That was why, when he had showed up at my office unannounced, declaring I had better marry his daughter, I had been taken aback by his demand. Even though he had reasoned he didn’t want the child to be a bastard, or for his daughter to be a single mother, deep down, I had known he had really come to see that I was a decent, hardworking man who had no ill will towards Ava before or at present.

Not only did I have a lot to thank him for, the man had ears and spies all over the globe, unfortunately. Consequently, I best tread carefully.

Chapter 29


I left the house without a peep from Ava. When I had come downstairs, ready to leave, she had still been in the same place I had left her almost an hour ago. She had simply given me a smile and told me to be safe and have a good time. It was great and all; however, her not showing any concern made me wonder if she cared much at all. The desired effect I had hoped to gain with this space from her seemed to have backfired, and I had no one to blame except myself.

After leaving the house, I headed straight to Hilary’s place in Fitzrovia. As expected, she didn’t spare any expense on her appearance. Before, I had been accustomed to having this sort of woman around me most of the time—a decade of women who had little to no depth at all—but after being with Ava for over two weeks, I felt like I had been under an illusion.

Although most were kind, good women, they didn’t engage in any conversations that were intriguing or comical. If not engaged in appearance, being famous and powerful, vacations, money, or any of the latest fashion trends, most of them would only nod and smile at will, yet would offer nothing in retort. I used to like being around that sort, but after being with Ava, I simply abhorred it. I supposed, sooner or later, men did have to grow up and, in a sense, grow some balls.

Half an hour after into the fundraiser benefitting cancer, I was managing to uphold fake smiles and interest in superficial conversations. All was going as per usual, until I found Charlotte Watson’s icy glare giving me the chill along with the ultimate blast from the past.

Without ado, I excused myself from the investment bankers and Hilary, who seemed to have bonded with one of the wives who had one of the top of the art facials that could make any woman shed ten years off without surgery. She was a pure example of the kind of superficiality this world had come to. Pathetic.

Striding towards the Ice Queen of Hell, I ground my jaws together as I composed myself, ready to see where this meet and greet could lead us. The second I reached her, my hand pressed against my chest as I gave her a small nod, as if she was of importance.

“Good evening, Charlotte. You look well, and truly lovely, as expected.” Lying through my teeth was an expertise I had acquired through years of practice. One had to learn the art of deception when they had to mingle amongst the high ranking, rotten lot; it was mandatory. Thou shall not offend thee ill-gotten society, or thou wouldst risk being shunned.

Charlotte gave me a scathing glance with a raised brow while she seemed to be appraising me from head to foot. “Well, once being a lowly gardener, you certainly know how to dress deceivingly. I don’t like you, and I doubt I will ever accept you as my daughter’s husband since you’re far off the mark when compared to a lovely man such as Ashton Westwood. But, being as my opinion isn’t highly valued by my daughter, it seems, I have no choice other than to stand behind my husband’s decision since she’s carrying your child.”

Her opinions mattered little to me.

When she cast her eyes towards Hilary’s direction, I knew there was more to come from her toxic tirade.

“Is this how you disrespect my child, by parading your mistress at social functions while you hide her away from the world? Charles begged of me to give you a second chance, but given the present situation, I doubt I will ever see you in a different light. I don’t tolerate dalliances when it’s my daughter’s life in question. Does she know about this woman; is that why she’s here out in the society while you two parade around like lovers while you keep my daughter in hiding until she gives birth to your heir?”

How could she even understand what the depth of my situation with Ava was, given that she had already made a very low opinion of me?

“Ava is in good hands. I will provide of her for as long as I am capable of doing so. She will want for nothing. And, if you’re so curious about what our relationship is built on, why don’t you go ahead and ask your daughter instead?” My quip wasn’t the sharpest, but she was bombarding me with all these things at the wrong time—at a very high-profiled fundraiser!

She reddened, looking like a volcano about to erupt as she tried to control herself. “I never thought the day would come when I wished you were the same boy who was in love with my daughter. I’d rather have you poor and in love with her than have you as a wealthy tycoon who cares little for my daughter’s heart.

“Pay heed, the moment she gives birth to my grandchild, I’ll do everything in my power to take you down. You don’t deserve her, nor do you deserve the child she’s going to bear you.” She immediately strutted into the crowd, feeling high and mighty with her belittling treatment of me.

I could’ve argued. I could’ve said a lot of things that would paint me in a much brighter light. However, she had a point. Having her point out that she’d rather have me poor while still in love with her daughter had given me a glimpse of her thawing ice queen personality. I wasn’t sure why, but I had a feeling she was looking forward to meeting her grandchild. As was I.

Joining the bankers and Hilary’s company once more, I tried to draw some interest in their conversation, but I somehow ended up wanting to scream like mad. Charlotte Watson’s voice kept hounding my mind. It was as if she had planted a seed that wouldn’t eject itself from my conscience. I felt like she had successfully triggered something I’d squashed ages ago. I was about to go mental.

I couldn’t take it any longer. I needed to breathe, to run and get the bloody hell out of here. I had to pull Hilary to the side and told her there was an emergency of sorts that I immediately had to handle. Then, I apologized for leaving her before the dinner had even been announced.

Dashing towards the nearest pub available, I hastily went inside and sat my troubled arse down on one of the red leather seats before asking for a double shot of the best brandy they had.

Five double shots down, I shut my eyes as I pressed the bridge of my nose while my mind recalled the night that had changed my life.