Ugh. I can’t do this.

This is beyond pathetic.

“Take me to the dance floor lover,” offering my hand to him.

“Thought you’d never ask”

Chad’s a blast on the floor and before I knew it Luce, Toby and Sam joined the commotion. Chad grabbed another man’s attention, so he was dancing somewhere amidst the throng of people. Luce and Toby were dancing and laughing at each other. So, that left me with Sam, who was giving me a kind smile. As we danced next to each other, he leaned and asked, “where’s the boyfriend?”

I laughed, “No, no he wasn’t my boyfriend, an ex more like it”

Smiling, “So, what do you do Sienna? Apart from breaking hearts, that is?”

Ha! If he only knew….

“Well, I’m still in uni—but for the most part—my time is dedicated to breaking hearts here and there—lighting up drama whenever I can,” laughing and fluffing him up with his own joke. He’s easy to converse. He’s not handsome, but his kind eyes and demeanor made him likable.

“Come on, love—let’s get something to drink! I’m parched!” announced Lucy as she actively fanned herself with her hand.


The scene at the booth didn’t pretty much change. Woman still on his the lap, but she’s opening caressing his neck and his chest from his unbuttoned midnight blue dress shirt that matched his eyes.

They can go f**k themselves. I could careless.

Ignoring them, Sam poured us both champagne and gladly took a huge gulp.

Arching her brow with curiosity, “What were you two discussing about earlier? I’ve never heard Sienna laugh like that,” Lucy leaned on the table as she eyed us with amusement.

“We were discussing her full-time job as a heartbreaker!”

“Yup! He was telling me how his heart was broken when I turned him down. He wanted a quick shag in the bathroom, apparently,” I even tsk tsk loving this whole light-hearted banter. “Such a naughty boy you are, Sam!”

Everyone laughed, even Luce almost choked on her champagne. Chad appeared out of nowhere, dripping with sweat and a huge smile like he just won the lottery. “OMG! Did you see how hot that guy was? I almost died and gone to heaven,” he sat next to me and grabbed my champagne glass and emptied the contents.

“Excited much?” peering at him, he had a sheen of perspiration on his forehead. His face lit up like Christmas.

“I am. Oh by the way, I meant to tell you, we’re shooting on Thursday. So, you better make sure you bring your sexy f**king kitten look. You and Troy are going to be Hot! Hot! Hot!” his excitement bouncing off him.

“Wait, what? You model for him?” Sam looking interested and intrigued, “yeah, he’s a photographer—he’s awesome!—but he sort of needs me to do a few stills for his coming show which is in— what? Seven weeks?” glancing back at Chad who was busying himself with another glass of champagne.

“Definitely—and Sam you’re invited” winking at him.

“Wouldn’t miss it—I want to see the ‘sexy f**king kitten’ look out of curiosity”

I cringed. I’ve never modeled before, let alone have it shone in front of everyone and have it dissected. It’s mystifying—but I already promised Chad. I can’t let him down.

“Oh! Don’t mind him. I’m sure it’s going to be nice and appropriate!”

“Honey— It’s going to be far from nice and appropriate! I could see it now!” closing his eyes as he pictured in his mind, “You’re going to be sexual and will have that “fuck me” look. And Troy will be doing the same, touching you sensually. It’s going to be a feast in the eyes. Carnal and raw.”

Christ. I need a drink. “That Troy better bring it or I’m packing my bags”

“Trust me—he’s hot! Though not as hot as you are, Blake!”

Blake smiled at that comment and studied me for awhile—while the woman caressed him as she whispered sweet nothings to his ear.

I smirked at his comment. Yeah, keep massaging his ego, it’s already massive.

My eyes flickered to the person on him. That stupid woman was seriously lapping it up. She’s kissing his neck and toying with his hair.

I looked away in disgust and anger.

This is stupid I don’t have the right to be angry.

I honestly don’t.


Luce and Toby wanted to go home, so we all decided it was best to leave together. It was two in the morning and I’m ready to go home and rest.

“Want to split cabs? I’ll have you dropped off first?” Chad asked.

“She’s coming with me. There’s something we have to discuss,” I looked at Blake agape. What was he talking about? No, we didn’t.

“Oh, boo you!” Chad pouted, “you lovers enjoy the night then,” smiling, showing off his perfect white teeth.

I rolled my eyes, seriously, Chad?

Everyone shuffled to leave and had quick goodbyes. I looked around hoping to see his ‘friend’ but she was nowhere to be found.

“She’s not here”

Of course, she isn’t. He probably just dropped her like a hot potato the moment he realized we were all leaving.


“What do we have to talk about? I thought you were perfectly clear yesterday. There’s no need to rehash it,” I screeched, angry at his ever-changing attitude.

Is he bipolar? No, he isn’t.

He just likes brain-fucking. He’s a pro at that.

“My flat is only a couple of blocks away. Walking it off would be a good idea, unless you don’t agree otherwise?” peeking at me, hands in his pocket, his tone more serious.

“Walking is fine, I don’t want to be confined next to you in a cab,” I didn’t mean to be snappy, but it’s irritating that he can just bulldoze his way around. He didn’t even have the decency to ask if I wanted to go with him. He just assumed that I would just go. Well, I was curious and I would’ve gone anyway, but all he had to do was ask.

We didn’t speak to each other. I would’ve bit his head off with more snarky comments if he tried. He stopped outside his building and held the door for me. The man behind the desk looked up, “how do you do, Mr. Knightly?”

“Hello, Scott. This is Ms. Sienna Richards, one of my best friends.”

I greeted Scott as we headed for the elevator. We’ve both been silent and haven’t spoken since we left the club. Well, he’s not really my favorite person at the moment. I’m still angry and a little disconcerted by his coveting display with the beeotch earlier. Are you sure you aren’t just jealous?