window. He looked out, enjoying the view from the offices of Marsden and Marsden. “What do you think?” he asked his lawyer. “Is it a good investment?”

“Possibly, but only in the long term. It’s going to be a while before you can recoup the money you’ll need to put into it.”

Thorne hadn’t told his attorney the real reason for his interest in the building. When Riley protested the purchase as Susan was sure he would, Thorne wanted to be able to tell him it was a legitimate investment. He hoped he wouldn’t have to go so far as to offer to charge Riley and Susan rent. But one way or another his stubborn boyfriend was going to have a bakery in this space.

Thorne walked back to the large glass table, picked up a sleek silver pen, and signed the offer Marsden had written up for him. “Push them. I’d like to close next week.”

Marsden frowned. “I’m not—”

“You’ve made miracles happen plenty of times. I believe in you.”

Marsden rolled his eyes. “You want to tell me the real reason you need this building?”

“I do not. But I will tell you it is absolutely one hundred percent legal.” Thorne headed for the door.

“You’re sure?” Marsden asked.

Thorne turned. “Yes, why?”

“You have that air of condescension you only get when you’re nervous.”

How the fuck did Marsden know that? Sure he’d worked for Thorne for years, but… “Thank you for letting me know. I’ll have to learn to be less obvious.”

“Whatever this is about, I wish you well.”

He was going to need it.


“Hi, honey, I’m home.”

Oh, shit! Riley was home earlier than expected. Thorne hit the button to stop the treadmill. He’d intended to be showered, dressed, and ready to show Riley the offer he’d signed. Since they were leaving the next morning for a full day of sailing, he’d planned a romantic evening for that night and ordered dinner from Bavaria Haus, including the Black Forest cake they’d grown quite fond of. Lulling Riley with food and wine might make the gift go over better. He wasn’t sure how he could wait another second now that he’d officially heard from Marsden that the offer had been accepted, but he wanted the moment to be perfect.

“I’m in here,” Thorne called from the guest room. He stepped into the hall and nearly ran into Riley.

Riley’s eyes widened, and his lips curved up in a predatory smile. He gave him a slow once-over, obviously enjoying the clingy, sweaty T-shirt and particularly small gym shorts. “I want you.”

Thorne frowned. “I’m sweaty and nasty.”

Riley licked his lips. “That’s one of the ways I like you best. If we added tied up to that…”

If it weren’t for the gifts and his plans for the night, he’d take Riley up on that offer. “I’ve ordered us a nice dinner, and I’ve got an early birthday gift for you.”

Riley dropped his gaze to Thorne’s crotch. “Damn right you do.”

Thorne’s cock was not at all happy with him for denying Riley. “For once that wasn’t an innuendo.”

“Really?” Riley looked disappointed, and Thorne almost gave in, but even if he were prepared to derail his plans, he was too nervous to play the game Riley wanted.

“Let me shower and show you what I have planned, and I’ll make it up to you later.”

“But you won’t be all…”—Riley waved his hand up and down to indicate Thorne’s post-workout state—“like that.”

“I know, but this evening is important.”

Riley frowned. “Is everything okay? You’re acting odd.”

“Because I’m not letting you jump me?”


“Everything is fine. I’m just anxious for you to see your gift.”

“Hmmm.” Riley looked skeptical. “All right, but hurry.”

Thorne rushed through his shower and barely dried himself before pulling on khakis and a sweater.

As he glanced in the mirror to straighten out his hair, a sickening thought hit him. He’d left the paperwork on the building spread out on the dining room table. He’d been looking over it while eating a piece of the pie Riley had made the day before. He’d left it when he went to do his workout, thinking Riley wouldn’t be home for hours.

When he stepped out of the bedroom, Riley was sitting at the table, staring at a piece of paper.

“What the fuck is this?”

Thorne’s stomach knotted.

“That’s what I wanted to show you.” Thorne tried to keep his voice light.

“You’re buying the fucking building?”

“Happy Birthday.”

The words hung in the air. Neither Thorne nor Riley spoke for several seconds.

“So you just decided where the bakery should be without asking me. How the fuck did you even know about the building?”

“Why were you hiding it from me?”

Riley picked up Thorne’s copy of the contract and flipped through it again. “I can’t believe this.”