“Mrs. Matthews is here!”

I gasp. What! Kyle’s mother?

What in the world is she doing here? Shit! Did something happen to Kyle?

“Is Kyle okay? Did she mention what she wanted?” I asked drastically. All these scenarios popping around in my head. “I don’t know. She never said. She’s been waiting for twenty minutes. You should go and ask her yourself. Whatever it is she came here for—be strong.” Luce gave me a hug and squeezed me tightly.

“Right, I should go then. Thanks for the warning,” gently squeezed her hand for the last time as I strode to the living to find Marie.

My hands were clammy and I rubbed it on my jeans as I entered the living room.

She was gracefully sitting on the couch, drinking tea as she watched the news on the television. I was relieved that Luce took care of her and made her feel comfortable.


“Sienna, dear, how are you? It’s so good to see you again. I was a little miffed that you didn’t come to see me when you went back home. I’ve missed you”

Oh, my. That just made me teary and wobbly.

I wanted to see her, but the thought of Kyle stopped me. I didn’t know how he would’ve felt if I went behind his back and visited his own mother.

“I’m sorry. I meant to see you, but circumstances made it difficult for me. I’ve missed you too.”

She came right in front of me and gave me a loving hug, “I hope you’re doing okay, Sienna?” she eyed me with concern.

“I’m fine, is everything okay? You’re visiting London?” cautiously asking her.

I needed to know the purpose of her visit.

She started to sit down and I sat across her on the other couch. I needed as much distance because it just had to be that way from now on. As much as I like Marie, she’s still Kyle’s mother and she will look out for her son, first and foremost.

“Sienna let me explain about my visit, and I hope that you would let me finish before you voice out your thoughts. Is that okay with you, dear?”

I nodded and said yes, eager for her to get on.

“I know it’s been extremely tough for you both— since you moved here. I’ve seen his despair when you left. It’s been tearing my heart to see my son go through something like that—but he somewhat survived that hurdle and started to live life again. But the moment he saw you back home, he’s been spiraling out of control— and I need to intervene before things really get out of hand— and he ends up dead somewhere.” I gasped.

Kyle? Why do you do this to yourself?

“Few days ago, I caught him passed out in the bathroom and lines of cocaine next to him. I was hysterical with worry and so I called Chris, panicking—we discussed what we should do to help our child cope with his problems. We sat Kyle down the next day after he recovered from his binging,” she gently wiped a tear that escaped her teary eyes, “We asked him what’s been going through his head and how negligent he’s been with his actions. He didn’t talk much—as expected— but laid out essential facts and how he feels like he’s dying inside. I just wished he spoke to me about it. He chose to bottle it all in.

“Instead of putting him in rehab like most people do, Chris and I agreed that it would be best to send him here. To be around you again—you gave him perspective, dear. But most of all—he listens to you. He’ll be assigned to scout and supervise the UK branch and at the same time, he can try to see you and make amends. Even if you two don’t get back together, but be there as friends. You darlings were inseparable, and it’s painful to see a long standing friendship come apart.

“Sienna, I know this is asking a lot of you, but I’m asking you a favor, for the first time, to please help my son get better again. I’m not sure if this will help, but I feel that this all started with you. I have no doubt in my heart that you can help him get better— if he saw you again. He always listened to you. He loves you.”

I’m speechless, Kyle coming and living here? Helping him get better?

That’s a big responsibility! How the heck will I handle that? I’m freaked out! So much for cleaning out my closet with emotional baggage!

This is going to drive me mental.

“Marie—how do I even begin? That was a lot to take in. Has Kyle agreed to this? Does he know? When is he coming, anyway?”

“He does and he’s arriving tomorrow afternoon,” she said calmly.

I stared at her in shock, her statement sinking in.

Holy f**k! Kyle will be here tomorrow? What the hell am I going to do? What about Blake? He’ll go ballistic or he’ll be understanding, who knows?

This is all so frustrating. Marie is precious and all she’s ever been is kind to me ever since I moved in with the Brown’s.

I can’t let her down without even putting an effort.

“Alright, I can try. I’m not making promises, but I’ll try”

“Oh! Sienna! Thank you! This means so much to Chris and me. Thank you! Kyle will be so happy!”

I don’t know about making Kyle happy, but I’ll be a friend. He certainly needs redirecting his goals. Deep down, I know I can’t see someone so dear to me spiral out of control. It’s Kyle and he needs me, his best friend, not the lover. And I will be there for him.

Marie stood up and took something out of her purse.

She sat next to me and handed me a key.

“Here is apartment key. He’ll be staying in the company house in Hampstead. Here’s the address and here’s my phone number, just in case you need to call me. Never hesitate to call me, dear. I’m here for you too. I’m just helping Kyle settle in the apartment and I will be leaving Sunday morning. I was hoping if we could all grab lunch or dinner Saturday? Will that be okay?”

“Yeah, that’s fine, Marie”

“Thank you again, Sienna. I’ll see you in couple of days. Have a goodnight, dear,” I nodded as she stood up to leave.

I guided her back to the door in a daze.

After she left, I scurried back to my room. My palm holding Kyle’s apartment key and a business card with Marie’s information and the address of the apartment, I looked down and stared at it. Blankly.

Someone knocked and I looked up as the door slightly opened ajar.

“Can I come in?”

“Luce! Kyle is going to live here for awhile—in London. They sent him here. They think I can help him get better” my voice small, but obviously freaked out.