Marc stopped loading containers and laid a hand on Riley’s shoulder. “You do know most people would be freaking out trying to do all you’re doing right now, right? Moving in with your boyfriend, going to school, building a business.”

Riley shrugged. He didn’t want Marc or Thorne or anyone else feeling sorry for him.

“You need to accept more help,” Marc insisted.

Riley didn’t like where this conversation was headed. “I’m fine. I’ll work it all out.”

Marc shook his head. “You’re so fucking independent. I get why you’ve had to be, and you’ve done an amazing job taking care of yourself, but it’s okay not to take on everything.”

“I’m working with Susan. I’m not trying to do this by myself.”

Marc shook his head. “You have a business partner, and now you have a life partner, but you’re still trying to carry too much by yourself.”

As Marc said those words, Riley realized he was trying to literally carry too many cooler bags of food. He sat them down on the floor of the van. “I’ll think about that.”

Marc grinned. “I’ll let you off the hook for now, but I’m taking you out for a drink later this week and making sure you’re listening.”

The next hour went by in a whirlwind of heating things, making whipped cream, arranging trays, briefing the servers, and making sure the setup was perfect.

Thorne came into the kitchen at one point. Riley heard him talking to Susan.

“He’s really busy,” she said.

“I know, but I—”

“Thorne.” Susan used her mom tone.

Riley glanced up, resigned to having to show Thorne through all the things they’d prepared, but Marc swooped in and saved him.

He took Thorne by the arm. “Let your man work. I’m sure you’ll see plenty of him when you go home to celebrate how wonderfully the evening went.”

Thorne frowned as Marc attempted to lead him out of the room.

Riley blew him a kiss, and Thorne smiled. At least he wasn’t pissed.

Marc whisked him through the door, and Riley tried to focus on the cheese biscuits he was arranging. In a few hours it would all be over.


Thorne let Marc lead him into the reception area.

“Riley’s fine. He’s just too nervous to talk to you now.”

Thorne sighed. “I wanted to help with that.”

Marc raised a brow.

Thorne didn’t like his implication. “You’re saying I’d make it worse.”

“You’d either make him more nervous or so horny he can’t think. Neither is a good thing.”

“He told you to get me out of there, didn’t he?” Fuck, I sound pathetic.

“Yes, but it’s because he wants you to love the food, the presentation, everything, and he’s afraid he’ll fuck up. I’m going to take him a drink to try to calm him down.”

“Did I do the wrong thing, letting Kathryn bring him in on this?” Thorne asked.

“Letting? I didn’t think you let anyone do anything. At least not outside the bedroom.”

Thorne glared at him, but Marc didn’t look the least bit intimidated. “Have you met my sister?”

“No, but I’d like to if she can tell you what to do.”

“She’d like you. This was truly her idea. Our caterer double-booked us, and I thought we were screwed. Kathryn said we should ask Riley and Susan.”

“You absolutely did the right thing. He and Susan deserve a chance to prove themselves with a big job.”

“He… Never mind.” Marc shouldn’t have to deal with Thorne’s whiny crap.

“What?” Marc studied him. “I want to hear it.”

“Does he get that I’m not his fucking client anymore, that I want to help because I care?”

Marc frowned. “That’s taking him a while to realize.”


Marc shook his head. “I’m not sure that will fix this problem.”

Thorne rolled his eyes. If only it would. “So I’m supposed to fucking talk to him, aren’t I? Like some kind of fucking mature adult.”

Marc laughed. “I’m the last person on earth to give relationship advice, but you two are meant for each other. I knew it the first time you came to our apartment.”

“The Say Anything stunt?” Thorne asked.

“The very one. The look on Riley’s face when he realized you were out there was so fucking precious.”

Thorne sighed. “Go get Riley a drink, and tell him to calm the fuck down. Once people eat his cupcakes they’ll try to elevate him to godhood.”

Marc smiled. “I wouldn’t doubt it.”

Marc started to walk away and then hesitated, looking as if he was debating saying something.

“What?” Thorne asked.


“Just say it.”

“Did Riley tell you about the space he found for a bakery, the one next to Darius’s shop?”

“The only thing he told me about that afternoon was how hard you were eye-fucking Darius and that you took an employment application from him.”

Marc sighed. “He might kill me for this, but you deserve to know.”

When Marc was done explaining about the building, Thorne didn’t know whether to be pissed or not. Riley obviously thought it was a long shot, and they’d not seen much of each other since he’d gotten back from his business trip.