Thorne pushed away from the dining table and took a seat across from Riley, hoping things weren’t about to get dicey.

“Our caterer for the spring gala fundraiser abandoned us, and we have less than three weeks left to find another one. We’d like you and Susan to do it.”

Riley glanced at Thorne. And Thorne held up his hands. “It was her idea.”

Kathryn scowled at him. “Only because you’re an idiot.”

Thorne glared back at her.

“It’s on March 18, right?”

“That’s right,” Kathryn confirmed. Riley had clearly been paying more attention to Thorne’s evening chatter than he’d thought.

“I’ll have to check with Susan, but yeah, that sounds great. I’ve got a heavy workload at school, but somehow we’ll make it work.”

“You’ll have to do the work in a commercially certified kitchen,” Kathryn said, “but I’ll find you a space.” Previously Susan and Riley had only catered small events for friends and acquaintances where kitchen licensing didn’t matter.

“Will we be able to schedule time this close to when we need it?”

Kathryn nodded. “Yes. I’ll arrange it.”

She’d pay extra for it, she meant, but she knew not to say that directly to Riley even if he could easily work it out. Thorne appreciated that.

RILEY WAS PRACTICALLY vibrating with excitement. He glanced at Thorne, but his boyfriend was looking everywhere but at him. Fuck, had he made Thorne that antsy about using his money and connections for Riley’s benefit?

I’m an ass.

“I really appreciate this opportunity.”

“You’re very welcome. I’m excited about working with you.” Kathryn held out her hand, and he shook it. He looked at Thorne again, willing him to make eye contact.

Finally, he did. Riley smiled. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He could hear the surprise in Thorne’s voice.

“I’ll call Susan right now. Excuse me for a few minutes.”

He scurried to the bedroom and grabbed his phone, which he’d left lying on the bed. Fast as he could, he looked up Susan’s number and called her.

“Hi, Riley, how are you?” she answered.

“Good. Better.”

“Has school improved?”

“No, it still sucks, but Kathryn and Thorne want us to cater the next gala at the museum.”

“What? They do? That’s…Wow! Do you think we’re up for that?”

“I think we’re more than up for it.” If he told himself that enough, it would be true. “But it’s in two and a half weeks.”

“Oh my God.”

Riley knew Susan was thinking through all the things she’d already committed to. “Kathryn’s going to find us some commercial kitchen space.”

“We can’t say no to this, but I’m going to be insanely busy.”

“I’ll help all I can. We could get a lot of business from this.”

“Are you still debating whether to stay in school?” Susan asked.

Riley traced patterns on the comforter as he pondered the question. Was he? He still didn’t think he could take money from Thorne, but with Susan’s savings, his tuition money, and a small business loan… “Maybe. I want to give it a little more time.”

“Take all the time you need. I want you to do what’s right for you.”

Susan was such an amazing friend. If it weren’t for her, he would never have learned to bake like he could. “I don’t want to hold you back.”

“This isn’t the time to worry about that. Let’s get through this museum event, and then we’ll reassess. Do you have any time to get together tomorrow so we can plan our menu?”

“Hang on.” Riley checked his calendar app. “I can be at your house at 4:30.”


“So we’re going to do this?” Now that the excitement had passed and Susan had agreed, Riley’s nerves about such a large job were building steadily.

“Yes, and we don’t have time to worry. We just need to start planning.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He ended the call, took a deep breath, and stepped back into the living area.

“We’ll do it,” he said.

Kathryn beamed. “Thank you.”

“I need to find out exactly what you’re looking for. Then Susan and I will come up with a menu tomorrow, and I’ll forward it to you for approval.”

Kathryn smiled. “I’ve got all the information right here. I’m excited that we can work with you. I think this is going to be fantastic.”

“I sure hope so.” Riley’s hand shook from a combination of fear and excitement as he took the printouts from Kathryn and scanned through them. They expected several hundred guests. He’d never catered a gathering for more than fifty, and they didn’t have long to plan.

“If anyone can pull this off perfectly, it’s Riley,” Thorne said.

Riley looked up at him, and the affection shining in Thorne’s eyes was enough to give him the confidence he needed.

Riley flopped on the couch as soon as Thorne closed the door behind Kathryn. He had loads more studying to do, but he couldn’t summon the energy to care. After spending months teaching Thorne that he needed to take time to relax, Riley had been working so hard that he’d forgotten his own lessons. He’d neglected Thorne and tried to push the tension between them to the back of his mind where he could ignore it.