“Anytime, Knightly,” winking at him as I retreated back to nursing my coffee.

“Going somewhere?”

“Yeah, I’m meeting Chad for lunch in my flat in an hour and we’ll hit the studio later in the afternoon, perhaps”

He turned and walked over to the coffee pot. Stirring his contents with two teaspoons of sugar before retreating to his former post, leaning against the kitchen sink, “sounds like fun! Will you be back here tonight?”

“Do you want me to? I’m sure you’re busy with work already, Blake. I don’t want to impose any longer.”

He left the sink and came over to where I sat, swerved my chair, so I sat there facing him. “Listen, you’re not imposing. I invited you to stay here. I would love for you to stay with me tonight before Monday comes. We’ll be busy, but always count on me that I will make time for you.” Swoon.

“I love spending time with you too,” I said shyly. I’m still not used to being with Blake like this. It catches me by surprise, every time.

“What time do you plan to leave? I’ll take you”

“Are you sure? Aren’t you busy with the Marbella project?”

“Yes—but I’m still taking you. End of Story”

“Alright, then in that case, save dinner for me. My turn to cook”

“Brilliant! Apart from your coffee making skills, I haven’t tried anything else,” I punched him lightly in the arm. “Hey! Don’t make fun of me! I’ll load your dish with cayenne pepper just to punish you for that!” grinning widely at him.

“Oh, really! My type of punishment will make you suffer with sweet torture. So, watch it, my sweet. Take what you can only handle”

“We’ll see”

He held my hand as we both got up and went to go get his keys, driving me back to meet Chad for lunch.


“Have some room for dessert, love?”

I looked at Chad astonished that he can even stuff himself more knowing how much Chinese takeaway we consumed together.“Go help yourself, I’m in a coma.”

“We’ll just do double time with dancing tonight. It’s okay, cheesecake?” Flagging a forkful of blueberry cheesecake in my mouth. I groaned in frustration and his persistent attitude, knowing full well I have weaknesses for sweets.

Heavens! That was delicious.

I got up and went to the kitchen to prepare some coffee. I sat across him in the living room, Chad almost halfway done with the cheesecake.

“Something’s bothering you—what is it, baby love?” he glanced at me with a perfectly arched ebony brow.

Feeling helpless and confused, I spilled everything about Blake. They’re friends by association. Chad knew I have the hots for Blake Knightly. So, my confession brought a shock to him.

He whistled after I finished with my tale.

He took a big gulp of coffee and squarely looked at me in the eye, “wow. That’s some story.” You don’t say buster.

I smirked.

“I’m usually pretty good at these things, but never once thought he saw you that way love, I mean apart from a few lingering glances here and there—wow, that man can certainly put a mask on! But God! I can’t believe you didn’t just shag him! How can you even not think of going all the way, love? I would’ve yelled on top of my lungs and told him to pummel me anyway you want me, baby!” Chad looked all hot and bothered all of sudden. I’m sure his thoughts involved a sweaty, smoldering, hot body of Blake. I had no doubt in my mind Chad would do exactly that.

We both got the hots for Blake Knightly.

I laughed loudly.

Smiling, “I was sort of ready to do it all the way, but he resisted—and I admired him for that. It’s difficult enough that I just barely got out of a relationship and jump in another—partially blindfolded, Chad. Don’t get me wrong—I like Blake—more than I should at the moment—and when he’s around, he’s all I think about. But I’m not emotionally ready. I’m drained and I can’t just put myself in that situation—not right now, maybe in a few months.

Blake’s an intense person. He will consume me and I’m not ready for that kind of emotional rollercoaster. Not yet.”

“Even if he’s a deliciously sinful specimen, I get where you’re coming from. Maybe you can still have fun with him without getting too attached? Or you can just enjoy being single and see what’s out there—God knows you haven’t yet experienced London single! Maybe it’s time you should, love! I’ll be with you all the way! This is so exciting,” he looked wistful like he was imagining all sorts of scenarios in his head.

Blinking a few times, I leaned back on the couch and exhaled a sigh. Chad had a point. Jumping from one relationship to another is not good, everyone knows that. I still have baggage to sort through with Kyle. I can’t think about him without feeling a heavy knot in my chest. Everything’s so complicated.

“You’re right. Maybe being single’s the answer to all this.”

“That you do—speaking of fun, I have a different motive to coming here. I need a model for my theme with the art show I have in eleven weeks and I want you to pose for me….with another male model—who I don’t know at the moment—”


“Yes, pose! Model for me! For my grunge sensual theme—”

“I’m not model material, Chad!”

“I beg to differ—have you seen your body, Sienna? C-cup br**sts, small waist and that ass! But most of all—you are gorgeous! You look sensual! You fit for my theme! And I don’t see anyone else that would be just as fitting, baby love—do this for me and I’ll be forever in you debt…. Will do you do it, love?” he was on his knees with a huge pout and huge dark eyes, pleading. Chad with his flair for the dramatics doesn’t exactly hold back when he’s desperate.

This means I’m the only person he had in mind. Sigh, things we for the people we love.

“Ah! How you tug my heart—you just have to go looking all sad! Fine! I’ll do it! And you can bet your skinny ass that you’ll be indebted to me for awhile! When does it start?”

“I have to speak to a few guys tomorrow—I’ll let you know by Tuesday. Shooting will be around a week or two. The images I want—are risqué and you’ll be technically nude with undies—just to warn you,” he looked delirious and sheepish, happy that his project was well on its way.