Glenn sighs at Paige’s words and shakes his head. “You don’t have to come if you don’t want to.”

“I’ll be ten minutes.” I turn and head straight for the shower, wash, dry, and get into some clean clothes. When I come back down, Paige has changed into a dress and is standing at the door with Glenn.

“Yay! I’m so excited. Beckham has planned it all.”

Glenn shakes his head. “Lucky for you, that boy adores you.” Glenn walks out and I follow. We all slide into the car, and Paige stays glued to her phone for the whole ride.

“You nervous?” Glenn asks.

“Should I be?” I ask.

“I don’t know. Have you been to the Harleys before?”

“No,” I answer.

“Mrs. Harley is quite different… just a word of warning.”

Paige laughs from the back seat. “She isn’t all that bad. She just has high expectations…” She pauses. “Especially for Rylee more than anyone else.” Paige almost whispers the words.

“Yes, Rylee’s always been the special child. She molded everything around her,” Glenn declares. “She’s taking over the family business. Clever girl, that one.”

“We’re here.” Paige gets out before the car even comes to a full stop.

“If you need to leave, let me know. I’m good at escaping these things,” Glenn offers while getting out and following his daughter.

I’ve seen the house before, but tonight for some reason, it seems bigger. The door opens, and Beckham greets us. He catches Paige as she flies into his arms, and I can hear her giggles as the door is pushed open wider. Rylee is standing there with a smile on her face until she glances my way.

Glenn taps me on the back as I stay at the foot of the stairs. “Good luck,” he whispers before stepping to his daughter. Paige ends up pulling herself away from Beckham so he can shake Glenn’s hand.

Rylee steps out the door and marches down the two steps to me. “You’re here…” she trails off.

I slide my hands into my pockets. “It’s her birthday.”

Rylee checks back over her shoulder. “I’m aware. It’s why I’m here.”

“Good to know.”

“Are you avoiding me?”

There are three sets of eyes watching us when I look past her.

“We should go in. They’re waiting.” Rylee peeks back over her shoulder.

“Can you give us a minute?”

Beckham nods then ushers Paige and Glenn inside the house, closing the door behind him. When Rylee turns back to me, her eyes, as dark as the night sky, pin me in place. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

“No, I’ve been working.”

“Working at avoiding… yeah, I get it. You don’t want the same things I want. But I’d still like you in my life.”

“I’m here right now… in your life,” I tell her.

“You’re here for Paige, which I’m glad for. But I have a feeling you didn’t come willingly.”

Opening my mouth to reply, the front door opens again. We both turn to an older version of Rylee. Her eyes squint as she glares at me, then gives the same glare to Rylee. “It’s time you come inside. She’s about to open presents.”

“Yes, Mother,” Rylee says.

Her mother turns her nose up and stands there holding the door open.

“This isn’t finished. You aren’t the villain in my story, August. So stop pretending you need to be.” Rylee makes her way up the steps and waits for me to join her.

“Is your friend coming?” her mother asks with raised eyebrows.

“Yes, he is,” Rylee says with a bite in her words.

With a sigh, I walk up the steps until I’m next to her and nod at Rylee’s mother. “Thank you for inviting me, Mrs. Harley.”

She turns her nose up and her eyes wander up and down my body. “I didn’t, but it seems you’re here anyway.”

Rylee gasps next to me.

“I can leave if it’s an imposition that I’m here.”

“Nonsense. August, isn’t it?” A man steps next to Rylee’s mother. “Poppy doesn’t do well with strangers. I’m Fred Harley, and it’s great to have you here.” He offers his hand, and I shake it. Rylee doesn’t leave my side as Paige and Glenn come to check where I am.

“Go inside. Let’s have a drink and talk,” Rylee’s mother, who I now know as Poppy, says.

“Your sister not here yet?” her father asks Rylee.

“No. She told me she and Noah are running late.” They move in the direction of what I can only describe as a sitting room.

When I glance back at Poppy, her mouth is in a thin line, and I’m sure if she could bare her teeth to me, she would. She leans in close and says, “I know who you really are, August. Stay away from my daughter. It’s a threat, not a warning,” she bites out as she steps past me and heads off to where everyone is waiting.

Taking a deep breath, I close my eyes, center myself, and then make my way inside the room.