I wrap my arm around her as the wind rails outside the window. Rain slashes in torrents, the angry cry of the sky. Weeping for the McCarthy Clan who will bury their own. Crying with tears of rejoicing that McKenna’s come back to me.

The house is quiet, and my heart’s more at peace than it’s ever been. I fall asleep again, holding her to me. No matter what happens, no matter who threatens her again, she’ll be protected and cared for.

My woman.

We wake the next day together, and she rolls over onto my chest. I hold her there. She smiles, tracing the hair on my chest with the very tip of her finger.

“You’re very manly, you know.”

I chuckle. “I should hope so. Any fucking man of the Clan ought to be fucking manly.”

She giggles, then sighs. “You’ll be a good father one day, Tully, you know that?”

I kiss her and smile. “I’ll do my best.”

She laces her fingers with mine. “Today’s the day Keenan declares war, isn’t it?”

I nod. It is. It’s been decades since we went to war. The last time we were in full-blown battle, rather than the skirmishes we’ve had in recent years, Seamus McCarthy was Clan Chief.

“You’re quiet,” she says. “Something on your mind?”

“Aye, lass.” I run my finger through her hair. “Very much so.”

She doesn’t ask any questions, so I don’t give any more response than that. I don’t want to talk about it if we can avoid it.

We dress quietly, and head downstairs to join the others for breakfast. It’s a somber affair, and Keenan holds a brief meeting afterward, but it isn’t until midday we discuss what’s really on everyone’s mind but only briefly. It’s out of respect for Father Finn that Keenan hasn’t declared war yet.

At dinner, Keenan shows up after we do, but no Caitlin. Minutes later, Boner comes, and Lachlan, and a few more others, but it’s hardly a full Clan turnout.

“I’ve gotten in touch with the men of the North,” Keenan announces soberly.


He sighs, rubbing a hand across his eyes before he pinches the bridge of his nose. But before he responds, the door to the kitchen flies open, and a wide-eyed staff member enters the room.

“Mr. McCarthy?”

Keenan turns his stern gaze on her. “What is it?”

We all hear the implied question. What is it that disturbed a meeting with my men? That’s unheard of within these walls. Keenan’s words are gospel, his meetings sacred.

“There’s someone here to see you, sir.”

He frowns. “Is there?”

There’s a commotion outside, and Keenan gets to his feet. I’m already on my feet, my hand on my weapon, when the doors to the dining room swing open, and McKenna’s mother comes in. Her hair’s flying around her like tumbleweed, her eyes wild.

“I heard what happened!” she shouts. “McKenna! Are you alright?”

“Mum!” McKenna blinks in surprise, her face drawn. She looks from me to Keenan, as if she’ll get in trouble for this intrusion, but we all look back to her mum. I reach for her hand and give her a little squeeze, silently communicating to her that it will all be okay.

Keenan looks from one to the other, his face stern and impassive. “May I help you?’

“Keenan. This is Alice Byrne, mum to McKenna and Mary.” He looks mildly surprised, but nods. I lower my voice. “You’ll remember she’s a McCarthy Clan widow.”

“Ah,” Keenan says nodding. When he turns to Alice, his gaze sharpens, and I suspect I know why. As a widow of the Clan, she’s been given money to sustain her, but she’s not taken care of herself. She blames the Clan, but I know for certain she gets an ample annual allowance.

“Alice, how are you?” Keenan says.

She juts her chin out and ignores his question. “I’ve heard my daughter was attacked. Seems Patrick won’t let things go, hmm?”

McKenna bristles beside me, and I can tell she wants to go to her mum, but this conversation is between Keenan and Alice.

“Yes, Alice,” Keenan says placidly, and in the overhead light, with weariness in his eyes, he resembles his father. “But Mary’s fine, and McKenna belongs to the fiercest member of the Clan.” His lips twitch. “So she’ll be fine as well.”

She bloody fucking will be. I fucking dare anyone to harm a hair on her fucking head.

Alice’s eyes fly to me and McKenna. She shakes her head. “I warned you about the men of the Clan,” she says in an angry whisper. She resembles a witch of old, with her scraggly gray hair and wild eyes. I half expect her to pull out a wand and mutter incantations. I loop my arm around McKenna’s shoulders.

“Now, Alice,” I say to her, my voice ringing out loud and clear in the dining room. All eyes come to me. “Did you come here to warn her about me? It seems that’d be a waste of time, no? Surely you had a different purpose.” I smile at her. “And I promised you I’d take good care of your daughter. You have my word.”