Rylee simply scoffs before she turns her head away. “How about you guys go and get us some milkshakes while we have a chat.”

Beckham turns his head to his sister, worry etched on his face, then he spins back to me. I stare him down, waiting for him to speak. Paige pulls at him, and they stroll away.

“We need to chat?” I ask her, leaning back in my chair.

“Don’t be an ass in front of my brother. He’s a good kid and loves your sister, asshole.”

“Oh, so she does have a backbone. If you do, why does Mommy tell you who you can date?”

Yes, all the town has heard the rumors. The Harley girls are held to high standards, and only one of them has met them until recently. Rhianna is with Noah, and I’m not sure you can do better than him.

Anderson is the scum beneath my feet, and that’s where he needs to stay.

“Mommy doesn’t tell me who to date, asshole.”

“So, you aren’t dating Anderson because Mommy wants you to?” My hands sit in front of me. I open them, and her eyes fall down to them before she looks up at me.

“I date Anderson because I want to,” she says with venom coating her tone.

“Oh, wow, you chose to date that lowlife. Well, I guess if you chose to, then it’s okay, right? You know he cheats on you.” She sits back in her chair, and it’s as if I slapped her. Hard. She knows, though. We all know. However, why she stays with him? Who knows.

Before she can say another word, her brother pulls out the chair next to her and slides her a shake. Paige does the same, and I smile as I watch Rylee squirm in her seat, and I take great pleasure in doing so.

Chapter 7


August sits across from me, arrogant and so damn good-looking. I hate that he’s so attractive. I loathe it. Because when he speaks to me, butterflies take root in the pit of my stomach, and I can’t seem to tame them, even when he’s being an ass.

And that’s every time I’ve seen him.

He sits back in his chair, Paige next to him with a wide smile. Beckham glances from Paige to August. I can feel he’s intimidated by him. August can be intimidating, but I’m starting to see cracks in his hard exterior. Especially with the way he treats Paige. He respects and loves her. As I do Beckham.

“So, how long you two been dating?” August asks. I sit forward and grin. “Not you, rich girl. We all know that you and that loser have been together way past your expiration date.”

Beckham laughs next to me, and I elbow him.

Beckham well and truly agrees with his statement.

“I wasn’t going to mention my relationship, but since you seem so interested in it, what else would you like to know?”

“Guys,” Paige says, looking between us.

August ignores her and leans forward. I can smell the mint on his breath, and his strong, calloused hands sit between us. Surprisingly, though, his hands are clean.

I have to do my best not to stare at them while imagining those hands roaming every inch of my body.

“Why do you stay? I mean, you do have a mind of your own, and from what I’ve heard, Anderson isn’t all that good in bed.” August smirks. He has the audacity to smirk.

I try to contain my expression. But it’s hard not to give him my angry face.

“You know how he performs in bed. Interesting. Never really thought you would care about another man. Unless… you know, prison has changed you…” I say back to him, leaning in as well.

Ha, take that, asshole.

He glances down at my hands, then back up. “Oh, no, not at all. The pleasure of a woman is still what I crave. Would you like to appease me?”

“Guys,” Paige says again. “This is awkward as hell. Beckham and I are going to get some ice cream.” They stand, and neither of us turns our heads. Both our eyes are pinned on each other.

“No answer, rich girl? Don’t want to get your hands dirty by a man who doesn’t rely on his mommy and daddy’s money?” he teases. He sits back, satisfied with his answer, and crosses his arms over his chest with a gigantic smirk.

“I’m interested… very much so. Why don’t you come over here and kiss me?” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I freeze. Because shock then a sly smirk are what creep across August’s face. It was simply word vomit, and it came out because I thought he’s like Anderson and would just shake his head and laugh at me.

But that was a mistake.

August and Anderson are nothing alike.

Not in the slightest.

August stands, pushes his chair back so hard it tips over, and walks to the seat my brother vacated not too long ago. I watch his strong hands grip the chair and pull it out. Then he sits his ass in it.