“I can push you away if I don’t want you,” he says, and that hits something inside me.

It hurts.

But when I look in his eyes to see if he’s telling the truth, I know he isn’t.

He’s pushing.


“Lies. You’re good at that, pushing people away, because you’ve never had love and don’t know what to do with it,” I tell him. My hand reaches out for him, but he brushes me away.

“You’re delusional,” he says with a cackle that sounds almost evil.

“No, I’m just a stupid girl in love with an even stupider boy.”

He pauses. His eyes go round as do mine. I didn’t expect to say that. I didn’t plan for that to leave my mouth. Yes, I love him. But I assumed it was a heavy crush, maybe an addiction. I’ve never felt like I do with August. With Anderson, it was convenient. With August, it’s all-consuming.

I go to bed thinking about him.

I wake up thinking about him.

He treats me well, even with all the times he’s pushed me away. He only does it because that’s all he knows. People push him away, so he reciprocates with his own version.

“I didn’t mean that.”

“You did,” he replies. “And you need to leave. Stay away from Josh. Go.”

“No.” I step up to him, my hands touch his sides, and he shakes his head while trying to pull me away from him.

“Just go. Go home to your comfortable apartment.”

“Why are you being like this? Is your favorite thing to push me away? Do you think if you do it enough, I might not come back?”

His eyes lock on mine. “There will be a time when you don’t come back. It’s a part of life.”

“Not mine. I’m like glue, baby. I’m stuck until the end of time.” This time I reach up, so my lips touch his. August doesn’t kiss me back at first, until I push my body into his, and he gives in. His lips move, and his hands find their way to the most comfortable place, my hips.

Once, I had hands on me that weren’t welcome.

Once, I had words whispered in my ear that weren’t invited.

I know now, thanks to August, that I shouldn’t accept that life.

Why would I?

He doesn’t.

Hell, August doesn’t accept anyone.

He pulls back fast, putting some distance between us then he shakes his head. “Stop it! Fuck.” One hand lifts and spears through his hair.

Someone bangs loudly on the door behind us. I step aside so he can go to it because I’ve learned not to go near his door. When he pulls it open, Paige’s father is standing on the other side.

“Is Paige here?”

“No, why?” August questions.

“She didn’t go to school today. The location is off on her phone, and I can’t get a hold of her.”

“We’ll help. I’ll drive, August.” I pull my car keys out of my pocket, and August takes them from me. Guess I’m not driving after all.

“I’ll call if I hear anything,” August finally says then closes the door in Glenn’s face. He waits a few minutes, then grabs his boots, sliding them on.

“Where should we go first?”

“You’re not going anywhere. Stay here and don’t fucking answer the door to anyone.” He rushes to the door then looks back at me. “Better yet, get your sister to pick you up.” Then he pulls on the handle and kicks the door closed behind him. I stare at the door for a moment, shocked, then go out front to my car, where he’s climbing into the driver’s seat.


“It’s not safe where I’m going. Just. Go. Home.” He starts the car and pulls out. I watch as he drives away and run inside to grab my phone.

Rhianna picks up straight away.

“Can you come pick me up?” I know she doesn’t have a car, but Noah does.

“Umm… hello to you, too.”

The car that was here earlier pulls back into the driveway.

“Can you or not?” I ask.

Sully gets out of the car and makes his way to the front door.

“Yes. I’ll be there in ten.”

“Thanks.” I hang up, grabbing my bag. “August just left.”

“Look, I don’t know if this is true, but I guess it might be,” he rushes the words out.


“Josh has Paige. And if I know August, he’s figured that out, too. And that’s where he’s heading.”

“Josh,” I mutter. “He asked him to go to a house. Which house might that be?”

“It wouldn’t be where he’s living, probably the other property he used to let August crash at every now and then.”


“You can’t go there. You don’t know them. You aren’t in that world. He would’ve left you behind for a reason. Let August handle it.”

“Last time he did something for that man, he was sent away, so… no, I will not. Where. Is. It?”

“August will kill me if I tell you. It’s not a place for you to go alone.”