“I love you, Tully,” she whispers in my ear, and I feel as if someone’s just stoked a fireplace. Warmth spreads through me, crackling and glowing, as I hold her to me. And there, right in front of the mansion, still bloodied and bruised, I need her. I want her. I have to have her.

“Be mine, McKenna. I want you to be mine forever, McKenna.”

She nods against my chest. “I have literally no other option, do I?”

She gives me that cheeky little grin. I bend and take her mouth, kissing her until she’s boneless, putty in my arms, before I respond.

“No other choice,” I say with a teasing wink. “If you run, I’ll catch you. If you hide, I’ll find you.” I kiss her cheek. “And if you’re afraid, I’ll slay your demons.”

Her eyes shine at me, though she’s smirking.

“Don’t expect a little docile housewife,” she says with haughty indignation, her lips pursed.

I tug her soft brown hair, and she squeals.

“Now, now, barefoot and pregnant’s the only way, isn’t it?” I love to tease her. Her cheeks turn pink, and she opens her mouth to tell me off, when she finally realizes I’m only teasing her. She shakes her head.

Lachlan and the others return. I hold her hand as he tells the story.

“Mickey was the fucking hero,” he says, shaking his head as he jerks his chin at a huge blond bloke wearing faded jeans and a rugged work jacket.

Mickey shrugs. “’Twas nothing at all,” he says shyly, a big bear of a man rendered helpless with the attention.

Lachlan shakes his head. “Nah, mate, that wasn’t nothing. You saw the shortcut they took. We never would’ve made it in time if we didn’t circumvent the route and pick off the first.”

Mickey grins and nods. “Aye. Sneaky little buggers, weren’t they?”

“Aye,” Lachlan says with a grin. “But we feckin’ bested them.”

He fist bumps Mickey, as Tiernan returns. He’s got a man in each arm, obviously bloody and restrained. Some of the other Ballyhock citizens bring others in tow.

“Bring them to the house,” Keenan says sternly. He nods to Walsh, who turns away. This is where he won’t see what happens next, how we continue to be working business associates. The men that attacked us tonight won’t leave here alive.

“Right, now, everyone needs to go home,” Walsh says, taking the attention away from us as he disperses the crowd.

Keenan turns to me. “Since McKenna’s with you, Tully, I’d like you two to stay here until the last person has left.”

I nod. “Yes, sir.”

McKenna reaches for my hand. It’s a cold night, and her fingers are icy. Wordlessly, I wrap both of my hands around hers.

“I don’t know how you’re so warm, when you gave me your jacket,” she says, her eyes apologetic.

Lachlan snorts as he heads up to the mansion, yelling over his shoulder. “It’s the fucking fire of Hell that burns in him, you know.”

McKenna laughs and gives me a pointed look. “That’s fair.”

We watch as the very last person leaves. Clouds move in, crossing over the moon, and I hold her tighter.

“Tully,” she says quietly, as we head back to the house. “What will happen to my mum?”

I blow out a sigh. Normally someone who’s done what she has will face the highest penalty. People do not threaten the safety of the Clan with impunity.

“I don’t know, lass,” I tell her honestly.

“I’m going to hazard a guess that normally she’d be punished for what she’s done.”


She’s quiet as we approach the garden, and suddenly she pauses. “Did you hear that?”

I stop and look at her. “Hear what?”

She shakes her head from side to side, then turns and looks back at the gate. There’s a thread of fear in her voice I don’t like, when she asks, “Did we get them all, Tully?” My gun’s in my hand before I’ve fully processed what I’m doing.

“We did,” I say loudly, in case someone is here in the dark. I want them to think I’m not prepared. “Everyone’s back at the house.”

She tips her head to the side, then blinks. She gasps, covering her mouth. “Tully!”

Piercing pain hits my neck, and I fall to the ground heavily. My knees connect with rocks as a heavy boot kicks my back. I fall to the ground.

“Let him go!” McKenna screams. “Help!”

But I didn’t train with Malachy for fucking nothing. I keep my head fucking straight, spin, and dodge another blow.


I yank his ankle and pull him to the ground. His weapon clatters to the ground. Now, we brawl with fists.

He doesn’t even try to attack me, though, but goes straight for McKenna. She screams as he reaches for her, dragging her down with us.

“I’ll fucking kill you,” he rails. My vision blurs with sudden fury. I propel myself forward, grab him around the mid-section, and yank him down to the ground.