With my eyes partially closed, I daydreamed of making my way towards her almost naked state, awakening her with my lips securely enclosed on one of those delightful peaks, sucking on one of those teeny buds as I fondled the other. I was a breast kind of man. I didn’t want them particularly humongous; rather, I liked them a tad more than a handful, firm and perky. The kind where I could endlessly smother myself all night and day and wouldn’t complain a damn word about it. Most of all, I imagined her cupping both breasts as I slid my cock in between them, furiously fucking her there.

It didn’t take another minute until I manically unloaded my nut into the hedges.

Staring into the white cream, I felt no shame whatsoever at what I had done. This was beyond perverted, yet I seemed to have had no hold of my urgencies when I had seen that she was about to bare her breasts to broad daylight.

What could a seventeen-year-old guy like me do? It was simply inevitable. So was getting my hands on her again. Truly beyond unavoidable.

Chapter 9

That same night, my friends asked me to go out drinking again, but I declined them, excusing myself with the pretense of a mild headache. Same went with Holly, though this time, I told her my mother wanted to have family time and wouldn’t take no for an answer.

I usually didn’t resort to white lies unless it was important. Somehow, my reasoning had convinced me it was. Pursuing Ava after I had declined her would require thorough planning. Above all, I had to make sure no one knew. Maybe I was letting my raging hormones get in the way. Regardless, at this instant, I couldn’t think of anything or anyone except her. It would either get my fill of my drug of choice or keep on getting these vivid, random flashbacks that never failed to leave me in a state of desperate compulsion of touching myself; whether it was in the safe confines of my bedroom or out in public. Therefore, for my sanity’s sake and the sake of the people around the estate, I had to do something. Otherwise, I might simply take on the urge of touching my private bits whilst working.

My first plan was to go back to the spot where we had crossed paths in the garden. Consequently, I went with my gut and aimlessly made my way there at half past ten, hoping I’d have enough time to sort my thoughts out because they had been invaded by images of her and her glorious globes. The things that entered my head were beyond obscene, and I couldn’t help it. She brought out the naughty side of me, and her wickedness the other night merely teased this part of me.

I wanted her hot, wanting, desperate for me to do the little bad things she evoked in me. Never in my life had I felt this reckless need to be with a girl. Sure, fucking had always come easily to me; however, this type of senseless desperation that brought out the animalistic tendencies was something new all together. Maybe it was because I knew nothing could come out of it, even if something was to happen between us. Or maybe it was the blatant fact that she was a forbidden fruit that made it difficult to resist. Or maybe it could simply be because she was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen, and staying away from her was never going to be an option from the get-go. Whatever the answer was, it was lost on me.

A male had two brains. One located up north and the other down south. The southern hub had only one purpose and agenda and that was to copulate.

Reaching the lake, I found the spot where she and I had met the other night and patiently sat on a nearby log, hoping the siren was coming out tonight. Listening to the sound of the night made by the nocturnal animals, humming and squeaking in the background, made me more aware of how alone I was out here.

Patiently trying to distract myself with my phone, I noted it had been half an hour since I had arrived. And, since it was still early, I resorted to web browsing. However, this attempt at occupying myself didn’t last very long.

After convincing myself this first part of my plan was plain stupid, I decided I had to move along to Plan B. This time, I hoped the little stunt of mine would be progressive and not as fallible as the first one.

Getting up, I hastily dusted off my pants before heading towards the manor. The walk took me about fifteen minutes until I found myself looking up towards her bedroom window, which was unsurprisingly brightly lit with music playing. There were four sets of windows in her bedroom and all of them were tightly shut.

Just my stroke of luck, I painfully noted as my mind tried to convince me this ludicrous idea was juvenile and risky. I mean, what would I do if Ava found me and started screaming bloody murder? How in the world would I get away with that?

Regardless, as I looked up, bunching my fists simultaneously, my mind tried to rationalize the pros and cons, weighing out the chances I was ready to gamble on, hoping my instincts would lead me to untroubled pursuits tonight.

My hesitation didn’t last, and before I knew it, my hands and feet were on the wooden plank fence, pushing and brushing away the thick vines as I climb upwards. The fence was sturdy; as a result, it didn’t take me very long until I reached one of her windows, finally seeing what her bedroom was like for the first time.

There was a lot of white, pink, and black accents all throughout. It was remarkably girly, yet the shade of black made it less teeny-boppy and princess-y.

Roving my eyes to the left, I found what I had been searching for all evening.

Gripping the ends of the wooden fence, I craned my neck to get a better view of her stretching on the mat, doing downward dog in matching black, itty-bitty shorts and a sports bra. Her splendid arse was facing me, stretching and bending, as if to entice me some more. For a quick second, I sent out a mighty thank you prayer to the guardians above.

From what I could see, she was doing some breathing exercises as she remained in her downturned position. She did this for a few more minutes before she started flexing her heel, shifting from one foot to the other. I could condition myself to stay here forever and watch her do whatever exercises she got herself into, but the second I felt my pre-cum leak out, I knew I better do something to get myself inside the damn room or forever hold my piece behind closed windows.

Without preamble, I gently tapped on the glass with my knuckles, hoping the sound could be heard over her music. Much to my dismay, it seemed the gods needed me to try harder. Knocking with much force and effort, I didn’t halt my banging until I truly had received her undivided attention.

At first, her bluish purple eyes bulged out of their sockets before she recovered, giving me an eye roll. Strolling towards me, she sensually swayed her hips effortlessly. It was a strut known to men as “the catwalk,” and it demanded all of my attention, including my approving rock hard member.