When Toby and Troy started talking about football, Luce whispered in my ear. “He’s quite a hot hunk, Sienna! He seems too keen on you. Just be careful. Blake might not be too happy about that. You know how he gets.” Yes, I did know. But he had nothing to worry about. I love him…but he doesn’t know that…yet.

“So, where are these infamous portraits of yours?” Toby asked and I pointed them to the other adjacent room. When they left, Troy moved closer—with a smile that made his eyes dance. Hmmm, what’s he up to now?

Amused at him, “What?” he shook his head, “your pictures were really great. Chad managed to capture your vulnerability and your sass at the same time. I actually asked him to print and send me all twelve portraits—in a smaller scale of course.” Get out of here! No, way!

“Why would you do that? You liked ‘em that much?”

“You just sizzled and besides we looked good together. The chemistry was palpable in those pictures.” He said looking at me straight in the eye. My mouth ran dry. No, shit. I remembered during the shoot, I would trembling from his extra close proximity or a moan will escape me when his breath reaches my ear or when his chest would graze my ni**les.

There was a passing waiter and I turned around to get a flute of champagne.

Sipping the champagne soothed my scattered nerves. My back was turned from Troy. He came behind me, almost touching but not, I felt the heat of his body as his hot breath tingled my ear. My eyes glued at the champagne flute in my hand as his voice filtered through the music being played. “I want to see more of you. Think about it. You know my number.” With that neck hair-raising encounter, he parted and joined his friends that gathered close to the entrance where there was a lounge area. Ummm, what just happened? Did he just ask me out? No shit, Sherlock.

Draining my drink, I was going to look for my friends when a dark figure across the room stopped me in my tracks. I went over to him, but my excitement halted me when I saw the scowl. “You came!” I stammered.

“Yes, I was invited if it escaped your notice.” I deserve his cold treatment, but it didn’t help lessen the pain that gnawed my heart. I came closer, cradled the sides of his face and kissed that beautiful sexy mouth of his for a good minute and released him. Ouch, he barely opened his mouth. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed you,” I said as I took in how handsome he looked in dark grey suit. He thawed a little bit—just a wee bit.

“Blake! Good to finally see you emerge from your tycoon lifestyle!”

“I wouldn’t miss your debut, Chad. You should know better.” Touched from Blake’s support for him, he held his hand close to his heart, “Thank you. You don’t know how your support means to me. Lover, would it be okay if I steal your girlfriend for a second? There’s a bunch of people who wants to meet her”

“Of course as long as you don’t let her out of your sight. Men are eyeing her like vultures ready to pounce.” Damn. Way to go, Blake.

He asked where my portraits were and Chad pointed where it was as he guided me to where a group of artsy people chatted. They were painters and photographers. Some independent and some worked with famous magazines and celebrity portraits. It was an impressive group and I enjoyed our conversation and they wanted to know if I wanted to model for them. I kindly told them that I’ll think about it. After spending a good fifteen minutes with them, I excused myself to find Blake. I passed Lucy and Toby who were talking to another couple. Toby smiled but Luce stopped me. “What’s up?”

“Blake and Kyle are having words. You should rush before they rip each other’s heads off.”

I was about to turn left when an angry looking Kyle sprinted and almost knocked me over. “Baby you okay? I didn’t see you. I’m sorry.” I held his arm as I looked at him questioningly. “I’m leaving. The show was great. You looked amazing baby. See you Monday at the office okay?” he gave my lips a peck and sprinted to Chad.

I entered the dimly lit room and found Blake in the center of the room, eyes staring blankly at a portrait of Troy and me. “Blake?” I touched his arm lightly. He took a hold of my arm and linked it to his and lightly tugged me to follow him out of the room. Don’t panic. We’ll work it out. He said he loved me. Why, he did, didn’t he? So, why hasn’t it said it again?

Instead of turning right to go back to the main room, he kept going forward to where I presume the offices were located. He dragged me to the last one on the right. Opening the door, he flicked the switch, closed the door and locked it. It was a decent sized office with a big desk and a leather couch sitting across it with a coffee table that had magazines splayed neatly.

I turned around to face him, but he was leaning against the gray door, eyes closed, hands in his pocket, and his nose flaring—a clear indicator that he’s furious at me. The portraits, of course. I didn’t want to argue about that. I did it for Chad and I don’t give a hoot if he’s mad about it. I love him… I do, but he just can’t bulldoze his way around me.

“Sienna—this is not how I pictured my reunion with you after almost six weeks of not seeing each other. I’m being rotten—I know. But I’m being eaten alive with jealousy I can’t think or breathe without pain. Was that the man who took you home—the same night where you started working for Kyle?”

“Yes…” I admitted in a soft whisper. “Did anything happen with you and this man? Anything at all?” I jerked my head, “no, apart from the intimate poses, no. Not in that sense.”

His eyes fluttered open the intensity of liquid silver dominated his midnight blue eyes, gold flecks gone. The constant shift of his eye color depending on his mood froze me in awe. He’s compellingly riveting and spellbinding to those around him. Does he know the kind of power he has over his looks alone? Does he know he can make me fall at his feet with a smile? Or the mere fact that he can slice me in two with a mere glance?

“Are you attracted to him?”

Am I? I swallowed. He is hot, but enough to tempt me away from Blake? No, I don’t think there’s a man out there that could make me. “Yes, he’s good looking. But am I tempted? No. I only want you, Blake. I’ve only ever wanted you from the moment you kissed me. There’s only one you and I’m not going to jeopardize us over asinine curiosity.” He moved past me and leaned slightly against the mahogany desk. “Come here” Blake commanded in a soft voice, but with an edge of something I can’t pinpoint at the moment. I did go and stood before him, but he didn’t even try to touch me.