Opening the window, Ava faced me with boredom imprinted on her face, as though to tell me I was no longer that intriguing to her. Her standoffish nature opposed the sensual woman I had encountered two nights prior.

Call it ego or male pride, but I hadn’t expected this kind of welcome from her. I must say my injured ego needed reassurance and reaffirmation. Re-strategizing was in order.

“I thought I’d stop by to say hi,” I started while I trained my eyes not to ogle the breasts that had gotten me off this afternoon, simply focusing on her gorgeous face. “I wasn’t sure if you came out last night but thought I should apologize for my absence anyway.” Pausing, I probed into her eyes, hoping she’d know I meant the words. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your stretching. I’ll see you around. Have a lovely night, Ava.” Using one of the smiles that usually got women to lower their barriers, I started counting, hoping she’d stop me any second as I slowly maneuvered my body to retrace my way down the plank fence.





“Wait—” She sounded worried. “Where are you going?”

Brilliant was my name. Glancing up towards her, I gave her a steady look before climbing up again until her face was a few centimeters from mine. “Did you ask me something?”

“Where are you off to?” Her eyes took me in with that look that women got when they wanted something. Or someone.

“Somewhere … nowhere in particular. It’s one of those nights …” I trailed off, hoping she’d finish the sentence and get the hint. She was biting her lip while my eyes gathered how her nipples became prominent as the seconds ticked away.

My chest soared at the anticipation that was building between us. Even breathing this close to her felt like the air was below zero since it was starting to hurt my nostrils and lungs.

“You can come in if you like.” Her eyes were on my lips before she heatedly lifted her gaze to my green one. “And help me stretch.”

Damn. She was hinting with major innuendoes. My wayward imagination boldly ran rampant.

“Sure,” I said noncommittally. “Just tell me what to do.”

“Of course,” she chimed before opening the window wider for my entry, welcoming me into her bedroom.

Unperturbed, I gradually walked around her room that seemed like it was the entire size of the cottage we were living in, checking every knick-knack she had on display. She seemed to have an odd fascination in a punk looking penguin character.

“Cute.” I tried to hide my smile as I pressed my lips together before taking the pint-sized stuffed penguin and giving it a light shake. “Penguins are your thing?”

“Not all penguins, only Bad Badtz-Maru.” She piped up right behind me before protectively taking the Bad badoo something or other out of my hands. “My father was in Japan, and when he came back, it was April’s Fools Day, and coincidentally, it was his birthday, too. I was eight at the time, so I let him join my tea party.”

“How welcoming of you.” Picturing her playing pretend as an eight-year-old little girl melted me a little.

I was lost in thought when she playfully smacked Bad Badoo on my cheek. “I was eight and Bad was cute. You can’t fault me for wanting to keep him around.”

Raising my brow, I teased her some more. “So only cute things could be kept around you?” Wiggling my brows, I grinned wider. “Does that mean you find me pleasing to your eyes and that’s why you invited me in?”

“Stretching.” She provocatively licked her lips. “You’re here to help me stretch … and maybe entertain me a little, but I’ll decide on that later if you behave.”

I’d act however she wanted me to. Hell, I’d even play fetch if that got her approval. I’d do whatever, as long as the ending remained the same.

“Whatever you wish, Ava …” Murmuring the words, our eyes connected for a fraction. It was quick, yet I felt this potent pull of connection with her. It simply left me speechless.

Chapter 10

“I’m ready whenever you are.”

Watching her with fascination as she retreated back to her mat, my body felt wrung out from the anticipation of being close to her again.

She got to her stomach, lifting her head halfway before she situated her hands behind her head with interlocked fingers. “Come up behind me with your knees on the sides of my hips then gently wrap your hands around my elbows and stretch me slowly, lifting me up steadily.”

Okay, that wasn’t so hard.

Remembering her instructions, I held my breath as I parted my legs on the sides of her hips. I lowered myself to my knees, clasping around her elbows, and then softly applied pressure as I unhurriedly lifted her upper body. From this angle, her breasts were magnificent. Add this to the fact that she was breathing through her mouth, gasping short breaths as her body adjusted to the muscle compression, and I was struggling to keep my composure because I was mesmerized staring at them. We did this a few more times before she announced she was done for the night.

“Maybe you should stop pretending you’re not having a difficult time trying not to stare at me. We could even use it as a conversation starter.” She was pretty direct, and it intimidated and intrigued me all the more.

“You’re a beautiful girl wearing bits of clothing. It’s rather hard to ignore the bits, if you must know.”

Ava smirked, eyeing me wildly. “Do you fancy me, Reiss?” she murmured, closing the gap between us.

My throat bobbed before rasping out the truth. “More than words could ever describe.”

I was in pure torment with this lust of mine. She enthralled me. From the moment she had captured my attention, I had been a lost cause.

“Good.” Her left hand reached out to touch my chest before it rested against where my heart lay beating. “Do you often think of me after that night?” Gazing up to me, she gave me an expectant look.

There was no point in lying. “You are all I’ve thought about … even if I tried not to.”

“Tell me more about these thought of yours, Reiss.”

That was rather tough to elaborate on, really. I didn’t want to disrespect her. No, that would be the last thing I’d ever do. However, I could go about it in such a sense that could partially enlighten what I’d been dreaming about.

“I think you’re the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes upon, Ava.” Clearing my throat, I continued on. “You’re captivating … alluring. You have a way of getting into my mind like no one has ever dared. Your direct approach leaves me speechless. You terrify me, and I simply can’t get enough of you.”