I nod even though I don’t want to and get out, looking back down at Noah. “Make sure he’s okay.”

Noah nods as I shut the car door, then he drives away.

“Ry, are you okay?” Concern laces her voice, and a shiver racks my body.

“I think so. Holy shit, Rhi. Holy shit,” I say while shaking my head.

She pulls me to her for a hug, not caring at all that I have blood all over me while I cry on her shoulder.

“It’ll be okay. You’re okay.”

I nod on her shoulder, then pull back. “I need to shower. Then we need to call Noah to see what’s happening.”

She doesn’t argue with me.

She knows me.

Better than anyone on his planet.

When I get to the shower and strip the clothes from my body, Rhianna picks up the shirt and carries it out before she comes back in and sits on the toilet while I shower.

“Ry, do you like him?”

I pause while washing my face, not even caring that some of the wetness now on my face is my own tears.

“Yes,” I answer quite simply because I know what she’s asking. Not if I like him as a friend, but do I want more.

“Does he like you?”

“I’m not sure how to answer that.”

She pulls back the shower door. “It’s a yes or no. Does he like you?”

“I think so.” I shrug. “I mean… as far as I am aware, apart from Paige, I’m his only friend.”

“But it’s not friends you want to be, right? You want more?”

“Yes, I want more.” I don’t bother lying because she’ll know I am. Rhianna nods and sits again, leaving the shower door open. It doesn’t bother me. Our bodies are exactly the same, there isn’t much difference between us apart from our personalities.

Her phone starts ringing, and I hold my breath as she answers and puts it on speaker.


“They fixed him up, but he’s refusing to stay the night, and the officers said he can’t go back to his place.”

“Bring him here.” I hear myself saying before I even have time to think.

“Rhianna?” Noah asks her.

I look at her.

“Yes, bring him back here,” she confirms.

“Okay, we’ll be there soon.” He hangs up, and Rhianna focuses back on me.

“Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

“No, but he has nowhere else to go,” I say, closing the door and stepping back under the shower spray. I let the warm water wash away every emotion, and then I let it swirl down the drain. They say water has a calming effect, and in some countries, it’s even used to cleanse your soul.

Shaking out of my stupor, I shut off the faucet and step out.

Rhianna is still there waiting, but she’s holding out a towel for me.

“Do you want coffee?” I shake my head as she stands. “Anything?” Again, I shake my head. My words seem to be lost right now. “Okay, get dressed. They won’t be long.” She spins around and strolls out, and I head to my room, shutting the door behind me. I lie on the bed, face-first, still wrapped in my towel.

What just happened?

What just happened?

I’ve never even seen a gun before. Yet, I just saw someone get shot.

I’ve never even been in a fight. Yet, I just saw someone beat someone else until they lost consciousness.

It should make me afraid of August.

I should be scared.

But I know what the devil really looks like, and usually, he’s dressed to impress and ready to kill. It’s those types of men who hurt women.

Not him.

Not August.

Not once have I felt unsafe around him or that he could cause me harm in any way. Not even when he was dealing with the intruders.

I felt safe.

I feel safe.

He protects me, and I know no one would be able to harm me if he was there.

Closing my eyes, I squeeze them tight, hoping to rid myself of the images of August’s actions.

There’s hurt.


I’m immobile.

And soon, I just pass out.

Chapter 20


“Hey, August,” Rhianna says, opening the door.

Noah nods for me to head inside first, and I pass Rhianna as I step in. My eyes scan the apartment and don’t see Rylee.

“She’s in her room if you want to go in.”

I know which room is hers, so I head there, tapping on the door. When she doesn’t answer, I open it a fraction and see her wrapped in nothing but a towel, asleep on the bed, curled in a ball.

I hear Noah talking to Rhianna, explaining that I have to go back tomorrow with Rylee for another round of questioning.

All I can do is stand there and watch Rylee sleeping. I don’t dare enter the room, unwilling to wake her.

“You can go in,” Rhianna says softly to me.

I move to step back and close the door when Rylee’s eyes open. Those eyes trap me, snare me with their intensity, and without even thinking, I step into the room and shut the door behind me.