“I know, Ava. I know what she was trying to do.” Of course I did; however, it didn’t change the fact that her words had hurt. Because they had. I understood she had been directing her hate at me, but to include my parents and call them names? Well, that had definitely fired my blood.

Looking at the bigger picture and trying to be optimistic, the only thing that mattered was Ava’s opinion, and she didn’t share her mother’s view. Well, I hoped to God she didn’t. She wasn’t like that from what I had seen. Though she had the tendency to be a spoiled princess, she didn’t rub it in people’s faces. Besides, she wouldn’t go out of her way to reject her mother’s demands about not seeing me if I didn’t mean something to her. She must feel something. I knew, deep down, she did, or this profound feeling I had for her wouldn’t be so powerful.

“Ava …” I whispered, seeking her eyes. “I’m crazy about you. You must know that.” She appeared to be teary, making me even more protective of her. “And you also must know that no one can make me stay away from you; no one can separate me from being with you except you, Ava. You and you alone have the power to drive me away. No one else.”

I haven’t known the power of love until this moment, vowing I would never leave her side, would never betray her heart unless she told me to go away. I was crazy in love with her, and I would rather take all of Mrs. Watson’s hurtful, derogatory words than be without her. I’d take all the pain her mother was willing to bestow because I’d fight for the right to love her daughter, no matter the cost.

“Reiss …” she sobbed, more tears welling up in her sullen eyes as she softly whispered, “make love to me.”

I froze on the spot, wondering if I had heard her correctly.

“Ava, you’re upset. You don’t have to sacrifice anything to make me feel better. It might not have seemed like it earlier, but just seeing you tonight made me feel better inside.”

She shook her head, speaking her mind, “I want you on me … all of you, Reiss, inside me.”

Fuck, how often had I dreamt of her telling me this? Far too much, to be exact. After what had occurred today, I didn’t want her regretting giving her virginity to me. It was sacred, and she should guard it until she was ready to give it away. As much as it pained me to reject her, I knew I should put her needs first, even though it might seem that she didn’t want me to.

“Ava”—my voice hinted a warning—“you’re not ready for this, especially not right after what happened with your mum. I understand you might be upset, but you must know that you don’t have to do anything to keep me happy. Having you here is enough. Loving you is enough for me.”

“It might be enough for you…” she countered without batting an eyelid, “but it isn’t for me, Reiss. I want this—I want you,” she passionately declared, making me feel as if my lungs were full and about to combust. “I want to share something special, something beautiful with you. I want to feel this experience with you and no other man. So, please, stop turning me down and start showing me how much you love me.”

“You have to think this through. You can’t simply be sporadic about it,” I insisted, hoping she’d change her mind. “Once you give it away, you can never take it back. I don’t want you to ever regret your first time. I’d never forgive myself if you do.”

As much as I would love to experience being inside her where no man had ever been, the worst thing I feared was for her to wake up the next morning and regret the fact that she had chosen me, someone so unworthy of her. I might not admit it out loud, but her mother’s words had dug deep because she was right; I wouldn’t be able to take care of her the way she needed to be taken care of. What could a bloke like me offer her? My future certainly didn’t have millions attached to it. All I had was love. And, even though it sounded laughable to many, I had vowed to give her everything I had and would always treat her with respect and affection.

Seventeen might be too young to know what love was; however, I knew my heart was all hers. Every fiber in my body, my soul, my instincts knew she was the one. And that was one of the reasons I didn’t want to jeopardize what we had at the moment for some sexual release. I wouldn’t have it that way. What we had was too delicate and precious to risk for a night of pleasure.

“Sporadic …? Why would you suggest such a thing?” She seemed disappointed in my choice of words. “I have known from the first time I saw you that I wanted it to be you. You unleash something scary inside me when you’re around. Don’t you see? I’m just as crazy as you are. I hadn’t meant to take it this slow with you, but I’m glad I did. Even though it pained you to not go all the way with me, your restraint showed me just how much you felt for me. This past month has been nothing but exquisite torture, and I’d love nothing more than for you to show me what you’ve wanted to do all along.”

Without hesitation, she slid from the bed and slowly stripped off her clothes before me until she was fully naked, exposing her neatly trimmed pussy.

My cock twitched in response as my eyes took in her pert breasts and toned body. I wanted her like no other, although I was still hesitant. Once we crossed this line, there was no taking it back, and I would want her all the bloody damn time. If I was addicted to her before sex, I’d surely be ten times more pathetic after experiencing her.

“I’m wet,” she remarked as she joined me again, but this time, she straddled my hips, taking the lead. I only had my boxer briefs on, not much of a hindrance if Ava was serious about her mission. Having her at this angle made me groan as she slowly rocked her tight cunt against the fabric of my underwear.

“Shit—oh, shit!” she hissed, lost in the moment as she rocked her hips harder against me. “God, you feel so good. You’re going to feel even more amazing fucking me.”

Christ. Bloody. Mother fucking Christ. How filthy her mouth was and how arousing it was to hear it from her.

Watching in amazement, I became her instrument of pleasure as she almost reached her orgasm. I had to take control before her release, needing to take the lead before she got out of hand. Then things would definitely become insane. I needed to control the situation, or I’d handle this callously.

“You need to slow down, princess. You can’t simply have an orgasm without my permission.”