In love or not, a person doesn’t deserve to treated like that. These types of abuse can take a long time to recover from. Had I known this in the beginning, I would’ve snatched her away from Tony. But for three years, she never said a word about any of it. From the outside, everything seemed so perfect. Everyone always thought they were perfect for each other. I did too, I adored Tony. That’s why when she confessed about her dilemma, I took charge and let her stay with me until everything blew over and until Tony realized that she was serious about leaving him. Our senior year, she started to blossom into her own person and has been loving life ever since.

Most men I know have a hard time resisting Jen and when she’s on a prowl—then there is no chance in hell the chosen man can escape. I suppose who would really want to resist someone that resembles Heidi Klum in the looks department? Apart from Jen having killer looks, she has a sharp mind and she’s currently studying in USC and wants to be a lawyer. She’d make a killing out of that one.

‘Jen! Sienna! Good of you beautiful ladies to grace us tonight!’

‘Mickey! I’ve missed you!’ I laughed and gave him a huge tight hug and a peck on the cheek.

Mickey’s the kind of guy that is always nice and respectful. He’s second generation Samoan and has the backing of one too. He was playing defense in our football team in Notre Dame High School in Sherman Oaks. You’ll never catch him talk crap about other people. Jen and I always adored Mickey. Everyone did.

‘Nice to see you again, Jen!’ Mick gave her a quick bear hug and released her with a grin.

‘You too, Mick’ slightly punching his arm and saw some other people we used to hang out with and started her way towards them. I casually waved at the group and continued to stick with Mick. I don’t want to go there and hangout. It will just invite questions and gossip about Kyle and I’m not ready to discuss it.

I glanced and scanned the area for any sightings of Kyle but it seems he has yet to arrive. I looked back at Mickey who seems to be studying me with a twinkle in his eye.

“Looking for someone in particular, Sienna?’ Fishing, I see.

“Huh? Oh, no. Just taking on the scene and seeing who else I know here. It feels good to be back home again Mickey! I forgot how beautiful it is out here during summer time.”

Indeed, it was magnificent tonight.

The full moon was up high and bright amidst the darkened sky. It was illuminating the ocean making it look so breathtakingly ethereal, serene and peaceful. The waves lap softly on the shore and I felt myself calm inside, wishing Blake was here with me. He’d like it.

My trio of friends offered to come, but refused them. I needed to do this one on my own.

‘How are you?’ I said as I sat on the wooden lounger glancing back to Mickey and enjoying my cold alcoholic beverage.

‘Actually, a lot has been going on man. I’m actually leaving for Alaska next week to help out dad. He’s been feeling the exhaustion from running the business. So, it’s my turn to step-up and help the family,’ he said solemnly.

‘I’m sorry to hear that, Mick. I recall you weren’t really fond of that place,’ empathizing with his situation.

‘Damn right, but I got to help the family out, so there’s no other option,’ he then took a chug of his corona, studying the sand on his feet.

There was some hollering I heard behind me so I glimpsed and twisted my head to see what the culprit was.

Kyle was hugging and high-fiving a people along the way. His other right hand was attached to very attractive blonde who was gazing and smiling lovingly at him.

Perfect. Just bloody, f**king perfect.

I felt awkward and anxious already. Fuck. Should I go over and say hi? Maybe I should play indifferent? I castigated myself for being idiotic. Come on Sienna, I scolded myself.


Deep breaths and think of something relaxing.

‘’Kay there doll?’ Jen sat next to me with her arm loosely on my shoulder.

‘’Course! Should we get more drinks?’ might as well get some encouragement from my old pal, The Don, Patron.

‘Ooooh! Shots?! That should get us going’

“Hells yeah”

“Happy face, doll. Don’t let him see anything else.”

I nodded not wanting to say anything else. She was right, of course.

We got up and made our way back to the house. I knew we will be passing Kyle any moment now, so I willed myself to play it cool and not take it too seriously. Who cares if we dated two gloriously fun-filled years? Really, who cares? Uh! I’m getting idiotic already with one drink.

‘Hey Jen!.. Sienna…You’re back,’ greeted a merry looking Kyle.

‘Heeey, there! Congratulations with your internship! I’m hearing that they’ll hire you before you even finish school?’ Jen playfully said to Kyle. They both got on so well back in the day, so it was no wonder when they fall back to this easy banter.

Kyle’s working with his father now. He loves music. He grew up with it and learned everything and anything music from his father. His dad owns a major record label company here in LA so it was no brainer that he’ll be following in his dad’s footsteps. Most importantly, he loves to scour for musicians that have depth and soul in them and helping them to be successful in the music industry. He’s quite passionate with his work and I remember how he used to light up and get all excited when talking about it.

‘Ha ha! How I’ve missed your craziness!’ Kyle said this in between his deep playful laugh.

God! I’ve missed that laugh. Here goes my stupid brain.

I looked like a complete idiot standing here next to Jen while they were catching up. His girlfriend, whom he hasn’t introduced yet, was curiously eyeing Jen and me. Did Kyle talk about me? Is that why she’s eyeing me up and down now? Hah. Bitch.

Kyle turned his attention and now looking at me. His laughter died the minute our eyes met. His hazel eyes looked intense and fiery. The face looked calm, but I knew deep down, he’s mad.

Damn, he looks gorgeous.

A deep ache settled in my heart.

I miss him.

His white v-neck shirt outlined his defined torso and arms. My word, did he become buffer and much defined, or what? My eyes roved all over him. Yes, he’s been working out. He’s body’s more of a leaner muscular type, different from Blake’s physique, but still downright sexy.

‘How long are you here for? Didn’t expect you to be back for your breaks—would’ve thought you’d be traveling all over Europe or somewhere much more exotic rather than be back here in plain old Los Angeles.” He cuttingly said.