“I stood here the day Keenan took office. I stood here the day Lachlan was inducted as a full-fledged member of the Clan. I stood here the day Cormac took Aileen as his wife, and Sheena and Nolan had their first baby. I stood here when Lachlan took Fiona to Boston, and when Tiernan became a member as well. When Carson’s Eve died, way back before he was with Megan, I stood here. I look out at the sea, to remind myself that some things are certain, I think.”

I nod slowly. “Some things are certain, aren’t they?”

He takes me gently by the elbow and turns me around to look at him. “Aye, love,” he says with feeling. “Like my love for you.”

And then right there, with the brisk wind whipping off the water, and the bright, blinding sun blazing overhead, my big bear of a man drops to one knee before me.

He isn’t.

Here? Today? Right now?

I stare at him in surprise, my jaw unhinged.


He shakes a little as he draws a little box from his pocket. It’s navy velvet, nestled in the rough palm of his hand. I swallow hard.

“McKenna, I’ve got something to ask you,” he says, flashing me a boyish grin that makes my heart beat faster.


He nods, then opens the box.

And the breath whooshes right out of me.

It’s exquisite. Other worldly. The most gorgeous piece of jewelry I’ve ever laid eyes on. The sunlight catches the diamond just so, the facets reflecting as if made of magic.

I can’t speak. I can hardly breathe. His own voice is tremulous when he asks me, “Will you marry me, McKenna? Become a true claimed member of the Clan? For now and forever.”

“Of course,” I whisper. I swallow down the rise of emotion in my chest. “Yes!”

He flashes me a rare, toothy grin, the kind that makes my panties melt, and he gets to his feet, takes the ring out of the box, and slides it onto the proper finger. Then he takes the box and throws it as far as he can into the ocean.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you did that!”

He grins. “What?”

“That was a very pretty box.” I’m half cringing and half laughing. Leave it to Tully.

He chuckles, bending down so he can kiss my check. “You have to give thanks to the gods of the sea for the gifts sent from above.”

I shake my head. “You are ridiculously romantic when you put your mind to it.”

“Jesus.” He cringes. “Still trying to get that spanking, aren’t you?”

“Oh, aye,” I say, nodding. “I have to admit, I need my arse whipped good and hard after the past days’ events.”

“Jesus, Mary, and Joseph,” he says, shaking his head. “She gets better and better.”

“Like fine wine?”

He grins. “Yeah, baby. Exactly like that.”

He chuckles before he bends down and kisses me.

“One day, we’ll have another baby. I know it in my bones, McKenna.”

I smile. “Or two… maybe three.”

“Bloody hell.”

My smile deepens.

We head up to the house, now that everyone’s dispersed from the parsonage. A bright light shines on the porch, welcoming us in. Though the past few days have worn me down, and I feel as if I could crawl in bed and sleep for hours, I can’t help but marvel that my heart is more at rest than it’s ever been.

* * *

Chapter 22


“Absolutely motherfucking gorgeous,” I marvel. McKenna’s hands are tied to the headboard, her arse is striped pink from the spanking I gave her, her ankles are spread apart with a spreader bar, and she’s wearing my collar.

She’d maybe reply, but she’s gagged. I take the end of my belt and drag it along her shoulders. She shivers and grins against the gag, her eyes hazy and lust-filled. She’s come already four times so far tonight, and I’ve yet to fuck her. I won’t fuck her until she reads to me again, my favorite way to take her.

I drop the belt, unfasten her cuffs, and carry her to the living room. She moans and nestles her head against my chest, then points to her gag. I nod, unfastening it in the back and toss it to the couch.

“Need to take this off so you can read to me.”

She grins and sighs, and her eyes are all lust-filled and hazy. I slide her down my body to the floor, but instead of going to the bookshelf she drops to her knees and grabs the back of my legs. She slides her chin up and down the length of my leg, and my cock strains against my trousers.

“Christ,” I curse, as her trembling fingers reach for my zipper. I stop her and shake my head. “No, lass. If you blow me tonight I’m apt to come, and I won’t come anywhere but between those legs of yours.”

She pouts a little, so I give her hair a little tug.