“You really do have an apron fetish, don’t you?” Riley asked.

“Only with you. Hell, I think you could turn anything into a fetish for me.”

“Like food descriptions?”

Thorne nodded. “Yeah, just like that.”

RILEY CREAMED THE butter for the frosting while trying to ignore the fact that Thorne was radiating sexual tension. Without looking at Thorne, he added cocoa, part of the powdered sugar, vanilla, and just a touch of milk to the mixture. Even after he’d added all the sugar he thought he’d need, the texture wasn’t quite right. So he added a bit more. This time it looked right, but he’d have to taste, so he grabbed a spoon.

“Do I get to taste?” Thorne asked.

“In a sec.” Riley sampled the mixture, inhaling the rich chocolaty scent. “The texture is right this time, but I think it needs a touch more salt to bring out the flavors.”

Riley scooped some frosting up with a spoon and held it out. “Tell me what you think.”

Rather than take the spoon himself, Thorne wrapped a hand around Riley’s wrist and held it still, then licked at the frosting on the spoon—fucking licked it—eyes on Riley the whole time. Riley’s dick was hard by the time his performance was over.

“I think it’s perfect,” Thorne said, voice low and husky.

“Are you actually talking about the icing?”


Riley frowned. “Something tells me you’re not as discriminating about your icing as my instructor.”

“I’m discriminating about the men who feed me frosting. In fact, you’re the only one I’ve allowed to do it.”

Riley narrowed his eyes. “That’s not the only thing you refuse to let anyone else do.”

“No, it’s not,” Thorne purred.

“Quit that,” Riley scolded. “I have to practice flavoring my icing before there’s any more trying of new things.”

He added more salt and whipped the icing again. This time, while he let the flavors play over his tongue he closed his eyes to concentrate, but he could feel Thorne watching him, eyes dark, tongue moistening his lips. Damn it, Riley couldn’t think. The frosting would have to be good enough.

Deliberately not looking at Thorne, he took the bowl off the mixer stand and separated the mixture into three bowls. He added some raspberry extract to one and mint extract to another and stirred them vigorously. He doubted he’d added enough, but he wanted to start off cautiously.

“Do I get to taste again?” Thorne asked.

He got two spoons for Thorne. “Here.”

Thorne gave him a pouty look. “I’d much rather lick it off your finger.”

“You’d probably rather lick it off my dick, but I need to focus on getting these just right.”

Thorne sighed dramatically and took a taste of the raspberry. “Mmm.” He showed his pleasure in the frosting very clearly, closing his eyes and taking a long time to assess it, probably letting it melt in his mouth.

His display made Riley’s cock insist that he needed to finish his project as quickly as possible.

“What do you think?” he asked, trying to keep his voice steady. “More raspberry?”

“A little, but too much more would be overpowering.”

Riley nodded. “I agree. Now taste the mint.”

Thorne did. Riley watched him before taking a spoonful for himself. He sucked the frosting from the spoon, and then laved it with his tongue until he cleaned off every bit of frosting.

“Fucking tease,” Thorne complained.

“Just trying to create anticipation.”

When they’d first started seeing each other—or rather when Thorne had first hired Dash—Thorne had wanted to rush everything. Riley had worked hard—often literally—to teach him that sometimes a long, slow buildup was just what he needed to make things even more explosive. Now he often had those lessons thrown back at him. Not that he really minded.

“I think this one is good. Any more and it would be too minty.”

Good thing he’d only added a little of the extract. Riley added a bit more raspberry to the first bowl. When he tasted it again, it was almost right. “There’s something missing, something it needs, but I’m not sure what.”

Thorne tasted the raspberry again. “Better. It’s fucking perfect as far as I’m concerned.”

“Whatever it is that it needs, I’ll have to figure it out tomorrow. I don’t want to mess with it anymore.”

“So it’s play time?” Thorne asked.

Riley couldn’t help but smile at his eagerness, nor could he resist toying with him. “Not until I’ve cleaned all this up and put it away and…” He checked the time on his phone. “It’s getting late.”

Thorne huffed. “I’m the old one. If I don’t think it’s too late, then it’s not.” Thorne dipped a finger into the plain frosting. “Try it again. You might like it even better like this.” He held out his frosting-coated finger to Riley.

Riley hesitated for a few seconds because he knew once he took Thorne’s finger into his mouth, he wouldn’t be able to resist him. They’d end up fucking, and he likely wouldn’t get anything else done.