He rushed to my side and tried to hold my hand, but I bunched them together until they were white—I can’t stand to be touched by him. “No Sienna, it wasn’t like that at all. I wanted you from the first moment. You’ve been my friend—don’t do this. I’ll fix it. I’ll talk to the Clayworth’s.”

“You are a liar. One of the things I asked of you is your honesty and yet from the very beginning you were lying already. How many women have you f**ked while being with me? God! I’m so stupid!”

“I haven’t had anyone, except for you.”

“Right, like I should believe what comes out of those lying lips? Forget you. I’m done. Don’t contact me because I’m through with you.”

I was about to reach the door when he held me down with his arms wrapped me body like steel. “I’m sorry—I’ll figure a way out—don’t leave. I love you. I’ve been in love with you. Don’t do this to us—

I fought away from his hold and finally released me.

“How f**king dare you! You love me? This is how you show you love someone?” my tears started falling freely. “The pain I feel right now—it’s hundred times worse than what Kyle ever did to me. This is your love? Well, I DO NOT WANT IT! Give it to your fiancée. I’m sure she’ll gladly take it, you lying sack of shit! I regret the day I let you in my life.” with that, I left and scrammed to the elevator.

My heart was beating frantically. I didn’t feel relieved until I was in the safety of a cab.


I was still in a shock. The whole scene flashed vividly in my mind. I ordered the driver to take me to the place where I can find solace. I can’t be bothered with questions if I go home and find Luce there.

I paid the cab and entered the house with my key. I was on auto-pilot as I headed for the stairs. When I reached the top I saw Kyle come out of his bedroom. His huge grin turned into a questioning frown as he got closer. “Sienna, what’s wrong? What happened?” My knees buckled and Kyle caught be before I landed on the wooden floor.

“He’s engaged Kyle. I’d fallen in love to a guy who was promised to someone else.” I started to laugh hysterically at the situation. I reluctantly followed my heart and look where that left me? The reality of not having Blake in my life—never will I wake up next to him and see him smile lovingly at me. It’s gone. All gone and soon he’ll be doing all those things with the wretched Camilla.

That image hit me quite badly. I howled from the pain it was causing. I cried—like how I cried when I found out dad died.

Kyle held me like that until I stopped howling from my pain and gently carried me to his bed and covered my body with a comforter. He didn’t even bother taking my shoes off. He placed himself on top of the comforter and held me as I cried myself to unconsciousness.

I woke up feeling like I was drowned and brought back to life. I checked the clock on the side table, five thirty-six am. I felt Kyle still holding me. Bless him, he never asked about what happened. It was always like that with him. I like how he never asks and always waits for me to initiate it.

I was just about to slide off the bed when he stirred awake. “Hey, why don’t you wash up and I’ll make some breakfast? You didn’t eat last night. You have to eat something.” Pursing my lips, I nodded. “Okay, Let me just wash my face and brush my teeth, then I’ll come down.”

Padding my way to the bathroom, I looked for a spare toothbrush and found one in the very last drawer. I didn’t even bother checking what my face looked like. I knew my eyes are red and swollen. I can’t brace it. I just can’t bear seeing my face and look myself in the eye. I just might have a nervous breakdown.

After washing up, I took a scrunchy from my purse and tied my hair up and headed downstairs barefoot and with my clothes from yesterday. Kyle probably took my shoes off in the middle of the night. I sighed.

I found Kyle making two cups of coffee. There were two plates with ham and cheese omelet on the breakfast table. I took a seat as he placed a hot freshly brewed coffee next to me. “Thank you, Kyle. But you didn’t have to wake up this early and make me breakfast.”

“You’re talking crazy. That was nothing compared to your usual crazy PMS days.”

I smiled, “geez, why do you always bring that up? Either way—thank you.” taking a sip of my coffee and took a bite of the omelet. We were silent for awhile until he spoke. “I’m actually leaving for Heathrow back LA today—for two weeks. My flight’s at ten-thirty. So I had to wake up anyway.”

I paused. He was leaving for two weeks? “You never said. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“You’ve been busy with Blake since Saturday and I didn’t want to bother you. It was irrelevant.”

“How can that be irrelevant? You should’ve told me at least. I would’ve showed up at work Friday and found you gone. What the hell?”

He shrugged. “I honestly didn’t think it was a big deal. I just didn’t want to bother you, ‘kay?”

“Well, we’re best friends. You should tell me every time you plan to leave the country. I worry too.”

“Fine, okay. I’ll do that if it makes you happy.” I murmured thank you and took another sip of my coffee. I can’t stomach an appetite but I have to force myself to eat. Kyle wouldn’t have it if I didn’t eat and I can’t deal with another argument at this point.

Blake…was he hurting too? Maybe, maybe not. I don’t know him anymore. I thought I did, but I didn’t. That mask he puts on sometimes never comes off. You never know which one you’ll get when I’m with him. He can be deceiving. I was dangerously playing with fire and I got burnt.

Kyle took both of our plates to the sink and cleaned up. I got up and sat on one of the stools that faced him. “Hey, I was thinking…would you mind if I go home with you? I don’t want to stay here. I just want to get away for a bit. I can email my teachers and tell them that there’s an emergency back home.”

“You sure? You’re not going to get in trouble? I know you’re hurting baby, but you can’t mess up with school. You’ve worked so hard to get here, don’t mess it up. But if your teachers are going to be okay with it—then who am I to stop you?” I came over to his side and gave him a big hug.

“Thank you! Thank you! Now, I have to go and pack. I don’t want to miss our flight.”