I was proud of him and what he had achieved. I doubted a lot of people had the capability or the capacity to become this powerful. It was humbling to see him thriving; however, I couldn’t help the fact that I wished he’d be the same guy inside. Clearly, to a certain extent, power and an unlimited source of cash had delivered some sort of impact on him.

His home had a black and white marbled entryway that led to two stairways. The living room had an edgy contemporary style to it with two, white sectionals facing each other and a massive, black lacquered coffee table in the middle. The décor was minimal, yet the effect made one feel like they’d dirty their surrounding if they dared to sneeze. It wasn’t necessarily homey, but judging by his personality, I was convinced this made him feel quite at home.

There were two staff employed in his household who lived here. A butler named Alistair and a cook named Bronte. Both were polite but imposed a cool reservation, possibly because they had no idea where in God’s name I had come from or what relation I had to Reiss. I was positive he wasn’t the kind to air his dirty laundry with his own staff.

My quick exploration halted when Alistair prompted me that he’d show me to my room. Quietly following in his wake, I was informed by him that Mr. Chambers occupied the entire third floor, and I would be in one of the guest bedrooms, which were located on the second.

After Alistair led me into the bedroom, I declined his offer to have Bronte come up and help me unpack. Since I only had a luggage and a half, there was no need for her, because I had a lot of time on my hand, anyway.

Without unpacking, I placed my phone and my purse on the table beside the bed before I sighed and took off my shoes and slid down my trousers. Dressed with my top and underwear on, I slid inside the comforts of my new bed. My back had been giving me a lot of stress lately, and after the wedding this morning and the emotional upheaval that I battled with myself over each time Reiss was around, I was more than ready to sleep the night away. The bed felt like a dream, and it didn’t even take me a full five minutes until I was in a deep slumber.

Chapter 25


Something alerted my senses, causing me to slowly drift out of my sleep. It was as if something was pulling me out of my subconscious, gradually making me highly aware of my surroundings. It was the sound, the smell, and the primal instinct that told you there was another person in the room with you. Though my lids protested opening, they somehow made it halfway, allowing me to groggily scout the room, wondering what had woken me.

The first thing I noticed was my left hand, splayed across the bed with the ring Reiss had given me a little over a week ago, sparkling brightly at me. I was a married, unmarried woman. The thought bubbled out of nowhere, making me release a crucially melancholy sigh.

“Already regret marrying me, huh?” The question made me look across the bed, meeting his critical stare as he sat on the opposite side of the bed, possibly gazing at me sleeping.

Slowly pushing my body to do a half sitting position, I made a face, hoping to make light of the situation. “I’ll let you know once I do, but so far, it’s been okay. Nothing monumental or anything of the sort.”

He looked relaxed with his dress shirt un-tucked and a few buttons undone, mesmerizing emerald eyes, and a face that made women go gaga for. I couldn’t help but eye him with gusto.

“How was the meeting? Did it turn out the way you wanted it to?”

“Yes and no,” he responded with a serene look on his face, glancing at me with a look I couldn’t decipher. “I apologize for not taking you out. I know the situation isn’t the most ideal, but I hope you and I will have an amicable relationship, especially in the upcoming months.”

Sigh. Why did he have to ruin the spell I was in? I knew it was an illusion, but I wanted a few moments more without being reminded of what had brought me here in the first place.

“I know, Reiss. I promise I won’t come in between you and your life. I mean that. You won’t even know I’m around. It’s best that I start having my own life here again. So, if you’re worried about any of that, you shouldn’t.”

“I hope this newfound drive to start having social life doesn’t include boyfriends.”

His comment took me aback. “Boyfriends?”

“Men you go out with and share everything with without the intimacy—a clause that was clearly stated in our pre-nuptial agreement.”

The bastard had woke me up for this? If he had dealt with such a rough day, he could very well find someone else to work out his stress from all of his work baggage.

“I read it, Reiss, but nowhere did I read in there that I couldn’t have male friends! Besides, even if I did become friends with other males later down the road, what is it to you, anyway? It’s not as if I would be shagging and flaunting them before you.” He was pressing on something I hadn’t even thought of, which only infuriated me some more. How dare he throw stipulations when he himself had someone on the side?

“Don’t play with fire, Ava, or you might not like the consequences.” His warning tone put me over the edge of madness.

I growled, wanting to slap him as I slid off the bed and rounded it to reach him, ready to bring down all the pent up anger and wrath I’d been harboring since we had met again.

“I have been bloody patient with you. Every time you’ve done something deplorable, I always try to tell myself that it was your right to treat me like I’m nothing but dirt on your heel because I caused you pain in the past. But you’ve taken everything out of me. I’ve exhausted all my patience in trying to tolerate your beastly behavior!” My shrill voice echoed in the room while Reiss gave me a stony look that said he was beyond insulted I was lashing out on him. Well, this whole pity-party was over. I was done making excuses for his measly treatment of me. “You’ve done nothing—not a damn bloody thing—to ease your horrid attitude towards me. If it makes you feel all-bloody-fucking-powerful, well, go right ahead. I’ll just fucking pretend that you don’t exist since most of the time you do the same to me. Your unfounded and biased opinion about having male friends is ludicrous. Why deny me another man’s company when you yourself don’t make that sacrifice to show me the same kind of respect? Why should I bother? Why should I care about what you think?”

“The thought is not unfounded since you have my child growing inside you! What is it with you, Ava? Why make such an easy request sound like it’s a life sentence?” He flashed his anger at me, his eyes darkening as he slowly got up from the bed, all six-foot-three of him looming above me, hovering in an intimidating matter. “Are you so deprived of male attention you don’t care what others think of you? Is this what you did when poor, dearest Ashton didn’t shower you with attention—throw a bloody tantrum, maybe tease and shag another man to make him come to his senses and beg of your return? You had better listen well, love: I’m not going to tolerate seeing you slutting your way around while you’re pregnant with my child. The moment you cross this fine line, Ava, I’ll hire security to detail your every move.”