“WHO THE FUCK IS THAT?” I yelled when I heard him speak to the woman, but I couldn’t make out what was being said.

My eyes started to water. Was he cheating on me?

“Oh, so now you pay me with rapt attention. I see how this is Sienna.”

“Blake, are you seeing someone else? You have to tell me!” my voice cracked in pain. “Why? So, you can go back to Mattews again? Do as you wish, Sienna. I have to be somewhere important. I’ll speak to you later.” He hung up without even saying goodbye.

Less than an hour ago, I was basking in Blake’s sweet sentiments. How the heck did it unfold like that? Okay, maybe I over-reacted a little bit there.

Shrugging off, there’s no point dwelling and crying. I have to meet Kyle in three hours and start work. I just have to busy myself and not think of Blake for now. I’ll deal with my emotions tonight.

In a little over an hour, I was ready to go and I still had an hour and half to kill. I went to my drawer and pull the card and key Marie gave me. I’ll just surprise Kyle with my punctuality.

Since we were checking out rock bands tonight, I had to look the part—well sort of. I let my hair down, heavy eyeliner winged on both corners, lots of mascara, rose pink lipstick. I chose a hot-pink Hervé Léger bandage top—my back was purely bare. Wearing black-fitted jeans that accentuated my butt nicely and a hot-pink suede pumps.

Making a last jaunt in the full-length mirror to assess everything and suffice to say that I looked pretty hot.

Suck it, Blake!

Placing all the essentials in my black clutch, I headed out the door.


I let out a slow whistle when the cab dropped me off at the address I gave him. When Marie said ‘company apartment’ I thought of an actual apartment not a gated Victorian home.

I took out the card Marie gave me and punched in the code on the keypad attached to the wall. I heard a little metal screech and the gate opened slowly. Was Kyle even home? I acted out of impulse and totally forgot to ask if he was home or not.

When I got a little closer to the door, I heard loud music streaming from the window upstairs.

Jeff Buckley, yep he’s home.

Fishing out the spare key, I opened the door. The home was decorated in black, white and silver splendor and the effect was gorgeous—a little cold—but still chic and gorgeous. I found the stairs on the left side corner and went to go hunt down Kyle. The music came from the room at the end of the hall—assuming it’s the Masters bedroom, I suppose.

I stopped outside the black door and knocked, but no one answered. Clearing my throat loudly, I let myself in. The room was decorated in baroque contemporary with accents of sapphire-colored designs. My eyes landed on the table next to where Kyle slept. My breath caught when I picked up a nine by twelve picture frame of us. The picture was taken a year ago. We were in Zuma beach watching the sunset. I sat in between his legs and took a bunch of shots. I was looking straight in the camera as he kissed me smiling. What bothered me was the fact that I was glowing with such happiness—it was the look of love. I placed it back slowly as I jump from my name being called out, “Sienna?”

I turned around and shocked myself more. Kyle had beads of water dripping on his body with only a black towel draping his lower half.

Oh! Fuck. Me.

Shit! Why, oh why do I put myself in this position?

My heart thudded like mad as the memories of that night in Santa Monica flashed through my mind. I stood there frozen and can’t utter a damning word.

“Can I just say that—that top—incredibly does your back justice? You look so hot! I have work cut-out for me tonight if the musicians starts clawing you baby.” He strolled to where I stood. His freshly showered smell engulfed my senses.

“I had time to kill, so I decided to stop by and used the key your mom gave me. I hope that’s okay.” I mumbled.

“Baby, you’re not serious! Of, course it’s okay—we’re practically family.” What did he mean by that? Because we grew up together or because we agreed to get married at the age of twenty seven?

“I’ve never seen you with this much eyeliner. But it looks good on you—very edgy and downright sexy as hell.”

“Would it be too much to ask if you can put some clothes on?” asking as I stared at his bright hazel eyes. “

Too much memories for you, baby?” I shook my head. “We both know you’re lying—but I’m going to let this slide.”

“Thanks. What’s with the picture frame? Why did you bring it here?” his eyes darkened as he leaned closer against my ear. His chest was pushed against mine.

“Because we were happy—because we were so in love and the thought of losing you left a big hole in my heart. I needed a constant reminder—something to believe in—that we’re going to get back together. We were extremely happy and perfect for each other. It’ll dawn on you someday—that you were meant to be with me…and when that time comes…I’ll be here…waiting for you.” His eyes had a little moisture in them. Oh! Kyle. Please don’t do this. Not tonight.

I wiped the corners of his eyes. He smiled widely, “did I tell you how much I love you today?” Am I doomed to be pulled back and forth?

“Kyle, you know how I feel about this. I already told you…please… seeing you like this…tears me inside. It was so much easier when you had Brooke. I didn’t have to dwell on much.”

“I know baby. No worries, as I said, I love you and I’ll wait. However long it takes until you would want me back.” Jesus, this has got to stop, “what if that never happens? What then?”

“I know what I want. I’ll take my chances.”

“Whatever” he gave me a quick kiss and left to go change.


The venue was on Chalk Farm Road and Kyle ushered me with a tight grip in on my waist to an empty booth. He excused himself to go to the bar to order some drinks. I guess part of the job is drinking, having fun and skillful negotiating skills.

I hope his binge drinking back in the day wouldn’t affect him being around with alcohol and drugs. Music industry’s famous for that.

After that dreadful scene in his bedroom, he acted like nothing happened—and I silently thanked him. We ended up ordering pizza and discussed about the band that was playing tonight. “The Cold Conflict” was the band’s name. We listened to their recorded songs earlier and I was impressed. They sounded like Lifehouse/Jeff Buckley put together and I was actually super excited to see them play tonight. How great is this job? Kyle’s going to talk to them after their set and hopefully sign them on at the end of the night.