What if I was, so what? It didn’t change anything.

I’m a bit miffed that he started this whole thing between us—and immediately decided not to pursue any longer— and our friendship is hanging on a balance. And I can’t stop thinking about his kisses. He’s incorrigible.

Riding the confines of the elevator in utter silence, I can’t help flinch from the pain on the soles of my feet. Even if it was only a couple of blocks of walking, with three inch heels it’s murderous. I’d give anything to soak in a hot bath. I sighed loudly. He didn’t even both turning around or asked if I was alright.


Entering his apartment, he flipped a switch and the lights flickered surrounding the place with a soft glow. It looked too intimate for my liking. Maybe I should bail and just go home.

My hands are fidgety. My palms are sweaty. He better start talking before I collapse from a nervous breakdown.

I stood in the middle of the living room. Memories of the weekend I spent here with him flashed through my mind. Nostalgia can really dampen one’s emotions, I thought with wry amusement.

Blake went straight to the bar, poured brandy and gulped the entire contents in one go. Why was he stalling?

I stared at him, hands on my hips, glaring. “Talk”

“Why are acting this way, Sienna?” his passive tone rubbed me off irritatingly.

“How should I be acting Blake? With your little display of shenanigan tonight, why are you even surprised? You’re such an insensitive prick!”

Moving towards where I stood, his scowl deepened, “are you f**king serious? I’m the insensitive one? Were you not the one who brought your ex and danced with him while—while I sat there and watched his hands—all over you—groping and fondling your body. Right. In. Front. Of. Me. ”

I felt hot all over. His close proximity bothered and I was having trouble being coherent. “It took all ounce of my power not to smash his face in. I did that. FOR.YOU,” his face contorted with fury.

He even looks hot and sexy angry. Damn it, Sienna. Get your head out of the gutter!

“I didn’t realize you were watching the whole time,” I whispered slowly.

“Well, that’s where you’re wrong. I watched you like a hawk all night,” his face only inches away.

My heart’s about to jump out of my body, I swear.

Snaking my tongue to wet my lips, I gazed up with a questioning look, “why? You ended things—”

Raking his hand on his hair, “I did and I meant it last night—that’s why tonight was difficult. I was jealous and it obliterated me—seeing you with him—it seriously caught me off guard. I was raving mad, gutted and I wanted to return the favor of making you jealous—” cupping my cheek with his thumb, “I’m sorry for being such an arse. I want you—God, help me,” his voice wavering, “I want you like no other. Give me another chance?” his eyes sad and full of remorse.

Damn that cute accent of his. It melts me like a stupid moron.

“I’ll be busy in Marbella for the next couple of months looking over the project. Will this be, I hope enough time for you to consider me—us again?”

I was speechless. Think, mind. Think.

Biting my lip, “Blake—yeah, I think that’s enough time for us to weigh in if we really do want this.”

Beaming happily at me, I think I’ve lost all the fight I have in me. All the reasoning my mind can come up with. I want to live and feel alive.

“Thank you, you won’t regret this. I promise,” kissing my forehead…my cheek…

The moment he kissed me—I was done for. There was no way of going back. He’s in my blood and I’m fevered.

I want Blake.

He drives me with this tug of constant need. Everything about him—it just drives me in a frenzied state.

“Blake—just f**king kiss me already—”

The instant our lips touched, I was lost. Deeping the kiss, I let out a loud moan. He playfully bit my bottom lip, I nipped him back. Devouring my lips again, I ran my hand on his luxurious hair and I trailed the other to squeeze his erection. I want him. All of him.

He growled, tore himself off my swollen lips, picked and threw me over his shoulder. I screamed and laughed loudly, “put me down you brute!”

He discharged me and my body landed roughly on the bed. My eyes expanded as he crawled predatorily on me. His eyes—savage. Kissing my legs, my thighs, my heaving chest, my neck and locked his lips again. His kiss was punishing and I exalted from it. I want him just as much.

This consuming, driving need to just be with him—is distracting.

“You’re going to be punished for what you did tonight my love,” his voice hoarse, loaded with promise—his passion. I think I just came in my thong.

My body tingled. “I’d love for you to do it rough—” he moaned my name as he bit my neck, hard. I gasped from the pain and ecstasy it brought, my pu**y quivered with anticipation. Panting as his hand trailed smoothly on my leg, teasing the inside of my thighs. “Ask and you shall receive”

Hands on my waist, he swiftly yanked me to the edge of the bed, demanding. “Turn around. Let me take off your dress. Leave your shoes on.” He sat on the edge of the bed, scrutinizing my every move.

Anything, just don’t stop. My mind is clearly fogged, my lecherous body enslaved.

Shrugging off the dress and let it drop on the floor. Stepping aside, I stood before him with underwear and shoes on. His eyes hooded as it gradually took my naked body, caressing it with those beautiful eyes of his, “Come here,” his voice gruff, fervid.

I sauntered to the man and halted in between his legs. He fixated his attention immediately on my br**sts, cupping my heavy tits as he savored them. He bit, squeezed and pinched.

My head fell back from, moaning. Illicit pleasure coursed through my body.

Leaving soft kisses as he trailed towards to my navel and south as I arched my back reveling on the high he’s giving me, wanting more. Pulling my flimsy underwear off and cast it aside. He widely parted my legs, “your cunt is dripping beautifully my love. You want me that bad?” Licking the moisture with a swipe of his tongue, my body shook as I held on to his shoulder. “Tell me—how badly do you want it?” Blake’s directive tone made me stare at him agape. He staring at me, waiting.

I groaned with frustration, “I want you—I’ve always wanted you—” my confession rewarded me with his sinful smile.