Riley forced himself to open his eyes and watch Thorne. His mouth hung open, and he drew in ragged breaths as he used his grip on Riley’s hips for leverage so he could drive his own hips upward. Riley loved the deep, forceful strokes.

“Fuck, Riley. What are you up to?” Thorne stared at Riley’s hand.

Riley couldn’t have responded if he’d wanted to. He was too close. His balls tightened and heat gathered, pleasure so good it hurt. Then he was coming, shooting his spunk across Thorne’s chest as Thorne drove into him faster and faster.

“Riley! So hot! Oh my fucking God!” Thorne came then, fingers bruising Riley’s hips as he squeezed too hard, but Riley didn’t care. The knowledge that he’d made Thorne that crazed was hot as hell.

When they’d both caught their breath, Riley pushed himself up and looked down at Thorne. “You won,” he said.

“I…what?” Thorne stared at him, eyes wide. “But you…”

“I’ll move in. I need time to arrange it, but soon—”

“Riley, you never… You said you wouldn’t, and then you…”

Confusing Thorne that thoroughly made the leap Riley was taking totally worth it. He wasn’t sure he’d ever seen Thorne so completely uncertain.

“I came first. Therefore I lost.” Riley gave Thorne a look that said he dared Thorne to contradict his statement.

Thorne recovered his equilibrium and smiled the self-satisfied smirk Riley was used to. “Yes. You did.”


“Stop right there!” Thorne looked ready to explode. “You treat these boxes with more respect, or I will be talking to your manager. The hell with that. I’ll have the owner on the phone. I better not find one single item broken.”

The man ignored Thorne and headed for the door.

“Excuse me,” Thorne said. There was no mistaking the authority in his voice.

“Oh, shit,” Riley whispered to Marc. They’d retreated to a corner to watch the debacle.

Marc shook his head. “You do not ignore that man.”

“Not ever.”

“I’m talking to you, Mr. Martin Grebler.”

The man froze and turned slowly.

“You didn’t think I knew who you were, did you? Do you honestly think I’d have someone in my home whose name I don’t know? Do you think I’d hire you and not hold you accountable…”

Riley tuned out the rest of Thorne’s tirade. Technically Riley had hired the movers, and he was determined to pay them out of his own money no matter how much Thorne argued to the contrary. Thorne had tried to hire a full-service moving company who would pack Riley’s things and move them for him. Riley had planned to do both packing and transport himself, with a little help from Marc, but Thorne thought that idea was insane. Riley had decided not to point out that moving at twenty-two wasn’t like moving at forty-two. So he’d compromised by renting a truck and hiring loaders and unloaders. Thorne wasn’t impressed with the service.

“He’s so fucking hot when he gets like that,” Marc said.

Riley raised his brows at Marc’s appreciative stare.

“You aren’t gonna get all jealous are you?”

Was he? This was Marc. “No!” The word came out too vehemently.

“Wow, you really are serious about him.”

Riley ignored him. Which was easy since he was busy watching Thorne. Marc was right. Thorne was way hot when he got all dominant and overbearing. His face flushed with anger, his eyes darkened, and he stood straight and tall in his tailor-made suit. Damn! Riley wanted to order Thorne to get on his knees just because he could. He could bring all that power under his control.

“You’re gonna make him fuck you as soon as they leave?” Marc asked. “I guess I’ll have to leave too, much as I’d love to watch.”

Riley shook his head. “No.”

“No?” Marc eyes widened in disbelief, but then he grinned, obviously getting it. Riley would be the one doing the fucking. “I see how it is.”

Riley laughed. “Yeah.”

“He does bring out the animal in a man.”

“He sure as fuck does.”

Riley glanced around at the boxes and cheap furniture. His things looked absurd in Thorne’s plush penthouse. Absurd and shabby as hell. Why hadn’t he just put it all in storage? Thorne had insisted that he have some of his own things because the place was theirs now, and Riley had let himself be convinced. But how could it truly be theirs? It wasn’t like Thorne was letting him contribute to the mortgage, and even if he did, Riley’s measly payments wouldn’t make a dent in it. Riley suddenly felt miserable. Was this all a mistake?

Thorne was confident that their disparities wouldn’t be an issue even with them living together, but he wasn’t the one who had nothing to contribute. Thorne would happily buy Riley anything he asked for. Riley just refused to ask.

Thankfully, Marc wasn’t looking at him, so he didn’t notice his angst. Marc was watching Thorne as Thorne micromanaged the placement of boxes. Surely there wasn’t much more to bring in.