He drops his head back and moans as I open my mouth wide and take the tip of his head inside. I push him in deeper and am shocked at how much his thickness stretches me.

I’m unsure of what to do, but every movement of my tongue and slide of my hand has him groaning harder and deeper, so I must be doing pretty well.

I start moving my head up and down faster, feeling him stretch out my mouth as his girth burns the back of my throat. I grip the thick root of his cock with my hand as I coat him with my saliva, loving the taste of him. My bun comes undone and my hair spills out everywhere.

“Fuck, you know how to suck your mate’s cock,” he growls as he pulls my loose hair to the side so he can see my lips wrapped around him.

I pull his cock out with a gasp and then start stroking his hard shaft up and down until my hand burns. My tongue is busy scooping up every drop of pre-cum leaking out, not wanting to lose any of it.

“Your mouth feels so good,” he groans. “I’ve been waiting for these sexy lips to wrap around my cock before you were even born. That’s how long I’ve been waiting in torture.”

His grip on my hair tightens when I take him back in my mouth.

“Just like that, peaches. Don’t take me out yet. I’m going to fill your greedy throat with my hot cum. Is that what your slutty little mouth wants?”

“Yes,” I moan with his cock pressed hard against my tongue. I take him in as far as he’ll go, making my eyes water and my throat burn.

“Oh yes,” he grunts, his breaths coming out fast and harsh. “Just like that. Yes!”

His swollen balls clench and his thick shaft throbs right before he cums deep into my mouth. I moan and cum too as I feel one hot pulsing stream of cum hit the back of my throat after another.

He jerks back violently and lets out a primal roar, sending the boat jerking to the side. I scream as it tips over and we plunge into the water.

The orgasm surging through me comes to an abrupt halt as I’m thrown under the cool lake. I kick my feet and swim back up, laughing as I look around for Ethan.

His head pops up and there’s pure panic on his face as he looks around for me. When he sees that I’m safe and laughing my ass off, he starts laughing too.

The boat is tipped over and we’re still giggling as we grab it and pull it back to shore.

God, this day…

Besides being nearly set on fire, it’s been the most perfect day ever.

Chapter Eight


Chloe says something to me but I can’t hear over the vicious snarling in my ears.

Claim her! CLAIM her!

My bear is out of control as he makes another wild and reckless dash to get out. Fucking stop it! I scream at him as I fight back his savage assault. He slips right to the surface and fights to claw his way out, hacking and shredding with all of his might to pull me back in so he can claim what’s ours.

He was calm all dinner, but he’s done giving me time to do it my way. The impatient fucker wants to do it his way, which I guess means marking her himself. I’ll throw us both off a cliff before I let that fucking happen.

Get. The. Fuck. Back. Down! I scream at the nasty fuck.

He snaps in my ear and growls as he fights me some more.

It was going so well. I had made my specialty—honey garlic jumbo shrimps with steamed vegetables—and Chloe and I were falling in love over the nice music, the sweet wine, and the delicious food.

My grizzly’s pissed that I didn’t clear the table with my arm, throw her down on it, and fuck her brains out, and he’s making it known.

I was in the kitchen, trying to do the dishes while Chloe cleared the table when he started in on me. I don’t want her to see me like this. I’m trying to get him under control, but I’m struggling. He’s never been like this before. It feels like his feral and primal strength has increased threefold since our mate walked into our lives.

Mark her! He hisses at me as he makes another charge. This time he nearly slips through, and I just manage to catch him in time, flexing my muscles so tight they’re on the verge of ripping as I grit my teeth and push him back down with everything I have. We’re in mid-phase. I feel the searing of my muscles growing, the tearing of skin along my spine, the dull throbbing ache as my canines extend.

I’m breathing heavily and letting out grunts as I fight him. The force slams me into the cupboards and I drop the plate in my hand. It shatters on the floor, but I don’t hear anything over the brutal roaring in my ears.

He sulks back down for a second, and I try to catch my breath, knowing that this is far from over.

“Are you okay?” It’s Chloe’s voice, but it seems far away. “Ethan?” Through the fog in my head it sounds like I’m underwater as she calls to me.

She looks shocked—almost frightened—as she comes into the kitchen and sees me.

And I don’t blame her. I must look like a monster.

The slick guy from dinner with the nice clothes and soft words is gone.

I’m leaning against the broken cupboard door, breathing like the devil’s in me, and covered in sweat. My shirt is shredded from where my bear almost got out as he stretched my muscles twice their size. My hair is a mess over my wild feral eyes and I’m not sure if my teeth have gone back in by the way her eyes flash with panic when she looks at my mouth.

You stupid fuck…

I’m not sure if I’m talking to myself or to my bear. My bear for being so goddamn stubborn and ruining it all, or myself for thinking this would ever work. What made you think that Chloe would ever want to be with a monster like you?

My shoulders hunch over in shame and I turn away from the goddess standing in front of me. I don’t deserve to look at her.

“I need a minute,” I grunt as I head for the sliding doors. The broken plate cracks under my feet as I hurry outside where I can get some cover from the dark night sky.

I don’t want her to see me like this. I liked how she was looking at me over dinner, with soft eyes full of interest and excitement. The look in her sweet blue eyes now… fuck, I ruined everything.

My bear snarls and starts pacing once again now that there’s a wall between us and our mate. He doesn’t like that I’m not with her. That possessive motherfucker doesn’t know or doesn’t care that he just ruined everything. He wants me to claim her over the broken plate on the kitchen floor.

Look what you did! She’ll never look at us the same way again!

He growls back at me, not caring what I have to say. He’s got a one-track mind and all that’s on it is claim, claim, claim in an endless fucking loop.

My hands squeeze into fists and I throw my head back as he starts fighting me again. “Stop. It,” I hiss through gritted teeth as he slashes his way up, wrenching and tearing his way out.

I hope she’s not seeing this.

My body is violently jerking around as I struggle to keep the barbaric beast contained. He’s insane. I fucking hate him for ruining this for me. For us.

I’m so pissed that if I could get him out of me and wrap my hands around his thick stubborn neck, I would. Then, I wouldn’t let go until his head was removed from his body and mounted over my fireplace.

My shoulders burn as they grow twice their size. Long fur sprouts out until I squeeze him back in and the long brown hairs retract back into my skin. “Arrghh,” I grunt as my eyes water and my teeth nearly shatter from my jaw clenching so hard. I grab two handfuls of my hair and squeeze as he fights me, snarling and gnashing his teeth as we lock horns like a couple of alphas in battle.

I crash into the railing on the balcony and that’s when I see her.

Chloe is outside, watching me in front of the open door. Her hands are rubbing together nervously as she watches the horrific scene in front of her.

My bear sees the worried look in her eyes and I guess he has a shred of decency left, because he sulks back down with a grunt and lets me handle it. Thanks, you asshole. Like I can ever talk my way out of this.


She looks at me for a long moment as I try to catch my breath.

“What’s wrong?” she finally asks in a tiny voice.

My heart sinks as I look at her, knowing my grizzly bear might have ruined everything. We could have had love. We could have had so much more.

She’ll want to leave now, but I won’t let her. There’s no way I’m letting my mate out of my sight. But it’s going to be different now. Instead of wanting to be here, I’ll be forcing her to stay and that’s no good when it comes to making a life together.

It’s too hard to even think about and I have to look away or my heart will literally break.

Chloe hurries over to me and touches my arm. I can feel the nervous tremors in her hand and it just makes everything worse. I should be her protector. The one who takes away her fear, not gives it to her.

“You can tell me,” she says in a soft voice that settles the rage in my grizzly. Now he’s calm. Now he’s a teddy bear. Well, it’s too fucking late, I tell him.

She touches my cheek and my eyes start to water. “You can tell me anything,” she whispers.

I swallow hard as I look into those stunning blue eyes that have already changed my life. “It’s my bear… He wants you.”

She doesn’t turn away or run, and I love her more now than I ever have before.

“He’s been waiting so long and he doesn’t want to wait any longer.”

Her tiny hand slides down my arm all the way to my hand. She entwines her fingers with mine and I look down at the difference. Her hand is so small and delicate, mine is enormous and pure power.

“What about you?” she asks.

My eyes dart back up to hers.

“Do you want me too?”

“More than you’ll ever know,” I say as my heart swells in my thundering chest. “I’ve never wanted anything more. You’re breath in my lungs, Chloe. You’re everything to me.”

I take a deep breath as she watches me.

“I’ve been waiting too,” I continue. “Thirty-six long years and every second of it has been torture without you. I’m just so happy you’re here and now my bear has gone all primal and ruined it.”