“I want to apologize… for last night.”

“Why?” I ask, pulling open the door to the truck.

Rylee frowns, confusion written on her face, and then she shakes her head. “For all of it.”

“You don’t remember, do you?”

Her eyebrows pinch. “I do. Most of it anyway.”

I laugh and climb into the truck.

“Where are you going?”

“To get supplies.”

“Can I come?” My brows pull together when I stare at what she’s wearing and don’t reply. “I’ll get changed. Just… can you wait a few minutes?” She runs off without allowing me to give her an answer.

I check the dash for the time and think I will wait exactly five minutes. If she’s not back by then, I’m leaving. But that’s when I see her running out, pulling a shirt over her head. She pulls on the passenger side door and throws her bag on the backseat before she climbs in. She’s obviously showered—quickest damn shower on record—because she smells amazing, and she’s thrown her hair up in a bun on top of her head.

“You showered?” I ask because I am impressed.

Rylee lifts her pelvis forward and does up the top button of her shorts before she sits back down and pulls the seat belt across her body.

“Quickly, but yes. I stank.”

With one shake of my head, I pull the truck out. When we hit the road, she leans over and takes my sunglasses from the top of my head. “My eyes are hurting.” She puts them on her face and then glances over to me. “So, where are we going?”

“It’s Sunday. I’m sure you have more important things to do than what I’m going to be doing.”

“Nope, no plans.” She smiles. “I’m all yours.”

“Great,” I murmur under my breath, the sarcasm is not hidden, but she hears me anyway.

“We should get to know each other,” she declares when the silence gets too much for her.


“Because we could be friends.”

“Yeah, that won’t happen,” I argue back.

“Why, because I’m a girl?”

“No, because I’ve fucked your pussy.”

Taking a sharp left, I turn into the landscaping place to pick up supplies.

“You should try it. From what I see… you don’t seem to have any friends, besides maybe Noah. And I want to be one to you.”

“Again, we’ve fucked. People who fuck can’t be friends.”

“No more fucking then. Forget it happened.”

“You want to forget we fucked?” I ask, and cannot help the giant smirk that forms on my face.

She shakes her head. “Yes, it’s already forgotten. Now… friends?” she asks, holding out her hand for me to shake.

I blink once, sigh and glance down at it, then turn and to get out of the truck—I’m not shaking on that. Striding around to her side, I open the door and offer her my hand. She takes it as she slides out, and when she does, I make sure to press my body against hers, which makes her breath hitch and her bottom lip quiver. I lean in close, lifting the sunglasses away from her face to see her eyes already trained in on my lips.

Just when she thinks I’m about to kiss her, I pull back. “See… you still want to fuck me.” I release her and leave her standing there.

“That’s unfair. I’m on damn fire here, and you need to put out the flames,” she yells from behind me.

I stop in my tracks. Everyone in the yard looks our way. I can’t fight the upturn of my lips when I turn back to see her climbing back into the truck, embarrassed by her outburst.


What a joke.

Because I plan to fuck her nine ways to Sunday.

Chapter 17


I sit in the truck for ages waiting for him—I’m hungry, thirsty, and want sex. When August finally returns, he loads up the back of the truck with all his purchases before he gets in. He’s covered in sweat, then he spins his head around and asks, “Feel better?” His lips pull up.

I want to smack that smirk right off his face, but he throws me a drink, and I take it with eager hands.

“No, I’m hungry…” I pause, not wanting to embarrass myself any further. “Thank you.”

“I’ll cook you something when we get home. You think Noah will bring your car over to mine so we can swap back?”

I nod, knowing he will.

Shooting Noah a quick message, he replies straight away.

“He said he’ll be at yours in a few hours.”

“You and your sister are quite different for identical twins.” His hand grips the wheel tightly as he starts talking to me.

“Of course we are. We don’t share the same brain,” I reply. We always get comments and questions like that. Things like…

Are you alike?

Why does she do that, and you don’t? Aren’t you identical?

It’s the same thing over and over.

My favorite one from guys is…

Two for the price of one. My dreams are coming true.