We were surrounded by my friends Felix, Benjamin, Tom, and Rory in one of the hip pubs in town. We lived around west of Kent in the quaint little town of Seven Oaks. I liked living in this town, but I couldn’t help wondering what life would be like in London. Though I know that would be wishful thinking. There wasn’t much going on with my life.

After high school, I would be helping my father and would take over his role after he retired. Some people asked if I had any other ambition besides being a gardener, and to be quite honest, I had never really considered the idea of doing anything else. Sure, I had dreamt of seeing the world; however, that didn’t mean it’d happen to me someday. I knew they were dreams, and dreaming usually remained in the imagination when it came to people like me.

One of my strongest suits was mathematics, and software programming did interest me to a point until I found out how much tuition was going to cost. Then I immediately dropped the idea. My parents were getting old, and I didn’t want to be a burden for much longer. They deserved to relax and get to do the things they had planned for themselves. I wasn’t a selfish toad to take that away from them merely because I wanted to make something of myself. If the day ever came that they no longer needed me, I was determined to pursue whatever I wanted. Then I’d be doing it of my own accord, without inhibiting my parents.

“Earth to Reiss?” Holly snapped her fingers in front of my face, annoyingly trying to get my attention since I had purposely ignored her questions minutes prior.

“Nothing. Not a damn thing.” I gave her a deadpan look, hoping she’d quit being so nosy. “I’m quite knackered is all. I had an exhausting day.” Well, it was mostly because I had lacked sleep due to not being quite able to concentrate on anything other than one bloody person. The person being a girl, a girl I couldn’t stop thinking about, one who had asked me to meet her again in a few hours.

I didn’t have to think deeply about what would be my response to her request of meeting her again. Deciding not to show up would be the most sensible thing to do. This—whatever it was—could not bloody go on. I could see Mr. Watson’s stern face and Mrs. Watson’s snotty bloody expression if they ever found out their daughter was mingling amongst the lesser kind. I wouldn’t get very far. I treasured my parents too much to ever put them in such a situation.

Downing a few more pints, Holly and I decided to call it a night. She lived with her sister a few blocks down the road, and staying the night over at her flat would be much more convenient since I doubted I could get myself home in my current condition. Besides, I didn’t want another run-in with Ava.

Getting into bed with Holly wasn’t a difficult ordeal. She had been after me for quite some time. After our first date, the woman hadn’t said the word “no” yet. She was always willing, accommodating to whatever I asked of her. That was one of the things I enjoyed about being with her. She was easy going and demanded very little of me, and tonight, I needed a hefty load of distraction.

It was ten to five in the morning when I woke up with Holly’s naked body sticking to me like glue. Carefully releasing her languid form, I closed my eyes and began to massage my temples. My head throbbed from too much alcohol, and I could still feel it working in my system. Should I stay and sleep for a few more hours, or should I quietly leave and try to catch a quick nap at home before work? In the end, I concluded the hour was safe, and I could very well go home without interruption.

Grunting, I slowly reached over towards Holly before giving her a kiss on the lips. “I’m leaving. Rest well. I’ll see you in a bit.”

She barely cracked her eyes in small slits before dozing back into a deep coma.

Shaking my head with a tiny smile, I started putting my clothes on. It didn’t take long until I was out the door and well on my way home. Usually, I took my motorcycle with me, but lately, walking and getting some fresh air whilst drunk had been quite enjoyable. And since it was summertime and the season merely lasted for a short while, I wanted to relish the heat and the beauty of my surroundings. Summer time in the English countryside could be lovely.

Just as I had anticipated, my day began with a massive headache. It always went this way when I went past five glasses of beer. After I had gotten back home, sleep had evaded me. All I had done the entire time in bed was wonder how things might have been had I showed up in the garden last night. All things aside, I knew it would have been a night I wouldn’t forget.

All day, I waited for her to show up and furiously demand why I hadn’t followed through with her request, but much to my dismay and surprise, Ava was nowhere in sight. A part of me argued she had merely been bored and that’s why she had done what she had, although none of it meant anything, really. Then there was the opposing part that reasonably argued that a woman of her sort wouldn’t simply come up to guy she barely knew and do the sort of intimate things a teenager would do without a motive. And since I hadn’t a clue what that motive was, I pondered most about it, wondering what if …

By mid-afternoon, I was trimming the hedges that came up to my waist when I caught something out of my peripheral vision.


She was striding out of the indoor pool patio, donning an electric blue bikini. The three tiny patches of triangles barely concealed anything, leaving me little doubt as to what she looked like underneath. Lust soared into my cock, causing my balls to be in a pained and constrained state. Her lustrous inky hair was left free, cascading down her back, perfecting that “just out of bed” look that made horny guys like me think of one thing … sex. Shagging. And more shagging.

Blasted fuck, I wanted her so badly. I instantly had the urge to stop myself mid-workday and wank off at the sight of her readying to sunbathe. She was facing the opposing rectangular outdoor pool as her eyes scanned about the area, looking around. Since I had hidden myself behind the hedges and had been acting like the obvious peeping tom I secretly was, I almost groaned when I saw her reach to her back and untie the knot of her bikini. Then she did the same with the knot behind her neck. With her back to me, I could easily appreciate the beautiful arch of her back and the pert, firm bottom she had.

Losing a part of my brain, I scanned the perimeter to see if Father was nearby and was relieved to know he was still on the other side of the estate, minding his precious rose bushes. I swiftly took my gloves off and hurriedly tended to my aching cock.

With my hand gripping the base of it, I started to massage the throbbing shaft as I peeped through holes in the hedges, finding her on the day lounger, eyes shut as she comfortably listened to the music flittering through her tiny ear buds. Her firm breasts were gloriously on display, basking in the sunrays as her nipples pebbled, thrusting their beautiful peaks heavenward, vying for attention. My undivided attention as I jerked my dick fastidiously. Menacingly. Desperately.