Sipping half of his glass in one gulp, “I guess it helped a lot that he’s got a marvelous body to boot ey?” Chad sighed dreamily, thoughts wandered about Troy, I’m sure. He’s hopeless.

“Well, I suppose his body’s pretty great! He does have that bad boy thing going on” …and not to mention his nice ass? I chuckled softly.

“Guess it’s not that big of a deal since you’ve surrounded yourself with hot men lately hmmm? There’s Kyle, there’s Troy, and our every god of sexiness, Blake. Must be nice, baby love!” he motioned for me to give him the pepper grinder and I placed it next to him.

“Kyle’s a part of my past and we’re working on our friendship. I hope working with him will help it recover, you know? As for Blake, he’s still too intense for me, but I want him.”

While he was making the sauce, he asked me about Blake. I told him the story from the moment we got back to his apartment that Saturday night. “I knew it! Blake’s face said it all. Can you believe it? Blake is your boyfriend! How can you get all the luck, Sienna? I feel faint every time I see him smile. How do you stand it? He’s such an eye candy! I wish he had an identical g*y twin!” pouting as he fanned his cheeks. Chortling to his cheek-fanning reaction, it’s true we both have drool over, Blake! Who wouldn’t? He’s just uber f**king yummy!

I went over to hug him and promised that I’ll dish out all the delicious details to keep him at bay. He bounced like a five-year old.

I sat back on the chair, feeling a bit down, “It’s great and all but he hasn’t contacted me for a whole day now. I’m worried. What if he found someone else? He wouldn’t have to look too hard.”

“Do you blame him? He has the right to be jealous. Kyle wants you back and he feels threatened. After all, Kyle’s your first. But he wouldn’t dump you like that, love. It’s Blake we’re talking about. You’re precious to him, even as a friend. Now that you guys are dating—you mean more to him. If it worries you that much, why don’t you call him? He’s probably waiting for you.”

“I could call him tonight, I guess,” I conceded.

“Splendid! Now, that’s settled. Tell me, did he tell you he loves you yet?” his question caught me off guard that wine went the wrong way and I was coughing mildly. Uh, what the f**k?

“Shut it, Chad! It’s too early to be talking about love. This is about having fun and enjoying my youth! It’s just lust not love, big difference there, Sherlock.”

In love with, Blake? That’s a little extreme. We barely just started. Love is not on the agenda.

“Open your eyes, young lady! Have you seen how Kyle and Blake look at you? Their faces mirror each other. Fine, let’s agree that Blake might not be there yet, but he’s sure as hell making the trip to ‘I Love Sienna Island’ a little quicker. Trust me—I studied the guys reaction that night, baby love. They’re going to fight over you. Kyle was the love of your life. Blake is the present lover in your life.” he looked at me thoughtfully, “but the million dollar question is, if push comes to shove, who would you choose?”

I didn’t answer him as he continued to make the pasta because I didn’t have one. I went to the living and stared at the window. Kyle doesn’t know about Blake, yet. Once he finds out, I knew he’d be devastated. Will he fight for me? If he does, are you willing to hurt him?

I shuddered.

I love Kyle—I always have. I mean who wouldn’t? He was my life before. Do I love Blake? No—not that way—although, my body has its own mind when he’s around. With Blake, I feel something—different. He evokes something profound within me. This is the intense part that I get scared about. He’s too much and Kyle is familiar.


It was past eight-thirty when I got back to my apartment and I’m extremely exhausted. But I won’t go to bed until I’ve spoken to Blake.

The photo shoot was interesting to say the least. I rehashed everything in my head as I showered and brushed my teeth. I’m sure when Sunday comes around, it wouldn’t be so awkward.

Dressed in my pastel pink silk slip, I sat on my bed and dialed Blake. After a few rings, he picked up. Thank you, Jesus!

“Sienna,” he breathed out my name. Hearing his voice, made my insides twist.

“Blake—you haven’t been texting or calling. Are you still mad?” my voice, low and calm. My fingers twirled with strands of my hair. Don’t be, I’m going crazy here.

“I was giving you time to cool-off, poppet. Have you missed me?” Smiling like an idiot, “I miss you. I terribly miss you. Are you still planning to visit us this weekend?”

“I can’t come out this weekend, poppet. I’m sorry. My schedule’s chaotic. But hopefully, next week, I can manage.”

Letting out a disappointed sigh, “Alright, promise to let me know when you know it’s definite?”

“I promise, poppet,” his voice smiling. I can picture him with that beautiful smile as he spoke on his cell.

He ended up talking about the galas and other parties he has to attend to for work. He asked me about the photo shoot with Chad. I gave him a cut-out subtle version and convinced him that he had to wait for the exhibition. After an hour of talking to him, we decided to call it a night.

I twisted and turned on my bed, sleep eludes me. Thoughts of Blake, his voice, his smell lingered through my mind.

My body ached for him.

My hand slowly went south as I relieved myself. Thinking about the man who hounded my thoughts endlessly from the moment he kissed me.


Since I don’t have classes Friday, I slept longer today. Somewhere in between my foggy mind I think I heard Lucy buzzed someone in. I guess, she’s having friends over.

My mind started to drift back to slumberland when someone knocked.

“Yeah?” I croakily called out still not moving from my position.

“Morning, love! Sorry to be a bugger, but you have a delivery—a few of them, actually.”

A delivery? I didn’t order anything from online lately.

I dragged myself out of bed to check where it came from. There were three enormous lime-colored crystal vases with two dozen of my favorite oriental lilies in each vase. I took the card that was attached to the first and opened it. I want you. My face glowing and beaming, I took the second card. I miss you. The third one said I worship you.

I’m definitely charmed.