We had left the pub at closing, but we both didn’t want the night to end. It was too perfect and we wanted it to last a little longer.

“Want a tour of the fire station?” Rylan asked. I immediately agreed. “Carter is there, but he’s probably sleeping.”

I didn’t care who was there. I just wanted to spend some more time with my mate.

“What do you think?” he asks as he opens his arms and spins around with his firefighter jacket hanging off him.

I tilt my head and huff out a breath. “I don’t know,” I say. “It would look much better without a shirt on underneath.” The beer and arousal are fueling every word.

He grins and then takes off the jacket. “What my mate wants, my mate gets.”

The hair on the back of my neck raises straight up as he grabs the bottom of his shirt and peels it off his large frame. My mouth drops and every nerve ending in my body starts tingling as he smiles at me—shirtless, grinning, hair a wild mess.

He’s my mate, I tell myself. Take your time.

I swallow hard as I drag my eyes down his wide chest to his hard sculpted abs. His arms look permanently flexed with all of the deep ridges that I’m just dying to run my hands over.

It must be over a minute, but I still think it’s too early when he puts his jacket back on. “Is that better?” he asks with a grin.

He lifts his arms and the jacket opens, revealing his sexy stomach. It’s like my own personal calendar. Fuck, the other eleven months, I only need this one.

“I’m not sure,” I say as I rub my chin and look at him. “I think I like it better without the jacket.”

He takes it off and tosses it to the side. “Whatever you want, my dear.”

His big hand wraps around mine and he continues the tour, showing me all around like I’m interested in anything besides his hot shirtless torso.

One of the firemen I recognize from the hospital comes in, rubbing his eyes and looking half asleep. Rylan puts his shirt back on and introduces him as Carter.

“I thought doctors were supposed to be smart,” he says to me.

I look at him funny.

“You picked this guy as your mate,” he says with a chuckle. “Can’t be that smart.”

I grin at him and then at Rylan. “I didn’t really have a say in the matter now, did I?”

Carter laughs. “None of us do, Doc. But fate knows better than us. It always works out better than we could ever imagine.”

Rylan doesn’t seem to like sharing me because his possessive arm is back around my shoulders, guiding me out of the room.

“Let’s have another drink on the roof,” he says as he grabs a bottle of wine from the tiny kitchen.

I’m glad I have the next two days off. Rylan is off too. His boss gave him a couple of days to heal.

He hands me two wine glasses to carry and I follow him up the stairs, staring at his ass the entire way.

“These stars are incredible,” I say as we sit on the comfy patio furniture up there, a large outdoor sofa set.

“I ordered them just for you,” he says with a smile as he opens the wine. He pours me a glass and then one for himself.

“Cheers,” he says as he taps my glass with his. “To fate.”

I can’t help but smile as I look into his sexy eyes.

This is a fun date, but I’m still having doubts that this could possibly be true. I mean, mates? With this hot guy? Come on… I feel like Ashton Kutcher is going to jump out any second and yell Punk’d at me.

Rylan brought a big flannel blanket up and he drapes it over us as I sink in a little closer to his warm body. His arm falls back over my shoulder and he pulls me even closer to him. I don’t fight it. It feels too good.

We’re not even halfway through our glasses of wine when we start kissing again. This time, it’s not a rush. There are no people around to start staring at us if we go on for too long. It’s just the two of us up here. The whole town seems to be asleep.

Rylan and I break apart to put our wine glasses down—we both know we’re going to need all of our hands for where this is leading too—and then come right back together. I lean over him as our mouths connect in a fiery kiss. My loose hair is tumbling down onto his face as our lips smack and our tongues glide against one another. He tucks the blonde strands behind my ear and then slides his hand down my body—over my shoulder, along my ribs, and then up to my breast, cupping it with a firm grip.

I moan into his mouth as I feel his strength. My nipples are already so hard. They’re aching.

They’re not the only thing that’s hard. I can feel his towering erection digging into my thigh. It’s not like me to press into it, but there’s a new Mila in town and she can’t get enough of this man.

He groans as I climb on top of his lap, straddling him with my big thighs. Both of his hands are on my breasts now, squeezing them, massaging them, kneading them until my heart is pounding. I’m filled with butterflies and heat.

The heat is quickly taking over.

It builds as we fool around until I’m hornier than I am shy. My hips are rolling against him, pressing my spread pussy against his hard dick. The need to bring this to the next level takes over and I peel off my shirt and drop it beside us. Rylan is immediately on the clasp of my bra, fumbling with it until it snaps free.

I’m tingling all over as he peels the lacy fabric away, revealing breasts that no one has seen since before I hit puberty.

“Fucking hell,” he whispers to himself as he stares at them with heated blue eyes. The look on his face is pure lust and it makes me so wet to be the cause of it.

He cups my breasts with his big palms and then takes one nipple into his mouth at a time, sucking, licking, and nibbling on them as I gasp with desire and pull him closer for more.

“You are the most beautiful thing ever created,” he says as his hands slide down my ribs. He’s staring at my naked breasts as they heave up and down with every heavy breath. My pussy clenches when I feel his fingertips sink into the waistband of my jeans.

I’ve never been this wet before. I’ve never been this turned on.

He’s flipped a switch inside me. I’d do anything he asked right now. Anything.

My clumsy fingers start pulling at his shirt and he leans forward to help me out. I practically yank it off his head and then drag my fingertips down his hard torso, marveling at the beauty of it.

He grins as I lean down and lick his perfect nipple. One then the other as I grind my pussy against his cock.

“Lie down,” he says as he grabs my hips and lifts me off him. “This is going to feel much better with nothing between us.”

I let myself fall onto the cold cushions and swallow hard when I catch a glimpse of the bright stars in the night sky. Rylan positions himself between my legs and then gets to work on my belt, unbuckling it quickly and then working on the button and zipper of my jeans.

Before I have the chance to take a breath, my jeans are sliding down my legs.

It’s all happening so fast. But it’s not happening fast enough.

I want him inside me this minute. This second. I can’t bear it. I need him.

He tosses my jeans behind him and then his big hands are on my soft inner thighs, spreading them apart as my pussy aches with need.

My underwear must be a wet mess. It must be soaked through.

Rylan doesn’t seem to mind. He lowers his head and kisses my mound, sending sparks of electricity shooting through me. That was with my underwear still on. I can’t imagine what it’s going to feel like when it’s his lips on mine.

I look down and start breathing quicker when I see his head down there, so close to my sex. My legs are in the air and his muscular back is flexed as he peels my underwear to the side and smells me.

“Goddamn,” he moans as he breathes in my scent. “I need a taste of my mate’s honey.”

His hot tongue touches my pussy and I nearly ask him to marry me right then and there. It’s like nothing I’ve

ever felt before. It’s incredible.

He gives me long slow licks and then speeds it up. “Oh,” I moan when he starts sucking on my clit. I grab a hold of his hair and hold his heavenly lips in place while I rock my hips against his mouth. “Yes!” I cry out. “Fuck, yes!”

He keeps playing with my throbbing clit, teasing and taunting me, as I try to control my breathing. When he slips two fingers inside me, forget it. I’m done.

I’m going to cum. It’s thundering forward so fast. There’s no way I can stop it.

I squeeze his hair—nearly ripping it out by the roots—as the orgasm slams into me and I let go.

If the whole town was sleeping before, they’re not anymore. I just gave them all a wake-up call with how loud I screamed.

My legs are shaking as Rylan sits up and looks at me with a possessive gleam in his eye.

“Your pussy is divine,” he says before he wipes his hand over his beard that’s all wet from my juices. “I want to do that every single day.”

I just nod my head up and down. I’m not about to argue with that. I just had an intense orgasm—it’s still swirling through me—but I won’t say no to another. I’m craving even more.

He stands up off the sofa and reaches for his belt.

“Want to see how hard you make your mate?” he asks in a low growl as he threads the leather through the big buckle.

I can’t take my unblinking eyes off the thick rod pressing against the inside of his pants as he unzips. His hands suddenly stop and I let out a whine.

“I can’t hear you,” he growls. “Do you want to see how hard your wet little pussy makes my cock?”

“Yes.” I don’t even recognize my voice. It’s full of hunger. It’s ravenous for sex. Desperate for his cock.

“That’s better,” he says with a grin as he pulls his pants and underwear down. I’m staring at his big throbbing cock as he steps out of his jeans and comes forward.

Holy shit. It’s enormous. A thick beautiful shaft that towers up to his hard abs. His big masculine balls which are full of hot cum that’s ready to unload inside me are hanging below and swaying with every step.

My mouth falls open but nothing comes out as I watch him grip his solid veined shaft and start stroking. Pre-cum spills out of the tiny slit at the top and then pours down his head and over his hand with every stroke.